Congressman Baird embarassed in town hall meeting


Permanent Fixture
I forget

Congressman Baird called people who go to town hall meetings brown shirts, in other words, Nazis. One man stands up to him.

What did you think of the video? Do you think he is right or just a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about? Trust me, it does have a lot to do with politics.
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If the Nazis did it, then it must be bad!


Classic guilt by association fallacy. I'd say the guy was acting emotionally rather than logically simply based on the words he chose.

What exactly does this have to do with politics aside from providing an example of how irrational both politicians and voters can act when it comes to their personal ideologies?
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Brian Baird deserved it for insulting people who go to town hall meetings.

However, yeah... I wish you guys had real politics. Nazis would facepalm half of the stuff your neo-nazis do.