Differences between Pride and Ego


So I've been wondering..

What do you guys think the difference between pride and ego? and What are the benefits and drawbacks of each?
Pride, hubris, ego are all sort of suitcase terms and you can probably come up with quite a few different definitions.

Pride, to me, is healthy, but let's not get that confused with hubris, which is damaging. Pride is self-assurance and confidence. You have to hold yourself to some level of standard, and when you meet certain goals it is ok to feel good about it.

When someone else taking joy in their accomplishments and it is externally apparent, some may become upset simply because they might feel inadequate or threatened by such actions, or even jealous. Then again, we have all probably met that one guy who just can't stop boasting about every little thing he does.

However, a healthy person needs to seek self-improvement or at least be humbled once in a while or pride can overwhelm into some sort of sense of being unable to fail or towards an inclination of being inconsiderate to others that are not deemed to be on the same level (I am better than him/her and I know it), that would be the common definition of an inflated ego or hubris.

If you ask the psychoanalysts, the ego is a limiting mechanism to stop the id from going on murderous rampages and humping anything that walks. Sort of a lid or limiter comprised of rational thought to keep our animalistic id at bay. But then, I don't really put much weight on that aspect of Freudian psychoanalysis.

To me, the ego is simply a reflection of how you choose to portray yourself.
Pride relates to saving face.

Ego relates to feeling right.

A proud person can know they are wrong but can't bring themselves to admit it, whereas a person with a big ego simply can't even acknowledge that they are wrong.
I think of ego as relating only to the person, while pride might relate to accomplishments, origins, and the like. Beyond that, I haven't thought much about a distinction; both pride and ego can be affected by others' opinions.
I think of pride as a state of psychological being.

I think of ego as a functional agent within one's psyche. Its function may be judged positively or negatively. It tends to serve the needs of the personal self, which is a subset of the integral Self.

Ego - sense of self worth.

Pride - satisfaction with self.

Ego can be inflated, deflated, or realistic.
Pride is unrealistic satisfaction with whatever one's estimation of oneself is.
Some people have an inflated ego and are proud of their imaginary selves. Others have a kind of reverse-pride in which they are proud of not being so 'high and mighty' or 'uppity' or 'snobbish' or 'intellectual' or 'refined'. Others still have a kind of satisfaction of how they really are and aspire to nothing greater or less.
Being satisfied with one's real condition, not excluding one's ability to improve oneself seems humble.
Ego is indifferent. Ego could be proud or ashamed. Pride requires some element of ego, but it also requires some element of strength. In MBTI terms: ego=Ti|Fi; pride=Ti|Fi+Se. Of course, there's also pseudo-pride, but I'm not including it here.
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Ego - sense of self worth.

Pride - satisfaction with self.

Ego can be inflated, deflated, or realistic.
Pride is unrealistic satisfaction with whatever one's estimation of oneself is.
Some people have an inflated ego and are proud of their imaginary selves. Others have a kind of reverse-pride in which they are proud of not being so 'high and mighty' or 'uppity' or 'snobbish' or 'intellectual' or 'refined'. Others still have a kind of satisfaction of how they really are and aspire to nothing greater or less.
Being satisfied with one's real condition, not excluding one's ability to improve oneself seems humble.

I kinda figured it was something similar to the link between confident and overconfident.