Do you like to pick at people?


Chaz's Lovey Bunny
This is for other Infj's and anyone else, do you like to pick at people? I keep on attacking Chaz's cuticles trying to push them back. I dunno why I have this urge but its funny XD. Hilarious even, poor chazzy.

//snuggles chazzy
And just after she posted that she ran over my foot and felt so sorry that I had to console her saying it's okay. Is this an INFJ thing? I mean what the hell should I be sorry for? I had a foot get run over!
When I saw the title, I thought it was referring to nitpicking or ridicule. But apparently it's referring to something physical.
Oh come now!
No, and I'll give you a hint on why...I'm a guy.
Granted now that you mention it I have had quite a few ladies pick at my skin.
They're never gentle either. :m192:
A girl once tried to pick at my eyebrows... I'm guessing that her ideal are pencil-lines.

She didn't get at them..... heh.
I think this is often a lady thing. Many women I knew for some reason have to pick or fiddle with a mans hair, face, nails, skin, cloths, ect and they all seem to come at you like out of no where.
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I think this is often a lady thing. Many women I knew for some reason had to pick or fiddle with a mans hair, face, nails, skin, cloths, ect and they all seem to come at you like out of no wear.

If you've ever seen a documentary on the lower primates, you'll know that picking isn't an activity exclusive to human females.
Gah, I used to do this to my skin when I was in a really bad OCD phrase. Glad that's over.
is this thread about flirting?
Yes, it's about picking up people :)
...pick at people? no.

Pick at myself...?.........ahem.
I don't pick at people, but I guess I'm a bit touchy-feely/quite physically affectionate with those I'm close to or feel extremely comfortable around. If I'm close with someone, sometimes while we're talking or hanging out, we'll lean on one another or lay our heads in each other's laps and I'll play with their hair or playfully tweak their nose or (lightly) poke them in the ribs or belly and they usually return fire. But it's situation appropriate and certainly not constant thing--because that would be just plain irritating.
I don't pick at people, but I guess I'm a bit touchy-feely/quite physically affectionate with those I'm close to or feel extremely comfortable around. If I'm close with someone, sometimes while we're talking or hanging out, we'll lean on one another or lay our heads in each other's laps and I'll play with their hair or playfully tweak their nose or (lightly) poke them in the ribs or belly and they usually return fire. But it's situation appropriate and certainly not constant thing--because that would be just plain irritating.

She does all of those as well as tickling my sides and much more.

It's a good thing I love her.
You guys should start like, some kinda game show where you just do really incredibly cute bordering on disgusting things for the audience to coo and awe at.