Chinese Astrology


Variable Hybrid

Your Hour represents your inner child.
Your Day represents the real you.
Your Month represents how you interact with your family.
Your Year represents how you interact with society.

(I got the following descriptions from here.)

Hour: Metal Ox are warm people and make very good friends. They love to socialize and throw parties. When it comes to their career they are hard working, determined and dedicated. People under this Chinese astrology are mysterious lovers.

Day: Water Dragon - Among all the Chinese astrology signs, dragon people are the most different. Having varied characteristics they can be serene, stubborn, honest and passionate all at the same time. People of this Chinese astrology are always admired for their individuality and different personality. The Chinese zodiac sign dragon symbolizes life and growth and is supposed to bring together the five blessings: harmony, riches, virtue, fulfillment and longevity.
Water Dragons are the most unique zodiac sign in all of the Chinese astrology. On one side they can be as still as the water while on the other side they can be stubborn and excited on the smallest of things. Water dragons are capable of doing special things for the mankind. Water dragons are extremely lucky and are literally born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They are extremely passionate about their work and give their 100% to all they do. They are capable of maintaining the perfect balance of creativity with intelligence. When it comes to love water dragons are extremely attractive and find themselves a similar partner.

Month: For Metal Rabbit the values of life are very important. Riches and fame are only temporary but one
So what's it mean when you get several different elements for an animal? Some are + and some are -

Your Hour represents your inner child.
Your Day represents the real you.
Your Month represents how you interact with your family.
Your Year represents how you interact with society.

Hour: Fire tigers
are very strong, emotional and genius people. Known for their practicality they can also get very short-tempered sometimes. People under this Chinese astrology are deep thinkers and make remarkable intellectual connections. They are very attractive people and love to be in the spotlight all the time. Born leaders, these people are very honest and fair with everyone. They lead quite a financially stable life. Their love lives are filled with romance and passion.

Day: Wood Dragon - A wood dragon is one of the most different Chinese astrology signs. People under his horoscope are stubborn, passionate, honest and brave all at the same time. People love to be around them and they are completely loved for their individuality and unique personality. Wood dragons are the guardian angels of life and make brave knights in shining Armour. People of this Chinese astrology just love to explore the world and try their luck in different career paths. Fortune always attracts them like magnet. When it comes to love and romance they are totally committed to their relationship.

Month: Metal Rooster
- Metal roosters are strong and quite people. They remain within themselves and tend to be moody and outspoken sometimes. This temperament makes relationships difficult for them. Though they are reserved by nature they are quite brave and take call of the situation when required.

On the brighter side metal roosters are quite talented people and are completely devoted to their work. They can easily distinguish between right and wrong and have a very analytical approach to life. Even in the toughest of situations, metal roosters come out shining like a star. Their romantic lives are quite smooth, as they believe in life long commitment.

Year: Earth monkeys are very optimistic and happy people. They totally believe in themselves and are generally self-starters in all walks of life. Rather than teamwork, they are individual players, coming out with shining colors in all their projects. People of this Chinese astrology have an entrepreneurial spirit and come out with successful business dealings. They possess a keen eye for business and learn from other people’s business. Earth monkeys have enormous strength of character and enhance their growth with honesty, frankness and dignity. People of this Chinese astrology have a big heart and care for others dearly.

Wild, Von...just wild.
I'm not exactly sure on the hour and minute(I know it was early morning, like 3 AM or so, but changing it doesn't seem to make much difference.)

Earth Tigers are brilliant people. Known for their wit, charismatic personality and practical decision-making, these people are born geniuses. But beware of the earth tiger rage. They are extremely short-tempered and rage furiously. Sometimes earth tigers can get a bit self-centered and short sighted. On the other side these earth tigers are completely workaholics. They never give up on their goals or run away from their responsibilities. People under this Chinese horoscope are genuinely warm people and are completely loyal to their friends. When it comes to relationships they are not much romantic, but completely faithful, honest and caring.

