- InFU
This week I had a friend go into the hospitol. He almost died. His Aorta tore and he had a broken valve in his heart. He is 57. At one time I respected this guy but over the years I have lost respect for him. His poor business dealings with others. His non stop using and manipulation of others and myself drove me away. I have distanced myself from this guy for a few years so I was not privy to his life. Wich suited me fine. Thru another friend I ended up getting involved monday when he went to the hospitol. I ended up going with his xwife to the hospitol to be a nice guy. But inside I really did not want to go. I went and as I looked at his lifeless body I could'nt feel sorry for him. I felt no real emotion at all. I was totally detached from the situation. I have been thru a situation before like this and it did not turn out too well. So I was remembering my past experiences with him and I started feeling like he deserved to be there.
You also have to realise that this guy was a constant one upper. He would always try to tear you down to make himself look better. Or he is so self absorbed he can't see past what he is doing to others around him. My intuition tells me that this guy will never change. As soon as he woke up he started being his old self. I wonder when he finds out how screwed he is if he will change. His surgeon told me that he has fifteen years to live at best. I wonder if he will use the time god gave him to make ammends. Or just go on acting the same?
I know if I was in his shoes I would change. Just by being there it has changed me. It reminded me that when the chips are down who will be your friend. I am not going out of my way for this guy. I think he needs to learn a lesson. Not that I hav'nt helped him in the past. That's why I am not helping him today. It went unapperciated. I would love nothing more than to see him turn his life around. I want to respect him again. But right now I am with holding judgement. I am gonna wait and see what happens with him. But I wonder sometimes if people really realize that there life is precious. That they have the power to change their life for better or worse. I have cut the drama from my life and this guy was a major drama for me. I hope he see's the light. But it seems that my faith in humanity shrinks as I grow older. I have decided to not let others make me cold and calloused. But to instead listen and learn before I make a snap decision. I am forgiving but you have to earn it. I don't think my friend has it in him to change. What do you think? Have you ever had a similar situation with some one you knew?
You also have to realise that this guy was a constant one upper. He would always try to tear you down to make himself look better. Or he is so self absorbed he can't see past what he is doing to others around him. My intuition tells me that this guy will never change. As soon as he woke up he started being his old self. I wonder when he finds out how screwed he is if he will change. His surgeon told me that he has fifteen years to live at best. I wonder if he will use the time god gave him to make ammends. Or just go on acting the same?
I know if I was in his shoes I would change. Just by being there it has changed me. It reminded me that when the chips are down who will be your friend. I am not going out of my way for this guy. I think he needs to learn a lesson. Not that I hav'nt helped him in the past. That's why I am not helping him today. It went unapperciated. I would love nothing more than to see him turn his life around. I want to respect him again. But right now I am with holding judgement. I am gonna wait and see what happens with him. But I wonder sometimes if people really realize that there life is precious. That they have the power to change their life for better or worse. I have cut the drama from my life and this guy was a major drama for me. I hope he see's the light. But it seems that my faith in humanity shrinks as I grow older. I have decided to not let others make me cold and calloused. But to instead listen and learn before I make a snap decision. I am forgiving but you have to earn it. I don't think my friend has it in him to change. What do you think? Have you ever had a similar situation with some one you knew?