Doctor Who?


Community Member
Yes, that's right... The Doctor!
So... just wondering if any of you are as obsessed with this show as I am... It's so awesome with its douglas adams-esque humor (well, considering he was a script writer for the old series back in the day...) and geeky squee-ness!

And who all is wondering how Rose and Donna will treat each other? This fourth season is really different!
*raises hand cautiously*

Must confess... never saw the show as a kid but stumbled upon the new series and it quickly became an obsession :mrgreen:

Is the 4th season on DVD yet? there's always a delay in seeing it on TV here so I figure I'll have to get the series sent over. Can't wait!
Lurker said:
*raises hand cautiously*
YAY!!! *gives you a big hug*

Lurker said:
Must confess... never saw the show as a kid but stumbled upon the new series and it quickly became an obsession :mrgreen:
Same here, I've never seen the old show, but i've read about it in the downtime waiting for more of the new episodes... I got into it in the beginning of the 3rd season, and scoured the internet for all the rest of the episodes. I finally finished them all, and now... well, it really does take patience waiting for another episode!

Is the 4th season on DVD yet? there's always a delay in seeing it on TV here so I figure I'll have to get the series sent over. Can't wait!
There's always the internet. I had to physically restrain myself from going ahead and downloading some episoded online that have not aired on SciFi channel yet. is a good site, and then there's and (that one is in japanese).
Guuurrrrllllll!!! You been hiding info from your techo-no-logically ignorant sis? Humph. I'll Inkblot you yet . . . ;)
I watched the old series, every episode, kinda liked them... They don't have shit on some newer series though...

eeeee! Cladagh ring
I'm pretty effn ecstatic right now, turned on my TV for background natter and what should confront me but the theme music for the new series of Dr Who series 4 episode 1... OH YEAH!

*jumps around living room doing a happy dance*

Matha's gone and the Doctors back with Donna. This has filled my Si-Fi stores, they were getting rather depleted <insert blissful face>

Off to ancient Rome next week.

I saw a commercial about it.
I wanted to watch it but I don't know which channel or when it's on.
I think it's on at night when I'm sleeping.

Is it really good? I don't really remember the commercial that much.
HenRick said:
I saw a commercial about it.
I wanted to watch it but I don't know which channel or when it's on.
I think it's on at night when I'm sleeping.

Is it really good? I don't really remember the commercial that much.

It's on the SciFi channel at 8pm US Eastern time, and this friday (wow, today, technically) is the season finale of season four.
And, it is VERY good! Well... for scifi junkies and nerds and geeks.... and regular people as well ;)

moonlight said:
Really enjoyed the first season. Not so much the last two seasons. The season ender is quite good so far.
Season ender.... the current season, you mean? or the two-parter season finale?
(Hmm... there are Christopher Eccleston fans, and there are David Tennant fans, I personally favor Tennant)

Lurker said:
I'm pretty effn ecstatic right now, turned on my TV for background natter and what should confront me but the theme music for the new series of Dr Who series 4 episode 1... OH YEAH!

*jumps around living room doing a happy dance*

Heehee... awesome! What channel were you watching, though? Scifi started season 4 in may.... though you may have caught a rerun?
I get to see the season finale in less than 24 hours :D :D :D
...and boy was that a cliffhanger in the last episode (i mean, before the finale)!
I'm in Oz, it's on free to air abc here and we're a bit behind think it's up to episode 5 or so. I'm inclined to agree that the first two seasons were stand out but I'm still lovin it :D