

Perilous Pixie
Hey Ho
Anyone else here a member of I am but I've had little experience so far. I'd like to be more involved, but I'm a bit intimidated, honestly. (That was hard for me to admit, btw) Would someone like to help me create a group there for INFJs or INFJs and other intuitive introverts? I think the world of couchsurfing is a marvelous thing but it's important for me to have meaningful connections, as with anything else in life and I'm a bit stuck in the beginning phase. Help? :)
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I have been thinking of signing up. I have no plans to travel and crash on anyone else's couch for awhile, but I'd host strangers and show them around the region.

What experience do you have so far with it? What have the people been like?
I'd like to learn more about it too. It's always been a vague interest of mine, and, although I don't have my own couch now, I'd love to get into it in the future.
I admit this is pretty cool.

The issues would get in the way. I have roommates and I go to school and I can't drive a car. And it my city thats makes getting around a pain in the butt. But it would be so interesting just chilling with someone. And showing them around my city. More over getting to see another culture or even just meet a new face.
What experience do you have so far with it? What have the people been like?

So far not much experience (in the way couchsurfing is intended). I've made some nice penfriends. LOL.

I did attend one 'meet up' in my city early on. It was an impromptu gathering, so I worked up the courage to turn up, but it put me off a little, because it was arranged by another local guy who really wanted to meet foreigners only, so I felt a bit like a spare part.

The other meeting was more recent and went better. I met an American guy for a beer and showed him around the museum and Art gallery. The conversation was pleasant, although after that when he left me a reference he got my name wrong. LOL. Never mind.

Anyway, I still want to keep going with it. I thought by organising an introverts group it might make couchsurfing more accessible to people like myself who are a bit wary of what the usual party people will make of them. Is this a good idea? Thoughts?
Hey I'm signed up there. I had an offer to crash on some guys couch just outside of Seattle and we were supposed to go through the woods and look for shrooms. But it never really happened and I'm really not going to sleep on strange people's couches alone.

I think its a great idea myself!
I'm signed up for couchsurfing too, and I've got some mushrooms in my pocket right now!

I had a fantastic experience couchsurfing in portland, or.

Helpful Elf, I'd sign up for your thing...sounds like a neat idea.

Maybe could direct to a simple page with links for such services.

INFJ forum
INFJ couchsurfing
INFJ yellow pages
Thanks for your support, my lovelies. Here's the link to the group I created:

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improving the 'Details' section. I also need some kind of image to represent the group, so suggestions are very much appreciated. :)
9 members so far. Hope to see some of you there :)
I was blown away when I learned of the existence and validity of such a website. I signed up, but have yet to take advantage of it. I don't think anyone wants to visit where I live...
My Si would NEVER allow me to do this, the idea of it nerve-wracking. I can understand why this might be appealing to people, but it just seems so unconfortable me. Too many variables, new people, new things, ect. *shudder*
My Si would NEVER allow me to do this, the idea of it nerve-wracking. I can understand why this might be appealing to people, but it just seems so unconfortable me. Too many variables, new people, new things, ect. *shudder*

Yes I know. I feel this way too, but I don't want to miss out on the possibility of meeting people I can actually relate to and having some nice experiences with them. That's my thinking behind creating an INFJ friendly network on there. I don't know if it will come to anything, but I can hope. :)
Great, I'm definitely joining. Great idea.

I've couchsurfed once and it was a lot of fun - because I was in the right mindset at the time. I met a wonderful ENTP. Mhhh :D

The good thing about it is that if you take the time to read enough profiles you can find really interesting people. I know that when I couchsurf again I will not do it at a party animal's (party animals seem to represent a fair part of the community). Or maybe I will, if they're interesting enough and I feel like it, but I know I could also find really cool INs and such to host me. So yeah.
I'm not going to join right yet. I have some years to go until I can travel freely or have people stay at my place. But my hippie side is loving the idea :D
Great, I'm definitely joining. Great idea.

I've couchsurfed once and it was a lot of fun - because I was in the right mindset at the time. I met a wonderful ENTP. Mhhh :D

The good thing about it is that if you take the time to read enough profiles you can find really interesting people. I know that when I couchsurf again I will not do it at a party animal's (party animals seem to represent a fair part of the community). Or maybe I will, if they're interesting enough and I feel like it, but I know I could also find really cool INs and such to host me. So yeah.

Thanks for your enthusiasm Shaz. You have succinctly spotlighted the best things about Couchsurfing. I'd love it if more of us from this forum join up. There was a discussion some time ago about a possible INFJ forum meet up, and my feeling is that couchsurfing is a valuable tool in helping to bring that about. I think it's good sometimes to focus on our possibilities rather than our limitations, to share our strengths rather than bemoan our weaknessses. Of course there is need and place for both sides of the coin, but life should be, at times, exciting and adventurous, regardless of personality type - it's just the theme and tone of the INFJ's adventures will be slightly different. :)
I could use some inspiration with this. My early enthusiasm was beaten by fear of rejection. The most I can say I've done is make penfriends, create a group with no activity and spread the word. It's better than nothing, I suppose, but I still don't feel involved. There's a world of possibilities out there, and some of them must be good. Anyone here had any success stories on Couchsurfing they'd like to share?
My boyfriend and some of our friends are members, and in the last six months they had a bunch of strangers coming here. One of the friends signed for housing, and lots of others for showing around. Staying in my country is fairly cheap so most of the guest are actually looking for someone to show them around.

I've met some guys from Scotland, there were several from Peru, Spain, Denmark, England, ...

To the best of my knowledge none of my friends had any problems and all of the surfers were very content. They all seem to enjoy the nightlife here, not mention good food.