[NSFW] Claims of Rape and Torture: Uyghur Women.


"Magnificent Bastard" / Ren's Counterpart
3w4, 3-8-7

The conditions in China don't seem to be letting up for the Uyghurs in China, especially for women. Claims of rampant abuse have been going on for over a year now.

It's scary that Xi Jinping doesn't have to deal with term limits. He can continue as the President of China for the remainder of his life and continue to facilitate this disgusting genocide.

What can be done to address this evil?
Good question. What do you think @Pin ?
I think it's a very complex situation.
A lot of interwoven systems in China need to be dismantled in order to fix things like this.
In the short term though, the more light that is shed on it the better.
This is why it’s good for some good people not to believe in a damnation or literal biblical hell. A good assassin is the only thing that could even start change in this situation. Could it make things worse, sure, but it’s worth the risk if it succeeded in changing what’s happening there.
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New Good question. What do you think @Pin ?
Well, it's bigger than Xi Jinping. China would need to become more of a democracy to prevent further human rights abuses. It's going to take pressure from the inside to dismantle the authoritarian governmental structure. With increased economic prosperity the government gets even more difficult to topple.
This is why it’s good for some good people not to believe in a damnation or literal biblical hell. A good assassin is the only thing that could even start change in this situation. Could it make things worse, sure, but it’s worth the risk if it succeeded in changing what’s happening there.

When it comes to rapists and pedophiles I'm totally down with sniping every person involved. Kind of like organized crime that specifically targets and eliminates anyone connected. Perhaps the punishment should fit the crime, or stop testing on animals completely and these twisted bastards are up for experimentation. It's THEE MOST grating thing to know some people out there are in some indirect defense for their rights and what is humane in terms of punishment for these people, when the perpetrators themselves are obviously void of humanity to do this shit to another human being.
When it comes to rapists and pedophiles I'm totally down with sniping every person involved. Kind of like organized crime that specifically targets and eliminates anyone connected. Perhaps the punishment should fit the crime, or stop testing on animals completely and these twisted bastards are up for experimentation. It's THEE MOST grating thing to know some people out there are in some indirect defense for their rights and what is humane in terms of punishment for these people, when the perpetrators themselves are obviously void of humanity to do this shit to another human being.
Spot on
The CCP heading the same way as Nazi Germany, concentration camps, mass sterilisations, and medical experimentations, slave labour etc.

And the worst part is, they have bought and bribed and infiltrated half our governments. They have been welcomed by the UN and various distinctly global organisations. They are all terrorists committing crimes against humanity.
The situation there has been a real life 1984 for a long time. They literally have cameras all over the cities watching people. China really is turning into an all out dystopia. Its terrible to watch. :(
The CCP model is an all consuming thing. The Uyghurs are one of many groups that have been targeted by the ravenous wolves of the CCP. They will keep going to the same well over and over again until they drink it dry. Once the last organ has been reaped from the last Uyghur the CCP will simply claim assimilation is now complete and then move on to the next group of people it deems in need of perfecting. The CCP is a raging wild fire. I get the impression the world is simply waiting to see if the wind will cause it to burn itself to the ground or everything around it. It's a question of how close do the flames get to the gates of our front gardens before we start getting uncomfortable enough to consider pre-emptive action.

I freely admit to having a wry smile to myself during my morning coffee when I read about the Indian soldiers on the border giving the marauding Chinese soldiers thorough tanning!

Lets hope the CCP implodes and causes its own downfall for the sake of it's own people and not just the world.