Wood pigs are very big spenders many times going to exaggerating heights. People of this Chinese astrology love to shower their friends with surprise gifts and tokens of friendship and have hardly anything saved for themselves. That makes wood pigs poor financers. But all is not doomed. They manage to somehow make the ends meet. Minus this small drawback, they set high standards for themselves and go on to achieve them no matter the number of difficulties that come in their way. The love lives of wood pigs is very exciting filled with romance, joy and happiness all the way through. People feel comfortable around them and lead a deeply committed relationship with them.

Earth roosters are very high spirited and strong-minded people. People of this Chinese astrology are brilliantly intelligent and have a philosophical bend of mind. Their lives go through many ups and downs but they manage to sail through it without any difficulty. To every problem they encounter they take a very analytical approach towards it and solve it with quite grace and tact. People of this Chinese astrology have lot of patience and give due importance to all problems in hand. As a result their careers always run on the right path and they outshine others without much difficulty. Even for their love lives they have the same approach. Whenever they see a crack forming they put their best feet forward and work out the problem.

People of this Chinese astrology are quite, polite and brilliant. Known for their soft nature and intellectual bend of mind these people are the luckiest of all zodiac signs. Natural beauty and power pull them on both sides and they search out for the best option. Fire rabbits are pleasant to be around and hardly ever lose their temper. Unlike other rabbits, they are not quiet and silent people. People of this Chinese horoscope are complete extroverts and natural leaders. They are visionary explorers and extremely hard working. Also unlike other rabbits they can manage their finances quite well and are generally very rich. Capable of meeting every challenge of life, they climb new horizons and live quite a versatile life. They make excellent lovers who pamper their partners with candle light dinners, hugs and undying love and support for the entire life.

I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Some is outright contradictory with me.

Mainly when dealing with society
Unlike other rabbits, they are not quiet and silent people. People of this Chinese horoscope are complete extroverts

Wood pigs are very big spenders many times going to exaggerating heights.
I buy nice presents for people, but I don't want to embarass them by getting them some ultra expensive thing either.

I will say one thing though about that wood pig. The part about always seeming to have enough for ends meet is very true. I always have just the right amount saved up for the next school year, and it looks like it'll be the same for my last year this fall.
Hour: Metal Dog - Metal dog people are very loyal, honest, trust worthy and obedient. They can be trusted to keep secrets and do the right thing when the situation calls for it. They can be emotionally distant and don’t mingle freely in social gatherings. People of this Chinese astrology feel much more comfortable in a one to one relationship. By nature metal dogs can be a bit sharp from the tongue but they mix very well with their colleagues. This is because of their high morals. Metal dogs are quite materialistic but they don’t have the drive to fulfill their goals. People of this Chinese astrology make very good friends. Their love lives are very fruitful each finding an attractive looking partner for themselves. Relationships for them are based on trust and openness.

Fire Pig - Fire pigs are very adventurous and bold people. Their life is filled with multi colors and they enjoy every bit of it. People of this Chinese astrology are very clever and have many hidden talents. They have the drive to move forward in life and nothing can stop them once they set their mind on something. Fire pigs take calculated risk. They make a plan, work on it meticulously and see the profits flowing in no matter what hurdles they face on the way. Even if they fall they quickly pick themselves up and start all over again. Even in their love life, luck follows them. They always get what they want and make wonderful romantic lovers.

Month: Water Dog - Water dogs are very charming people, easily attracting friends and associates into their social circle. Handling all kinds of ups and downs of life is very easy for them. They can balance any situation with their kind, easy going and honest nature. People of this Chinese astrology have a very rational approach to life and can work their way out of even the most difficult of situations. They adopt themselves to new environments with quite ease and comfort, making their lives full of comfort. Financial success comes to water dogs later in life and they outshine others easily. Their love lives are filled with many ups and downs. But when they meet their soul mate they readily settle down and build their relationships based on honesty and open communication channels.

