Entp's? Realization


Community Member
I came to a realization. I thought I would share it with you. I don't know if this will be completely boring or not.
I thought I had never met an Entp but after reflecting on some past friendships I think I have.

They stick out to me particularly because:

-All of these friendships were instantaneous. Sadly it's rare for me to just meet someone and for them to just "click". I tolerate a lot of good acquaintances.

- All of these people seemed hyperactive to me. (in a good way) I was very reserved and polite; like a mini adult as a child. They kinda brought out the child.

- They all talked fast and a lot. This is even more strange because I usually shy away from most hard core extraverts.

- I don't even know what we talked about. But it could have lasted hours. But I believe it was largely about random ideas and theoretical circumstances.

The most unfortunate thing about these relationships is that they occurred at random throughout my life. And because of the circumstances were short lived.

One was my best friend in kindergarden. I met one at the skate-park when I was little. Another rode my bus for a short while. One at a summer camp. Another was best friends with me in 4th grade for a month before our teacher totally betrayed us by taking up a kindergarden position. Separating all of us into different classrooms where everyone had already formed tight social groups. :mlight: (most of these were girls btw I'm guessing Entp females are rare)

From 7th grade onward I never met another one ,but I met 2 Enfp's (one boy and one girl).

:m079: Where do you guys hide darn it!!!?
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*waves* Hai there.

As an ENTP I share your love of the unspoken connection that can happen with an INFJ.

The talking a lot part only happens with me if you show interest in something I'm totally passionate about... can't shut me up then, INFJs have the knack of finding those topics :D
I had an ENTP friend but I stopped being friend with him because my ESFP friend told him ( as a joke, because this particular dude thinks things like this are funny, which, I'd have to agree with him in the right context) that we called the ENTP's girlfriend a hoochie, which neither of us did. The ESFP made it up to be funny. Anyway, the ENTP rip roars, freaks out!

"I don't care what you say about me, but never say anything about my girlfriend, she's all that I care about."

And then I logically went on to say that he had no proof, and he was all "I'm angry, I can't control when I'm angry like this," And I was all, "We are no longer friends if you can't work a problem through. This is the last time I will be talking to you."

But other than that, he was cool. Once a group of girls and my ESFP friend cornered me saying that I was emotionless and without soul and that I 'hurt their feelings' and that they felt like 'every time I would get close I would pull back'. Obviously, I had no idea what they were talking about. The ENTP started laughing during the interregation, and actually insulted the girls a bit. I loved that ENTP back then. The night following we were up till 3am discussing how stupid girls and guys like that are.
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*waves* Hai there.

As an ENTP I share your love of the unspoken connection that can happen with an INFJ.

The talking a lot part only happens with me if you show interest in something I'm totally passionate about... can't shut me up then, INFJs have the knack of finding those topics :D

I have mixed emotions about ENTPs Most male ENTPs make me want to kill them almost instantly. Female ENTPs I don't know yet. I've have to come back to that one. I find them to be more enjoyable then there male counterparts. I think I might actually like female ENTPs. But they would have to be balanced.

But ya an INFJ will talk your ear off if you connect with them too.
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*waves* Hai there.

As an ENTP I share your love of the unspoken connection that can happen with an INFJ.

The talking a lot part only happens with me if you show interest in something I'm totally passionate about... can't shut me up then, INFJs have the knack of finding those topics :D

I had an ENTP friend but I stopped being friend with him because my ESFP friend told him ( as a joke, because this particular dude thinks things like this are funny, which, I'd have to agree with him in the right context) that we called the ENTP's girlfriend a hoochie, which neither of us did. The ESFP made it up to be funny. Anyway, the ENTP rip roars, freaks out!

"I don't care what you say about me, but never say anything about my girlfriend, she's all that I care about."

And then I logically went on to say that he had no proof, and he was all "I'm angry, I can't control when I'm angry like this," And I was all, "We are no longer friends if you can't work a problem through. This is the last time I will be talking to you."

