Facebook Dungeons and Dragons MBTI Type Quiz


Variable Hybrid
Here is a facebook quiz I found that I thought was kinda funny for us multiclass MBTI/gaming nerds. You have to use facebook to take it, but the results are easy to cut and paste here. Interestingly enough, I always play Paladins when I can, or Clerics if our group doesn't have one. I usually score as wanting to be an ENFJ but actually being an INFJ. I suppose when choosing a fantasy persona, the logic holds that I'd choose a more ENFJ type, but am just as comfortable as an INFJ type when needed. Or I could just be a big nerd and overthinking this coincidence. Enjoy.

Von Hase took Your Dungeons and Dragons MBTI Type quiz and the result is Paladin/Cleric (NFJ)

Now decide whether you are an introvert or an extravert, and select between the two classes below.

Paladin (ENFJ): The compassion to pursue good, the will to uphold law, and the power to defeat evil--these are the three weapons of the paladin. Few have the purity and devotion that it takes to walk the paladin's path, but those few are rewarded with the power to protect, to heal, and to smite. In a land of scheming wizards, unholy priests, bloodthirsty dragons, and infernal fiends, the paladin is the final hope that cannot be extinguished.

Cleric: (INFJ) The gods work mostly through their intermediaries--the clerics. A cleric uses the power of his god to make his god's will manifest. A good cleric helps those in need. If through noble acts, he can improve the reputation to his god or temple, that's even better.

Ranger/Wizard (NTP)

Now decide whether you are an introvert or an extravert, and select between the two classes below.

Ranger (ENTP) More cunning than any monster in the forest is the ranger, a skilled hunter and stalker who knows the woods as if they were his own home (as indeed they are). A ranger often accepts the role of protector, aiding those who live in or travel through the woods. His skills allow him to survive in the wilderness, to find his prey, and to avoid detection.

Wizard: (INTP) A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe, when they are the words and gestures of a wizard. These simple acts make magic seem easy, but they only hint at the time the wizard spends poring over her spellbooks preparing each spell for casting, and the years before that spent in apprenticeship to learn the arts of magic. For a wizard, magic is not a talent, but a difficult, rewarding art.​
I'd have thought that a ranger would be more of a solitary one...

Battle Mage?
ENTP - Sorcerer

Sorcerer with a Lizard Familiar, carrying a Quarterstaff, a Punch Dagger and a Katzbalger. With the latter two hidden under a drab cloak.
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Monk (INTJ) Ready for battle even when barefoot and dressed in peasant clothes, monks can travel unnoticed among the populace. The monk cares primarily for the perfection of her art and thereby, her personal perfection. Her goal is to achieve a state that is beyond the mortal realm. They are not greedy for material wealth, but they eagerly seek that which can help them perfect their art.

Fighter (ENTJ) Most fighters see adventures, raids, and dangerous missions as their job. Some have patrons who pay them regularly. Others prefer to live like prospectors, taking great risks in hopes of the big haul. Some fighters are more civic minded and use their combat skills to protect endangered people who cannot defend themselves. Whatever their initial motivations, however, fighters often wind up living for the thrill of combat and adventure.

This is funny, since I'm working on building a Vampire/Monk character as we speak.
Sinistrad... Could you help me? I've never played this game before. I want to create a Chaotic Neutral Sorcerer.
No problem. I have almost all of the source books you need right next to me. And dice! I'm using the 2.5 rulebooks, though. I don't know how compatable they are with the new system, since I haven't looked at it too closely.
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Sorry. 3.5. 4th edition just came out. I'm transferring the standard information over for you right now.
Shai' Gar, a Half Elf CN Sorcerer who worships Eilistraee, Olidammara and Aasterinian.

He wears a double sided cloak, one side a rich Purple and green, the other side a drab brown and green. Beneath that cloak he carries a Katzbalger on his left side, and attached to a sheath on his left arm, a punch dagger. He carries on his neck a brass pendant of Aasterinian.
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Dang. I just got your human sorc figured out. I'll message you with it if you want.

From your avatar pic, I think this might be more you...

Sorcerer/Druid (NFP)
Now decide whether you are an introvert or an extravert, and select between the two classes below.

Druid (INFP): The fury of a storm, the gentle strength of the morning sun, the cunning of the fox, the power of the bear--all these and more are at the druid's command. The druid, however claims no mastery over nature. That claim, she says, is the empty boast of the city dweller. The druid gains her power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. To trespassers in a druid's sacred grove, and to those who feel her wrath, the distinction is overly fine.

Sorcerer (ENFP) Sorcerers create magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories, just raw power that they direct at will.
Barbarian/Commoner (SFJ)
Now decide whether you are an introvert or an extravert, and select between the two classes below.

Commoner (ISFJ) The common folk farm the fields, staff the shops, build the homes, and produce the goods in the world around the adventurers. Commoners usually have no desire to live the dangerous life of an adventurer and don't pursue the skills needed to undertake the challenges adventurers must face. Commoners are skilled in their own vocations and make up the majority of the population.

Barbarian (
ESFJ) To enemies that underestimate them, barbarians have proved their cunning, resourcefulness, persistence, and mercilessness. They're not well suited to the monotony of guard duty or other mundane tasks. They have no trouble with dangers and uncertainties and wandering that adventuring involves. They have a powerful rage, but only the energy for a few such spectacular displays per day, but usually it is sufficient. A barbarian is capable of a fierce devotion to her God, and an intuitive sense, alerting her to danger. She defends her family and home ferociously, thinking of herself not as barbarian, but as a warrior.​
Fighter/Monk (NTJ)
Now decide whether you are an introvert or an extravert, and select between the two classes below.

Monk (INTJ) Ready for battle even when barefoot and dressed in peasant clothes, monks can travel unnoticed among the populace. The monk cares primarily for the perfection of her art and thereby, her personal perfection. Her goal is to achieve a state that is beyond the mortal realm. They are not greedy for material wealth, but they eagerly seeek that which can help them perfect their art.

Fighter (ENTJ) Most fighters see adventures, raids, and dangerous missions as their job. Some have patrons who pay them regularly. Others prefer to live like prospectors, taking great risks in hopes of the big haul. Some fighters are more civic minded and use their combat skills to protect endangered people who cannot defend themselves. Whatever their initial motivations, however, fighters often wind up living for the thrill of combat and adventure.​
From your avatar pic, I think this might be more you...

Sorcerer/Druid (NFP)
Now decide whether you are an introvert or an extravert, and select between the two classes below.

Druid (INFP): The fury of a storm, the gentle strength of the morning sun, the cunning of the fox, the power of the bear--all these and more are at the druid's command. The druid, however claims no mastery over nature. That claim, she says, is the empty boast of the city dweller. The druid gains her power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. To trespassers in a druid's sacred grove, and to those who feel her wrath, the distinction is overly fine.

Sorcerer (ENFP) Sorcerers create magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories, just raw power that they direct at will.

I'm goona go with the druid. haha!
Shai' Gar, a Half Elf CN Sorcerer who worships Eilistraee, Olidammara and Aasterinian.

He wears a double sided cloak, one side a rich Purple and green, the other side a drab brown and green. Beneath that cloak he carries a Katzbalger on his left side, and attached to a sheath on his left arm, a punch dagger. He carries on his neck a brass pendant of Aasterinian.

CN is such a cliche alignment chosen so that you can act as goofy as you want and never break alignment. Bah!
Except I wouldn't use it to act goofy, but to act as myself. I'm a Chaotic Neutral person.