Change One Word | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

Change One Word

He insured a doubt, throwing the pregnancy-test in the toilet.
He insured a doubt, throwing the buoyancy-test in the toilet.
(lol, that was getting heavy for a minute)

He tested a doubt, throwing the buoyancy-test in the toilet.

He tested a doubt, throwing the buoyancy-test in the toilet.

He tested a doubt, throwing the buoyancy-test in the sky.
He ignored a policeman, releasing the cabbages in the river.
He ignored an impulse, releasing the cabbages in the river.
He ignored an impulse, releasing the cabbages from blue lava.
He ignored an impulse, releasing the genie from blue water.

He ignored her impulse, releasing the genie from blue water.
He tested a policeman, releasing the bunny in the sky

btw, this one had the best visual. so i drew it in mspaint :)
