Do you ever feel really clueless about things?


Do you ever feel really clueless about stuff?

What, when, and why?
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Sometimes I do feel clueless a lot about things. Sometimes I find that I can get stuck in my own head, and when I emerge, find that there are so many things that I'm ignorant to. Not anything in a day to day knowledge sense, but there's just so much to know and so much to learn and I feel like I haven't even touched the tip of the iceburg on a lot of things in life. Perhaps that comes with age and experience?
No, I don't think I have that feeling much at all.

There is plenty I experience that is new to me, or things I am introduced to, or encounter which I know little of, or next to nothing, but my usual feeling is one of wonder and curiosity.

yes! in a new job or a new setting, I feel completely clueless. it usually passes though, after i've had a bit of time to adjust, and then I can enjoy it :)
Yes, my friends have whole conversations while I sit there without a clue as to what they're referring to. And then I wonder about my apparent intuition. On the other hand, sometimes I find it easier to understand subtext as compared to direct conversation. Weird.
Yes, my friends have whole conversations while I sit there without a clue as to what they're referring to. And then I wonder about my apparent intuition. On the other hand, sometimes I find it easier to understand subtext as compared to direct conversation. Weird.

Same here.
Yes, my friends have whole conversations while I sit there without a clue as to what they're referring to. And then I wonder about my apparent intuition. On the other hand, sometimes I find it easier to understand subtext as compared to direct conversation. Weird.

Same here.

And here.

Though the older I get, the less and less trouble I have with this. I'm pretty sure it's got to do with how Ni has to understand the 'box', and then have an aha moment before it can really work. It stands to reason that this also applies to learning people.

Though it might also be as simple as we focus so much on the subtext, we have trouble reading the actual document. Forest for the trees, and such.
Though it might also be as simple as we focus so much on the subtext, we have trouble reading the actual document. Forest for the trees, and such.

all the time. For some reason I feel like I can't just say..." i don't understand", so I try to change to the topic quickly.

Also I often analyze the conversation going on around me instead of participating and in my head, i've gone off on a tangent and stopped listening. of course it's always that point when someone asks for my opinion I am absolutley cluesless.

I just smile and bull my way through it.

its not an all the time thing, its usually when someone says something that seems out of character and I need to pause in my head to work out what the nrew information means.
I don't feel uncomfortable with cluelessness. When I'm curious about something, I just find out. For me, it's more that I think of too many options and don't really know which one to pick.

My crappy memory and iffy attention span can lead to some pretty ridiculous situations, but it's not a big deal.
I feel clueless about the "formalities" of being an adult. Like taxes, bank procedures, the whole overarching procedure of booking and going on flights (though I've gotten more practice), the endless amounts of forms, especially asking for things like health benefits at work. Feels like trying to appeal to the Matrix for things I need to get on with life. It has no tangible existence in normal life and so I feel lost.
I'm mostly clueless as to how I should approach an emotional situation. I'm always asking myself "should I hug her, tell her something, stay quiet?". This results looking really awkward in front of those people.
I'm mostly clueless as to how I should approach an emotional situation. I'm always asking myself "should I hug her, tell her something, stay quiet?". This results looking really awkward in front of those people.

This kind of thing is one of the things i feel the most clueless about. I feel completely inept when it comes to people or how to relate to someone in which there's interest. I almost always feel awkward, uncomfortable, and handle it in a not so sophisticated manner.
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Conversation about music, my tastes and knowledge are either non-existent or outside of the norm in such a way that I can't relate them to other people
I'm mostly clueless as to how I should approach an emotional situation. I'm always asking myself "should I hug her, tell her something, stay quiet?". This results looking really awkward in front of those people.

Yes, my friends have whole conversations while I sit there without a clue as to what they're referring to. And then I wonder about my apparent intuition. On the other hand, sometimes I find it easier to understand subtext as compared to direct conversation. Weird.

This kind of thing is one of the things i feel the most clueless about. I feel completely inept when it comes to people or how to relate to someone in which there's interest. I almost always feel awkward, uncomfortable, and handle it in a not so sophisticated manner.
All of this.

At least, regarding others. Regarding the world, there's so much I felt clueless about. Regarding myself...hah.