I found out last evening that two people were chosen over me for a job I had wanted for about 6 months. It was made worse by the fact that the people who were deciding who would get the job were a couple of my friends and they both knew I was interested in the position. I'm not disappointed so much about not getting the position as that they didn't tell me they had chosen those two people until I asked about the job at a public gathering. It was incredibly embarrassing and disappointing to find out in such a way and to say I was floored would be an understatement. It really tore me up inside because it simply made me feel like I wasn't even worth spit. I later got a hold of one of them this morning and he told me that he had been afraid that I would hate him because they hadn't chosen me for the position and he finally explained their reasoning for why they had chosen the two people over me. I actually lost a night of sleep over all this because I was so disappointed and worried by the fact that they hadn't even explained why they hadn't chosen me but now I finally have a little relief in the fact that they did have a valid reason. Had they told me a few nights earlier in private it probably wouldn't have even bothered me because as much as I had wanted the job, it was nowhere near as valuable to me as their friendships. And to be honest, after this experience, I don't know if I would even want to work with close friends.
I'm still dealing with the disappointment from the whole situation, so I thought it would make an interesting thread. How do you deal with disappointment?
I'm still dealing with the disappointment from the whole situation, so I thought it would make an interesting thread. How do you deal with disappointment?