Female Porn


Community Member
Well, I have a pretty good idea what pornography is for the male human species, but what is pornographic to a female? Please don't chop my words. You know what I am asking. I'll try to give an example. Is Grey's Anatomy a gray area or an example to be considered? Some people are like is this guy for real? Uh, yea, I'm INFJ remember?

I ask this because women are so different, fascinating and frustrating :) In both cases for either gender they seem an escape into fantasy. I can only imagine with the developed Ni of a female INFJ how consumed in a novel she would be? Lord, not trying to be weird, but guess unavoidable.

...what is pornographic to a female?

Probably porn.


Be it a generalisation (knowing generalisations are always deficient), but men are more visual/physical in their eroticism; and women are more meaningful/emotional in their eroticism.

In the realm of fantasy, which is a type of fiction:
Men have porn fiction, women have romantic fiction.
Pornography is explicit depiction of sexuality composed with the intention to sexually excite the consumer, regardless of whether the consumer is male or female.

I've heard a rumour that many women regularly watch pornographic film recordings of real sexual acts.
I mean I obviously can't speak for all women, but I really like the numerous YT vids of various playboys from the UAE doing things like posing in their fancy cars, playing with their pet tigers and modeling expensive clothing. They have intense eyes, awesome eyebrows and are usually fully dressed (in all designer duds), or only shirtless, or at their most risque, in swim trunks on their yacht. It's kind of on the level probably of a sports illustrated calendar as far as it being porn, though it's surely meant to be sexy.
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If you really want to know, sign up on a porn site that has women members and see what they look at.
Wow. I'm enlightened. Yea, I knew that women did, but not even Oprah the Great.
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Typically for me, and I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I find porn to be porn.
Many women enjoy porn but the problem is that it is often misogynistic and portrays a very unrealistic view of what women enjoy. The women in most porn videos are just there acting in ways to get the man off. They are portrayed as being turned on and excited in situations where there is no way the female anatomy is getting anywhere near orgasm. It's all a big act for men. In my opinion, it is doing a big disservice not only to women who want an exciting sex life, but also to men (especially young and inexperienced men) who get some wrong ideas from pornography. Some young women are also getting the idea that they're just supposed to act like that for the men in their lives instead of actually working towards mutually enjoyable sex.

There is some pornography that is produced specifically for women:



Personally, I can get turned on by watching regular porn, but I find a lot of it demeaning and leaves me feeling bad about male/female relations. Porn where there is sensuality and passion is much more fun to watch and only makes me feel dirty in a good way.
I've yet to see the INFJ female perspective on reading a steamy romance novel? I know too risqué.
I've yet to see the INFJ female perspective on reading a steamy romance novel? I know too risqué.
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I read them when I was 16 and then grew out of them because they seemed very silly and frivolous to me.
Women enjoy porn just as much as men regardless of sexual orientation and such.
Now getting us to admit that is the tough part.
But I also believe that porn is directed towards young men, so finding the right kind that women enjoy is equally as difficult as getting them to admit they watch it. :p
I've yet to see the INFJ female perspective on reading a steamy romance novel? I know too risqué.
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As with the acting in regular porn, I usually find the writing in these to be distractedingly clumsy. To get at the point [MENTION=9809]La Sagna[/MENTION] I find, I can't stand regular porn. It's why I would much rather see stuff that leans to male homoerotic (though nothing hardcore or even explicit), or just male model types posing and looking hot. Call me vanilla, but I always look forward to the Firefighters of NY annual calendar, for example.
I'm not a woman, but I am an avid reader of adult romance genre fiction. So I can't give my perspective as a woman, but I can give my perspective as a reader. I think that the idea that romance fiction is the female analogue to porn vids is erroneous.

Romance is a literary genre, like Crime or Gothic. Porn videos (taken as a whole) are not intertextual, there is no complex textuality in them, they are produced purely to excite. Once a porn vid has satisfied sexually, the viewer presses stop and puts it away - this is not the way that romance novels are consumed.

Romance novels can include explicit representations of sex acts, and they usually do. But then again, the amount of explicit depictions of sexuality that they include varies greatly. Some are all like "he put his XXXXX in her XXXXX and she XXXXX" while in others, sex is barely described, or not there at all. In a novel of 100,000 words, there is a lot more going on than just sex. Adult romance genre fictions are actually a specific development of a long generic literary tradition that began with medieval French courtly poetry. They're about society, wealth, class, occupations, beliefs, and many other things that are involved in negotiating adult relationship exchanges. From the perspective of this tradition, it happens that this development of the genre has evolved to include naturalistic depictions of sex, but this is not all that the genre is about. The things that define the genre are that the dramatic conflict is centered on an intimate relationship, and that there is almost always a happy ending - not that there is a certain amount of sex that is explicitly described.

