Do you have any relationship blindspots?


Do you have any relationship blindspots?

This means things you overlook or don't notice in your partner or your relationship which later catch you off guard, surprise you, or come back to haunt you?

Why do you think it was easier to overlook it? Feelings for your partner, just not on your radar, focused on other things, etc.?
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My relationship blind-spot is falling in love. Once that happens, I pretty much ignore all their faults even if the insightful side of me realizes that their faults will end the relationship and break my heart.
If going by my relationship track record, I'm blind when it comes to spotting infidelity and cheating. I think it's because I cannot fathom doing such a thing, and thus give people the benefit of the doubt when the thought of them doing so briefly crosses my mind.
My relationship blind-spot is falling in love. Once that happens, I pretty much ignore all their faults even if the insightful side of me realizes that their faults will end the relationship and break my heart.

+1. I see with blinders on. And despite how much i try to analyze my feelings to judge whether i'm seeing things clearly, i always fail to see some pretty obvious things. Which is why hate trusting anything i feel - i think i'll overlook something deceptively obvious, and later feel like a fool for not picking up on something. I'm always worried that i won't catch a deception in good time. I think it's a matter of focusing so much on my own feelings that i fail to think about whether the other person is really worth the emotional investment i am all too willing to give.
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Yes, I tend to be blunt and honest with what I'm thinking and feeling. If I feel like there's a problem I tend to confront it. Sometimes, though, if the other person has an issue, and they don't talk to me about it I will just walk around without a clue.
I tend to expect that the other person can tell me whatever it is and trust me not to get weird/overly emotional - but this doesn't always happen.
Communication is something I need to work on >.<