Fe vs Fe


Right the First Time!
My fiance is an ESFJ and I'm INFJ so her dominant function is Fe and my secondary function is Fe.

We quite often get into this annoying loop of;

"I want to do whatever you want to do..."
"but I want to do whatever you want to do!"

Is this Fe at work? our needs and wants are automatically the needs and wants of those around us. We put the needs and wants of the other first so end up in a neverending loop when someone else feels the same way.

Does this make sense?
could be... I dunno though, because Fe is my inferior and I'm pretty much just like that when around people. I have next to no preference of my own on stuff to do, so I tend to just leave it up to them.

So it very well may be Fe in work, and what you suggest makes sense to me... but I don't think it's the only way that conversation can start either.
I guess the difference here is that it's not a matter of indifference, I do have a preference, it's a definate preference for what ever will make her the happiest and vice versa.
haha :oops:
frozen_water said:
could be... I dunno though, because Fe is my inferior and I'm pretty much just like that when around people. I have next to no preference of my own on stuff to do, so I tend to just leave it up to them.

So it very well may be Fe in work, and what you suggest makes sense to me... but I don't think it's the only way that conversation can start either.
Do you think all INTPs are like that? Mine is like that... I find it annoying because I like people to take decisions for me :?
Do you think all INTPs are like that? Mine is like that... I find it annoying because I like people to take decisions for me

haha aww. Well I couldn't tell you, because I don't know any others. There's one I'm very suspicious might be, but he's back at college and haven't tested him because I only found out about MBTI this summer. I go back this Saturday, though, so I'll try to get him to at some point. If I'm right and he is, though, he is also the same way. Over spring break last year, we had a day when we were the only two people in the dorm, and he told me (as best I can remember) "well, if you find anything you feel like doing tomorrow--it really doesn't matter what it is, just come get me--I'll do about anything." Haha so I think it might be a character thing, yeah.