just me

Well-known member
What do these four letters have in common?
I was wondering with all our talk and discussion regarding politics, religion, and such, how the different types of governing bodies around the globe would view the latest launch of the Taepo-Dong 2c and whatever it lifted into orbit, or possibly and most likely lifted into orbit.
The governing bodies of the world are concerned with Pyongyang's launch. Some bodies are concerned with whom they share technology with. How do we feel out there, fellow infj and others on this forum, regarding the latest stance of a government that spends a much higher percentage of their GDP on military than any other country in the world spends, while allowing other countries that have a common sense of compassion to feed their poor and starving non-military populace. The Shahabs and the likes are almost replicas of the Taepos and the likes in Iran. How does Israel feel right now? Just wanted to see if there was any interest in this news today and if it relates more toward science or state, being somewhat scientific. Any comments? TLM, please help to guide me should this not belong here in the news section. It was launched in the last twelve hours I think.
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somebody feel like spelling out to the ignorant what these acronyms stand for? :m075:
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea's official name)
Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
Kim Jong Il is not stupid. He knows he needs a deterrent to keep other countries from attacking. However, he will use nuclear weapons on his own people long before he uses them on any foreign power. He knows very well China would be first in line to take over his terriroty if he attacked anyone like the Japanese or US.
No, I think that man truly is stupidly insane. Narsissistic....I don't even know how to describe it. Really dumb, but sly like a fox. I think if he could be sure that he'd be able to hit the US with a nuke even if it meant destruction to his own people, he'd hit the button and die laughing. He doesn't care about his country or his people. His governing track record says that much.

He gets away with what he does because China is his supporter. He knows that we can't just go in and lay waste to his nuclear facilities and missile sites because China has the US by the balls (financially that is).

N Korea is like the spoiled rotten Paris Hilton. Running around doing whatever it wants and only being mildly scolded by their incredibly rich and powerful father. No one can step in and discipline the kid because then the powerful father sends it's team of lawyers to bankrupt you. Laws don't apply because of the influence of the family, and any familial punishment is nothing but a slap on the wrist.
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Kim Jong Il is a diplomatic genius.

Diplomacy? He is a paranoid person with no reason to fear anyone but his own people. During the Korean War, there was almost no Korea left until China moved into the picture. China does not want anyone else over there in the Korean Peninsula and will go to extremes to see it stays the way it is. The military is so large because it is all the man knows. Firing an ICBM over the top of Japan is not a wise move diplomatically. He is trying to sell his missile technology to someone else, mainly Iran, who has stated many times they will destroy Israel. Pyongyang has been sharing technology with countries that are enemy states of the free world. Russia and the US are continually reducing their nuclear arsenals while these other countries are trying to build theirs. This launch was like unto a gun show with an exhibit.
More responses please. I am not close-minded on this and wish to hear more.
TLM, I can see where you would think HE thinks he is a diplomatic genius.
How far is Afghanistan from their launch site? Alaska? Hawaii? He does not have the capabilities to launch a missile with a payload big enough to grant him anything but destruction.
America's money has become quite a commodity in China. I doubt they would wish to see it stop now. jmo
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I don't mean to say that he is nice and diplomatic, but that he's highly skilled at using others' diplomatic fumbles to his advantage.
I can agree with it said that way quite easily. His advantage being more important than diplomacy toward others, perhaps?
His advantage being more important than diplomacy toward others, perhaps?
Yes, definitely. You see, I used "diplomatic" to describe the nature of his genius, not the nature of his personality. He is by no means a diplomatic person, but he is talented at manipulating the diplomatic sensibilities of others.
Ugh... My desire to write about this is great, but the necessity of restraining this desire is much greater.
He gets away with what he does because China is his supporter. He knows that we can't just go in and lay waste to his nuclear facilities and missile sites because China has the US by the balls (financially that is).
Not just financially, China could militaristically destroy the US if it came to that...
Because I take the matter too seriously.