Connect the four dots in the box

When I was introduced to this exercise it was 9 dots and 3 lines without lifting the pencil.

It took me a glance and about 5 seconds to realize the paradigm didn't include a solution, so I went outside it.

Yes, the problem is solvable as long as the dots are, in fact, 2-dimensional circles, and not meant to represent 1-dimensional points. If they are points, then the lines through, say, the top three and the middle three can never intersect, because they are parallel.

If the dots have non-zero area, though, we will be able to find straight lines through them that intersect, the general idea of which is illustrated by your second picture.
The nine dots is still solvable in four lines, if they represent points. Same principle as the first problem here.
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Hmm... it's because, in terms of mathematics, "line" means "straight line." Anything else is a "curve".

Still, in general English, you're correct. ;)

LOL, I shrunk Von Hase's diagram by a factor of 10, never mind.
That didn't possibly make a difference did it ? ;o

Well if you print it out you can fold the paper into a cylinder with the dots facing out. You can then connect all of the dots using one line and without violating any of the criteria set forth. If It has to be two lines, then you can just put another line on the paper somewhere (without violating the rules).
Satya, is the smiley in your signature . . . beatboxing?
I failed because I didn't understand the instructions.

Using the two lines and the outlined box I have joined both lines and dots.

2nd is the same except the method used two thicker lines to encompass the 2 dots.
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When the lines joined the lines of your box everything was connected through the new line.

Yea but for your first example, the instruction said they should be connected by the two lines. And your lines are parallell, thus not connected anywhere. :P

For the second example; Two thick lines fusing is a rectangle lol, not linear.
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I thought it was creative, it also made me think of a three dimensional version that works as well.