Year: Water Pig - Water pigs are very vibrant and happy go lucky people. They are ever helpful and work towards making life better for other people. On the career front water pigs are extremely successful dedicating lot of time, energy and hard work into their projects. In their educational pursuits also they easily out shine others and is ready to step into the world with a bright future awaiting them. Because of their calculated steps in life they always live a secure financial life. Love life for water pigs are very smooth, with luck walking hand in hand along with them. When they meet their soul mate they commit themselves to a life long relationship.

*Not entirely sure I remember hour correctly, but I think it's right.
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Your Hour represents your inner child.
Your Day represents the real you.
Your Month represents how you interact with your family.
Your Year represents how you interact with society

Hour: Water Tiger -- Water tiger people are extremely sympathetic, emotional and warm hearted. But as a fiery sign they are also very short tempered. People under this astrological sign are deep thinkers and make quite remarkable intellectual connections. On the other side they can get suspicious and self-centered. But over everything else they stand as an emblem of admirable qualities and protection. Water tigers never like to be alone and are always surrounded by friends and family. They are very fair in their judgments and never take rash decisions. People of this Chinese astrology are very flirtatious, going from one butterfly to other. But once they meet the right match, they settle down with complete commitment.

Day: Fire rabbit -- People of this Chinese astrology are quite, polite and brilliant. Known for their soft nature and intellectual bend of mind these people are the luckiest of all zodiac signs. Natural beauty and power pull them on both sides and they search out for the best option. Fire rabbits are pleasant to be around and hardly ever lose their temper. Unlike other rabbits, they are not quiet and silent people. People of this Chinese horoscope are complete extroverts and natural leaders. They are visionary explorers and extremely hard working. Also unlike other rabbits they can manage their finances quite well and are generally very rich. Capable of meeting every challenge of life, they climb new horizons and live quite a versatile life. They make excellent lovers who pamper their partners with candle light dinners, hugs and undying love and support for the entire life.

Month: Earth Rat -- Earth Rat people are extremely charming and attractive people. They are known for their loyalty and true friendship. In the starting of their career, people of this Chinese Astrology are slow climbers often tumbling on their way. But later in life these earth rats, gain momentum and rise to new heights. Strong ethics, discipline, caution and long hours assure their success on every step. They are very sensitive to the needs of their loved ones and pamper them with flowers, and romantic getaways. People under this zodiac sign love adventure and always seek opportunities to new excursions.

Year: Metal Horse -- People of this Chinese astrology have a perfect balance of all the best qualities. The horse zodiac sign is a symbol of grace, strength, rhythm and aristocracy. They are very hard workers and mostly come out successful in all their ventures. Metal horses always seek the limelight and love to be surrounded by strong and powerful people. They have a taste for life and can often be spotted at concerts, music festivals and other artistic spectrums.

Metal horses also make quite inquisitive learners always ready to learn new things in life. By nature they are very serious people and give their careers due importance. As far as their love lives go, metal horses lead a stable and romantic lover life, committed to their partner life long.

Well, that's inner child doesn't seem very child-like at all, really. There's not a lot of negatives either, although I think that might be the descriptions...I think I'd keep to know that half as well before I decide if this is really like me
Very interesting, thanks for sharing !
Wood tigers are very strong people. On one side they are so sensitive that they can cry their eyes on an emotional movie and on the other side they are so short tempered that you’ll be completely taken by surprise. People of this Chinese astrology are also born geniuses maintaining the right balance of practicality and sensitivity in all situations. But beware of their suspicious and jealous nature. Wood tigers make very good friends, always ready to give a shoulder when required. In love life, people of this Chinese astrology are very romantic as well as Casanovas. When the time comes for settling down the male wood tiger will always have a beautiful wife and the female wood tiger a wonderful husband who will love beyond time itself.

