Everyone is a J and everyone is a P


Right the First Time!
Same goes for all of the preferences.

Your thoughts?
Well I am an introverted judger and an extaverted perceiver.

You are an extraverted judger and an introverted perceiver.
By that thought process then yes.

You know that I use Ni ALOT, however. I am an extremely strong judger, so there is weight to everyones prefrence
Weeeell everyone uses judging and perceiving functions...and with the others, as well. The only thing that makes a difference is the preference. I mean, everyone has i/e, n/s etc.
Well, I know everyone is everything, but what does that have to do with anything?
Well, I know everyone is everything, but what does that have to do with anything?

Hey I never claimed to make any sense or even have a point! :D