Do you forget arguments easily?


By forget I mean disregard, not technically forget. Can you let an argument go the next day, for example, or does it stick in your mind and affect the way you next respond to the other party?

Do you ever bring up arguments from the past when you're arguing about something different? (i'm guessing all of us do to some extent, but do you have a greater propensity to do this?)
I go out of my way to avoid arguments.
man i don't wanna hear about arguments had enough of em today :( but naw i don't let arguments continue the next day cause depends on how harsh it is or what you did we might not even be talking >.>
It does tend to stick for me, but I try to let it go just cause I know I'm slowing shortening my lifespan with it.
There is this one woman at work (probably an ESFJ) who pisses me off for many many overbearing SFJ reasons and even though we get into spats she seems fine the next day...
what happens when you can't?

Well I usually don't really say anything. I just take it all in.
I never really bring up what someone says to me again for fear that they'll yell at me or something.
For some reason I always start to cry if someone starts to yell angrily...
So that's really why I tend not to say anything so I can avoid provoking the anger and the yells.

It's really embarrassing.
Takes me a while to get over them - they tend to stick in my mind for long periods.
God, no... there's a work-related argument I had from 1999 I think that I still relive to this day.
I let them go unless I think Im gonna get in some confrontation later because of it.
I've been known to hold grudges but in general yes, I forget arguments easily.
By forget I mean disregard, not technically forget. Can you let an argument go the next day, for example, or does it stick in your mind and affect the way you next respond to the other party?
The more emotionally invested I am, the more I hold onto it. I tend to be able to leave them alone after I've internally argued the point to my satisfaction. That being said, there are people I haven't seen in months who I'd be very ready to continue arguing with...

Do you ever bring up arguments from the past when you're arguing about something different? (i'm guessing all of us do to some extent, but do you have a greater propensity to do this?)
I don't think so. If I do, I am unaware of it.
Depends. There's getting upset and fighting and then forgetting about it. And there's serious breaches of trust, which uh... I forget like... never. Sometimes what I feel is a breach of trust doesn't even seem like that. It's just a very serious expectation that isn't met.
Depends on the attachment and closeness, the matter, and how close it hits to home. But generally, if we're talking about fundamental arguments (not as in, where to go, or what to eat), I can't forget for at least the whole day. And then some. :|

As for bringing pasts arguments; I do it for myself. I guess it's Si acting up ("hmm, so I'm having problems with A, I guess it's just like back then when..") but I rarely, unless needed, said it.