Death of Democratic Party

The president can do stuff, he just has to pardon the expression "grow a pair". And tell congress that if he doesn't agree then no bill. Teddy was a good example.
The president can do stuff, he just has to pardon the expression "grow a pair". And tell congress that if he doesn't agree then no bill. Teddy was a good example.
Oh please, this has nothing to do with how big his balls are. I suggest you try probing into deep state.
Oh please, this has nothing to do with how big his balls are. I suggest you try probing into deep state.

The president can stop any bill from being signed so long as he has at least 1.1/3 support from congress, so long as he's willing to take the time to veto the bills then congress either will not be able to pass anything or get bogged down With having two vote twice on every bill the president doesn't agree with.
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Somebody explain to me why the Dems are so inept and why it is good that they have initiated the total destruction of their party.
They believe in their own ideologies to the extent that they can never acknowledge, or learn from their mistakes.
Oh please, this has nothing to do with how big his balls are. I suggest you try probing into deep state.

"GLENN GREENWALD: The deep state, although there’s no precise or scientific definition, generally refers to the agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are elected come and go. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all. It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads."
They believe in their own ideologies to the extent that they can never acknowledge, or learn from their mistakes.
theyre gonna learn soon. they pushed this absurd "muh russia" conspiracy so hard that thier rabid insane base is expecting an impeachment, whats happening though js that top dems are walking it back, too little too late, it prompted the right to do some probing and it turns out it wasnt russia that leaked to wikileaks jt was seth rich. a bernie supporter who was murdered shortly after, very very interesting times. im hoping to see podesta in prison for murder and pedophelia, they wont let hillary go down for it afterall, so someone will have to get the hot potato.
theyre gonna learn soon. they pushed this absurd "muh russia" conspiracy so hard that thier rabid insane base is expecting an impeachment, whats happening though js that top dems are walking it back, too little too late, it prompted the right to do some probing and it turns out it wasnt russia that leaked to wikileaks jt was seth rich. a bernie supporter who was murdered shortly after, very very interesting times. im hoping to see podesta in prison for murder and pedophelia, they wont let hillary go down for it afterall, so someone will have to get the hot potato.
Thank you Billy, it is always good to hear what you are thinking.
What is happening with the dems in CA is instructive to the rest of the party nationwide.