cynical acceptance of old age vs stubborn idealism of youth | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

cynical acceptance of old age vs stubborn idealism of youth

interesting! the reverse of what i was mentioning. it seems to flip, then, doesn't it? optimistic in youth -> cynical in old age
cynical in youth -> optimistic in old age

perhaps people just balance out their preferences as they get older and experience more things. sort of like what the MBTI mentions about personal growth: people take on the positive attributes of their shadow functions as they grow up. an INFJ would become less intuitive, more pragmatic, more down to earth and extroverted like a healthy ESTP as they get older.
Yes, well put. I'd object to calling it growth, and compare it rather with the second law of thermodynamics; diffusion etc. Like visiting a museum, in which different people pick different routes, and the sequence of galleries influences their perspective on the same galleries, and overall of the museum.
After however many years we begin to understand that we have just been beating our idealistic heads against the wall with no benefit. We then enter a time of adjustment, where we are more or less forced to examine our expectations. I've decided that I can have very high expectations for myself but not for others. I don't see that as cynical at all, but more representative of a real distribution of people in the real world. I decided that the only good I can expect is that good which that I contribute to by my own ideals, and more importantly, my own actions. We are either part of the problem or part of the solution. By living up to my end of idealism by contributing what I can, I walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. I am living true to my ideals instead of just giving lip service to them. You cannot unscrew others heads and pour wisdom into them. It's all about self-interest, and there are times when what's in the best interest of the individual is also in the best interest of the group. The Devil is in the details, so choose carefully.