But other than that, he was cool. Once a group of girls and my ESFP friend cornered me saying that I was emotionless and without soul and that I 'hurt their feelings' and that they felt like 'every time I would get close I would pull back'. Obviously, I had no idea what they were talking about. The ENTP started laughing during the interregation, and actually insulted the girls a bit. I loved that ENTP back then. The night following we were up till 3am discussing how stupid girls and guys like that are.
Yeah, i would have thrown you off a bridge for that
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I never said it,


And number two, the ESFP thought it was funny and so did I :D
He did not. That is where the joke should have ended.
Posted via Mobile Device
Well the problem is that the ESFP seriously thought that we had said that and so it complicated matters.
I have mixed emotions about ENTPs Most male ENTPs make me want to kill them almost instantly. Female ENTPs I don't know yet. I've have to come back to that one. I find them to be more enjoyable then there male counterparts. I think I might actually like female ENTPs. But they would have to be balanced.

But ya an INFJ will talk your ear off if you connect with them too.

I think entp guys are really funny. But sometimes they can get ahead of themselves and land up hurting feelings without realizing it.

But eStps those.....
:m133: I can't be around...

I agree though about the infj talking your ear off. I was telling my best friend about a situation once that I had and about how shy I was and she was SHOCKED she was like "your not shy" then I was in the same class as her and she saw how I reacted to unfamiliar people.... :m100:
I had an ENTP friend but I stopped being friend with him because my ESFP friend told him ( as a joke, because this particular dude thinks things like this are funny, which, I'd have to agree with him in the right context) that we called the ENTP's girlfriend a hoochie, which neither of us did. The ESFP made it up to be funny. Anyway, the ENTP rip roars, freaks out!

"I don't care what you say about me, but never say anything about my girlfriend, she's all that I care about."

And then I logically went on to say that he had no proof, and he was all "I'm angry, I can't control when I'm angry like this," And I was all, "We are no longer friends if you can't work a problem through. This is the last time I will be talking to you."

But other than that, he was cool. Once a group of girls and my ESFP friend cornered me saying that I was emotionless and without soul and that I 'hurt their feelings' and that they felt like 'every time I would get close I would pull back'. Obviously, I had no idea what they were talking about. The ENTP started laughing during the interregation, and actually insulted the girls a bit. I loved that ENTP back then. The night following we were up till 3am discussing how stupid girls and guys like that are.

That's quite the conundrum:m083: Did you ever try apologizing and explaining the situation? Or did you just give up on the relationship?
Why would I apologize? He had no proof that I had called him that, apologizing would be encouraging his faulty logic.
Why would I apologize? He had no proof that I had called him that, apologizing would be encouraging his faulty logic.

I don't mean apologize like, "I'm sorry I said that." Because like you said you didn't and he had no proof of it.

More like: "I'm sorry that your upset; I would be too ,but here is what really happened -____(insert story)_____."
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Why would I apologize? He had no proof that I had called him that, apologizing would be encouraging his faulty logic.

That sounds you are being irresponsible like many SP friends I know, they often just don't see the implications of their actions. They are cool people, but their way of seeing things sometimes just get you really nuts.

You 2 were screwing with him, how would you execpt he was responsible to work things through with you in return, instead it should be you two being responsible to clear things up with him.

Logically I can't see he is under any liability to solve the problem with you at all like "OK you stabbed me in the ass, I am hurt and freaking mad right now. Let's talk peacefully."

And I'm supposed to sort things out calmly with you for the mess you have done simply because I have no proof, because I couldn't see you stabbing my ass from the back ?

That's just crazy to me, and for a victim to hear the other side saying "you got no proof" usually just mean "what can you do to me". That just makes things worse, it's more like a provocation than sincerity to sort things out.
I did explain to him that I didn't say it, and I called my ESFP friend up and yelled at him. The ESFP friend simply said 'it's cool dude, he's not mad', but the ENTP friend was indeed mad.

I don't want this ENTP friend to keep doing that. Calling me up and accusing me of calling him a name that I didn't do. He's playing the he said she said game which is fucking gay. I don't CARE what other people say behind my back because they may or may not have said it. I have people telling me all the the time 'so and so said this about you' and do I believe it? No. If they had balls they would say it to my face. That's my attitude, and apparenty this ENTP thinks I have no balls, because if I thought his girlfriend was a hoochie I would tell him, I don't need to play a game of telephone to get my message across. Anyone who doesn't understand that is a person who really doesn't understand me, and I have no reason to do buisness with them.
I see. That's messed up. I agree with you then.