

Graduated from Typology : May 2011
6w5 sp/sx
What excuses do you use when something goes wrong?

What excuses do you people you know often use, true or not?

Do you know people who deliberately put themselves into bad situations just so they have an excuse?
Its not often I come up with an excuse.
I usually tell the truth but often people misinterpret it for being an excuse. I got this allot at my last job.
What excuses do you use when something goes wrong?
- That the universes have aligned to make me suffer - "poor me" thinking :p

What excuses do people you know often use, true or not?
- Actually, most people probably blame "the system" - the way things are done, a disembodied, ineffective system.

Do you know people who deliberately put themselves into bad situations just so they have an excuse?
- Probably not. But i know that i sometimes allow myself to wait to get myself out of a situation when i could've prevented something from happening; and then it becomes easier to feel pity when all i needed to do was deal with it as soon as the issue came up. The problem wouldn't be as big or as difficult to handle if i had. And then i blame circumstances or someone else when i didn't handle it correctly *bad res/anita*
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What excuses do you use when something goes wrong?

I didn't think it through.
I didn't communicate effectively so I misunderstood.
I answered to my fear and made poor choices based on that.

What excuses do you people you know often use, true or not?

I don't think that the people I know use excuses.

Do you know people who deliberately put themselves into bad situations just so they have an excuse?

Maybe, but I have no sense of that being the case.

What excuses do you use when something goes wrong?
"Who could have forseen that?"

What excuses do you people you know often use, true or not?
I seldom use excuses.

Do you know people who deliberately put themselves into bad situations just so they have an excuse?
Yes - there's one girl who deliberately misleads her director, so that she can claim to be constrained by other obligations he has assigned her. (It's always basically an excuse for her to do whatever she feels like). I can't decide if I should let it slide, or "fix her little red wagon."
In ROTC MSGT had way of destroying excuse matrices, I'm to the point that I simply say it won't happen again even when my reasons for failure are valid
What excuses do you use when something goes wrong?
"Ah..I don't know, it's just--"

What excuses do you people you know often use, true or not?
"It's all my fault DDDDDD:", "you just don't understand." "I'm dumb and only graduated on elementary school, I HAVE EXCUSES."
Do you know people who deliberately put themselves into bad situations just so they have an excuse?

Victim mentality?