I think that for most readers, the release provided by these fictions is emotional, not sexual. They want a time out from a busy life that asks much and provides little in the way of care, affection, or appreciation. A closer analogue to pornographic films would be erotic fiction.

I mention these things because I think that there are important problems involved in comparing pornographic films with adult romance genre fiction. Saying "romance books are porn films for women" implies that "porn films are romance novels for men" which is absolutely not the same thing at all, and which eclipses the problems that are not involved in the production of romance fiction, but are inherent to the production of pornographic films. Such as - is it ethical to purchase porn? How are condoms used in porn? What are the working conditions of porn performers, and what are the standards by which their pay is determined? What are the other activities of pornographic production studios? The comparison makes it seem like those problems aren't even there, it dismisses them, prevents them from being discussed properly.

La Sagna described very well some other problems with this.

The other thing is that some men read romance fiction too. They read for the plot and the characters. And why shouldn't they?

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There was a book that compiled female sex fantasies, let me look it up... "My Secret Garden"
I think that for most readers, the release provided by these fictions is emotional, not sexual. They want a time out from a busy life that asks much and provides little in the way of care, affection, or appreciation. A closer analogue to pornographic films would be erotic fiction.

My intention was not to stereotype, but to gain perspective. This quote above builds on what I said, "In both cases for either gender they seem an escape into fantasy." Invisible, thank you for your insight and feedback.

I don't think my other question was answered either, "I can only imagine with the developed Ni of a female INFJ how consumed in a novel she would be?" For me at times, when I read something or get caught in a 'trance' (not sure what to call it), meditate, pray, etc. I am inside my intuition or subconscious I suppose. My curiosity was towards the female because both hemispheres are working in the brain along with her being an INxx personality. That to me is intriguing and I guess beautifully created. Not everyone has that second nature ability in my opinion.
My intention was not to stereotype, but to gain perspective. This quote above builds on what I said, "In both cases for either gender they seem an escape into fantasy." Invisible, thank you for your insight and feedback.

I don't think my other question was answered either, "I can only imagine with the developed Ni of a female INFJ how consumed in a novel she would be?" For me at times, when I read something or get caught in a 'trance' (not sure what to call it), meditate, pray, etc. I am inside my intuition or subconscious I suppose. My curiosity was towards the female because both hemispheres are working in the brain along with her being an INxx personality. That to me is intriguing and I guess beautifully created. Not everyone has that second nature ability in my opinion.

I didn't think your intention was to stereotype, it just happens that I have spent quite a lot of time considering these things, and I tend to think that the general outcome of describing romance fiction as porn for women is to perpetuate cultural stereotypes, and to diminish recognition of the complexities of both pornography and of romance fiction. Of course, it seems that I have misinterpreted your questions.

I will tag @Gist in this thread as although she is on holidays at the moment, she is an INXX who consumes romance fiction.
Women enjoy porn just as much as men regardless of sexual orientation and such.
Now getting us to admit that is the tough part.
But I also believe that porn is directed towards young men, so finding the right kind that women enjoy is equally as difficult as getting them to admit they watch it. :p

Many women enjoy porn but the problem is that it is often misogynistic and portrays a very unrealistic view of what women enjoy. The women in most porn videos are just there acting in ways to get the man off. They are portrayed as being turned on and excited in situations where there is no way the female anatomy is getting anywhere near orgasm. It's all a big act for men. In my opinion, it is doing a big disservice not only to women who want an exciting sex life, but also to men (especially young and inexperienced men) who get some wrong ideas from pornography. Some young women are also getting the idea that they're just supposed to act like that for the men in their lives instead of actually working towards mutually enjoyable sex.

There is some pornography that is produced specifically for women:



Personally, I can get turned on by watching regular porn, but I find a lot of it demeaning and leaves me feeling bad about male/female relations. Porn where there is sensuality and passion is much more fun to watch and only makes me feel dirty in a good way.

This, essentially.

I am sure a lot of women watch porn or are aroused visually (Magic Mike, anyone?), just as how a lot of men are aroused emotionally / via romance.
But social conditioning and stereotypes probably silences them, if not pushing them into the shadows because it's somehow feels wrong.