Water lamb people have a good taste for life and live a luxurious and stylish life. You can comfortably spot a water lamb at fashionable dinner parties with a witty spark in their eyes. Yet the other side of their nature shows that they are shy and reserved people. They love to read and their creative flames are ever ablaze with new ideas. Water lambs are very charming and happy go lucky people. No doubt they are always surrounded by friends and associates. People of this Chinese astrology also make great leaders and rise high in their careers. As far as the monetary stability goes, they need to keep a strict check on it. Water lambs love to be pampered and in return shower compliments and gifts on their beloved.

Fire roosters are quite and strong people. They love to promote themselves and passion for life. People of this Chinese astrology love to take part in different competitions and always emerge as winners. Fire roosters can recognize their goals and nothing can stop them from coming out in shining colors. Fire roosters live a secure and comfortable life, with climbing the ladder of success in their career as they proceed onwards. People of this Chinese astrology make quite influential, powerful and trustworthy people. Even the love life of the fire roosters are wonderful, full of romance and commitment to each other. But sometimes there are strong ego clashes. But they also know the art of getting past it. They take care of their partner's needs and live a satisfying relationship.

Metal lambs are very elegant and charming people. They love life and have a great taste of style and designing. People of this astrology can be usually spotted in stylish dinner parties and fashionable get-togethers. But on the other side they are quite shy and timid people. They relish good books, poems and feel quite contented sitting quietly by the fire.
Metal lambs have a creative bend of mind and are very much passionate about music and art. People of this Chinese astrology have a deep sense of responsibility and known to be practical decision makers. Metal lambs are very career minded and regardless of the ups and downs they emerge as winners. As far as the finances go they maintain the middle balance. Their love lives are very interesting. They have tender hearts and fall in love over and over again.
Cool... I've known my year sign (Metal Dog) for a while, but the rest of this is, well, cool...

Hour (Inner Child): Water Rat - People who come under the Chinese water rat are very charming and smart people. They are perfectionist and leadership comes naturally to them. Water rats also have a soft side under their firm exteriors. They act as humanitarian fighters bringing happiness and smiles into other people

Metal Horse


Wood Tiger


Wood Pig


Wood Rat

I don't get it.
I can't find the descriptions on that one site.
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Um. Yes. Thanks. I didn't see any of it on there.
Metal Horse. That's what I'm looking for. Oh well.
Can't hold my hand though life now can you? Pay my bills, complete my coursework, and then decipher my chinese astrology for me. Wah.
I don't get it.
I can't find the descriptions on that one site.

Here you go.


People of this Chinese astrology have a perfect balance of all the best qualities. The horse zodiac sign is a symbol of grace, strength, rhythm and aristocracy. They are very hard workers and mostly come out successful in all their ventures. Metal horses always seek the limelight and love to be surrounded by strong and powerful people. They have a taste for life and can often be spotted at concerts, music festivals and other artistic spectrums.
Metal horses also make quite inquisitive learners always ready to learn new things in life. By nature they are very serious people and give their careers due importance. As far as their love lives go, metal horses lead a stable and romantic lover life, committed to their partner life long.

Wood tigers are very strong people. On one side they are so sensitive that they can cry their eyes on an emotional movie and on the other side they are so short tempered that you

The metal horse description is badass! Mostly true, though I don't usually seek the limelight and could care less about rubbing elbows with powerful peoples.

Wood Tiger sounds most like me.

I am a big spender when I have money, like the Wood Pig description, mostly it is to please other people..Buying lots of food to cook dinners for friends, buying the beers when I go out, etc. etc. And yet, my ends are always met. Fancy that!

In love, my actions do speak louder than words as the Wood Rat.

Pretty cool.
What is an "inner child" exactly ? Is it what you desire ? Or you in the past ? Or something else all together ?
That's actually a very good question; I was kind of wondering the same thing
Maybe it's either who you like to be when you're playing, or the childish/childlike part of you? Or maybe it's the inner you?

Kind of like the Johari window: The part of you that you see, the part of you that others see, the part that's hidden to others...all that.