ENTP/ ISTJ relationship


Capitalist pig
Would someone explain to me how this might work? I can't find any material online.

We're speaking in context of a romantic relationship that the ENTP pursued.
Meh, the ENTPs and their egos will come to speculate soon enough.
WTF was he thinking? Can't be an intellectual gratification thing. Maybe a needs met/physical thing.
Yeah it's quite obvious that the ENTP dominates the ISTJ in the relationship, I was just hoping for other insight.........which I'm apparently not going to get....
Yeah it's quite obvious that the ENTP dominates the ISTJ in the relationship, I was just hoping for other insight.........which I'm apparently not going to get....

It's true that the ENTP will most likely feel "superior" to the ISTJ. I wouldn't take this personally however, chances are they don't personally feel more superior, but rather they feel that they have some insight and knowledge to share.

Embellish on an ENTP's ideas; acting interested will make his face light up. Try and consider practical applications for zany ideas (even if his ideas may seem overly stupid). If his ideas are stupid; DONT attack him personally, attack his IDEAS; consider alternatives, give logical reasons (hell give half logical reasons he may be able to use his own fuzzy logic to fill out the rest).

Speaking from experience, when somebody has shown a great interest in my mind/ideas I let the floodgates open and my true self gets gets washed all over them :m172:
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well, what is something an ENTP might like about ISTJs?
what is something an ENTP might dislike about ISTJs?

What is something an ISTJ might like about ENTPs?
What is something an ISTJ might dislike about ENTPs?
well, what is something an ENTP might like about ISTJs?

Dedication, task completion, emotional distance

what is something an ENTP might dislike about ISTJs?
Perhaps a bit too rigid when it comes to change? (I'm not quite sure on this one)

What is something an ISTJ might like about ENTPs?
no idea here.

What is something an ISTJ might dislike about ENTPs?
That we aren't very "commited" to completing an idea. Our need to look ahead.
Ah, alright.

I don't think it's a standard relationship anyway, the ENTP treats the ISTJ like he's a slave and then ISTJ just complies.
Maybe because their almost opposites. They make up where the other is lacking.
Yeah, they are complete opposites, this is true. Which is why it puzzles me how they could be together. I think it'll dissolve pretty soon but I just wanted to understand the dynamics of such a coupling because I never hear of ENTP/ISTJ much.
Yeah, they are complete opposites, this is true. Which is why it puzzles me how they could be together. I think it'll dissolve pretty soon but I just wanted to understand the dynamics of such a coupling because I never hear of ENTP/ISTJ much.

I'm assuming they're both around your age. The fact that the ENTP is manipulating the ISTJ like a "slave" would show his immaturity. With age I've come to respect others more and learn not to use my words to manipulate.
ISTJ & ENTP - Relations of Supervision between types

"These relations are asymmetrical. One partner, called the Supervisor, is always in a more favourable position in respect to the other partner who is known as Supervisee."

Doesn't sound like my ideal romantic relationship. But then- some people like partnership, and some people like leader-follower.

(for more:
Well it seems like the ISTJ has severe psychological problems and the ENTP is taking advantage of that.
  • ENTP - Ne Ti Fe Si
  • ISTJ - Si Te Fi Ne
Also- their Dominant and Inferior functions are inverted, while their Auxiliary and Tertiary functions are in the same places but reversed (e/i)-
So they have each other's strengths as their wea
knesses (which helps to cradle each other's weaknesses, with patience).
I'm not sure how the auxiliary and tertiary part works out though....

Well it seems like the ISTJ has severe psychological problems and the ENTP is taking advantage of that.

That's definitely a possibility. It also seems like the ENTP could be trying (in his own way) to show the ISTJ how to improve areas of his personality by intentionally being forward on issues.