Create a Fantasy Island . . .


So if you could create your own fantasy island, how would it be? How would it look - shape, appearance, layout, people, other life forms, overall lifestyle, culture, foods, etc.? Are there any restrictions on who could get in?
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It'd have just about every variety of landscape in it, and every kind of civilisation. Hills, mountains, rivers, deserts, beaches, cities, farms... Restrictions on who could get in? no politicians
It'd have just about every variety of landscape in it, and every kind of civilisation. Hills, mountains, rivers, deserts, beaches, cities, farms... Restrictions on who could get in? no politicians

Sounds great.
I guess my fantasy island would look something like this:


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It would just be me, my good friends, and the people that would bring supplies :D
eew, an island, really? I just want a mountain. not an entire island.
no no no no no.
I want Cuba! :P jk

Well you said fantasy right so I dk I guess it'd be different color with with yellow clouds and laser beams that shoot rainbows and stuff, sort of scifi-ish with nymphs and bubbles and shit. And all the water around the island would be perfectly still.
First and formost, on my fantasy island, there would be no spiders of any kind. In fact, it would be bug free and the cute cuddly looking animals would fill in the ecosystem some how.

The weather: it would rain once a week. On Monday. That would give it time to dry out for the weekend. All the other days would be full of sunshine. There would be 3 months a year that it would snow, 3 months of slightly uncomfortable hot weather, and the remaing 6 months would be comfortably warm.

Plant life: there would be wildly growing lilac bushes that bloom 9 months out of the year. Also, there would be a large variety of flowering plants and lots of ferns. Weeping Birches would be the most common tree with a slight mixing of evergreens, maples, redwoods, walnuts, and fruit bearing trees. Of course, all the bark would stay put. I can't stand it when it peels - very troubling. Vegetables would easily grow in abundance.

Animals: cats would be common, along with chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, deer, and other non aggressive animals. There wouldn't be any dogs (sorry dog lovers, I can't stand barking). In keeping in line with this site, there would be a few friendly monkeys. However, they wouldn't fling poo or steal things.

Fish: brightly colored fish would regularly swim towards the shore for viewing. Nothing poisoness or dangerous would be attracted to anything near the island. Say a 100 meter radius. Sea horses would be regular visitors to the shallows.

Birds: definately the Meadow Lark, then the Mocking Bird (I know they are scavangers, but they are so pretty), then plenty of colorful little birds. Perhaps a few parrots and some swans.

Terrain: Mostly grassy hills with trees, a cluster of mountains in the middle with lots of waterfalls and babbling brooks.

People: my immediate family. Everyone else can apply for a day pass. There would be a weekly shipment of supplies, on Friday - just in time for the weekend.

Ammenities: highspeed wireless Internet would be the first to be installed. I may not want visitors to my island, but I still want to communicate with the outside world. Running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, they would be necessary.

Miscellaneous: while I am at it, the days would be 36 hours long. That would give me plenty of time to sleep and plenty of time to play.

Amendment: butterflies don't count as bugs. They would be welcomed.
First and formost, on my fantasy island, there would be no spiders of any kind. In fact, it would be bug free and the cute cuddly looking animals would fill in the ecosystem some how.

. . .

Amendment: butterflies don't count as bugs. They would be welcomed.

Sounds cool. You've figured everything out down to the T. It would be cool to see a visual of this . . .