Dear sensors...


Registered User #666
What us it like to have extraverted/ introverted sensing? I use my sensing function so little I don't understand...How does it work?
Don't understand either. I'm only aware of the weather outside 8 hours later, when contemplating writing about it in my journal. Luckily, I have a good memory. My actual life takes place about 4-6 hours after the events in it happened. If my mind didn't digest it, it didn't happen yet.
Basically I don't know were to draw the line between sensing and other things.

Like how do sensors see philosophy or physics, how do they analyze politics?
I can't remember NOT using it, I have nothing to compare it to.

It's like when you see an apple and you think "that's an apple" and then you walk away.
Basically I don't know were to draw the line between sensing and other things.

Like how do sensors see philosophy or physics, how do they analyze politics?

Well extraverted sensing isn't very helpful when it comes to those things but I still have Fi, Ni, Te and the rest at my disposal. I'm probably less inclined to discuss those things but that doesn't mean I'm incapable (although it may take more effort).
I can't remember NOT using it, I have nothing to compare it to.

It's like when you see an apple and you think "that's an apple" and then you walk away.

Yeah when I see an apple I start thinking about how the apple could be used in a scene in a movie or something like that.

I dunno doing that sort just looking at it sort of thing would be extremely uncomfortable to me.

And how does that sort of thing extend to analyzing ideas do you think? Thats what I really want to know.
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Well extraverted sensing isn't very helpful when it comes to those things but I still have Fi, Ni, Te and the rest at my disposal. I'm probably less inclined to discuss those things but that doesn't mean I'm incapable (although it may take more effort).

Oh so basically when confronted with something like that your other function swoop in.

Do you think having introverted sensing as a dominant function might be more useful when analyzing stuff like that?
I'm interesed as well, because as many of you know, my Si, and Se are like non-exsistant.

Spill the beans Q, what's your secret! :spider:
Well like I said, we don't just have sensing, with a bit of effort we can anylyse an idea in the same way an ENTP would, though it might feel uncomfortable.
Don't understand either. I'm only aware of the weather outside 8 hours later, when contemplating writing about it in my journal. Luckily, I have a good memory. My actual life takes place about 4-6 hours after the events in it happened. If my mind didn't digest it, it didn't happen yet.

I can't remember NOT using it, I have nothing to compare it to.

It's like when you see an apple and you think "that's an apple" and then you walk away.
thar's your difference ^, the sensor register's the apple, the non-sensor does not. (from what I can tell), being a sensor involves actually registering what's around you and thinking about it in the moment, non-sensing is not registering whats around you, and storing it in the back of the mind, only to be used once needed.
Well like I said, we don't just have sensing, with a bit of effort we can anylyse an idea in the same way an ENTP would, though it might feel uncomfortable.

So basically it's like when I try to use my sensing functions. I can't use them in a big way with out getting a brain freeze, but it's not like I can't use them at all.

Oh so basically when confronted with something like that your other function swoop in.

Do you think having introverted sensing as a dominant function might be more useful when analyzing stuff like that?

I think introverted sensing might be helpful in the sense that their recall of detail is excellent. If they are well read, they will be able to recall many philosophical viewpoints and in debate will be able to use specifics to breakdown the oppositions credibility, bringing up precendents that kind of thing. I think with something like physics, Si would help in retaining the detail in equations/formulas, that kind of thing.

Bare in mind my Si actually sucks and is goldfish like.
I can't remember NOT using it, I have nothing to compare it to.

It's like when you see an apple and you think "that's an apple" and then you walk away.

It's just that the idea is so foreign to me? I think sensing mebe doesn't exist.

I think maybe I am confusing the rational functions with the other functions.
I think introverted sensing might be helpful in the sense that their recall of detail is excellent. If they are well read, they will be able to recall many philosophical viewpoints and in debate will be able to use specifics to breakdown the oppositions credibility, bringing up precendents that kind of thing. I think with something like physics, Si would help in retaining the detail in equations/formulas, that kind of thing.

Bare in mind my Si actually sucks and is goldfish like.

As opposed to an extraverted sensor who would dust off their Ni functions amongst other things. But they wouldn't gravitate to the sort of thing in general because it doesn't lend itself well to extraverted sensing... correct?
It's just that the idea is so foreign to me? I think sensing mebe doesn't exist.

I think maybe I am confusing the rational functions with the other functions.

Haha, well if sensing didn't exist, driving a car would probably be impossible. When someone throws a shoe at you and you avoid it, that is extraverted sensing.
It's just that the idea is so foreign to me? I think sensing mebe doesn't exist.


So no it probably isn't to easy for you to use, if you use it all when you're older maybe you'll use it, but when you do, you'll be a better person for it.

An NJs function order is like this


I actually can use Si not well, definitely not well, but I can use it, cause I'm awesome, also cause I've had a lot of shit happen to me and I've kinda been shoehorned into using functions I didn't care for using in my life time. Learning how to use all of them, not just excelling in the use of one, that's real intelligence IMHO.
As opposed to an extraverted sensor who would dust off their Ni functions amongst other things. But they wouldn't gravitate to the sort of thing in general because it doesn't lend itself well to extraverted sensing... correct?

Yeah an Se dom would probably avoid it (can't imagine too many ES_P philosophers), but Fi I think does lend itself to some interest in philosophy as Fi is all about right and wrong, and values etc. So an ISFP (Fi dom) won't avoid it (or at least won't groan when the topic comes up).