[INFJ] Can't understand INFJ male's behaviour

I'm not so sure about that. I mean, there's plenty of evidence on this forum that INFJs aren't that good at dating and don't know how to behave.

To explain my perspective in making that point, I meant that when someone is really, really into you and they are 100% in, even when their behavior seems strange or awkward, you pick up on it intuitively. You see it in their face, hear it in their voice, people point it out to you, etc. The little games they play, the things they say, it is obvious they're just working up to asking you. It's hard to qualify. You just know.

When their interest seems to ebb and flow, however, and deep in your gut you're uncertain where it is you stand, then the dance is still on. They're still deciding. And that's fair. That's what you're supposed to do when you're dating, after all. Decide if you want to pursue this person beyond this casual flirtation and if you're not sure, there's going to be a lot of back and forth, 'testing' and game-playing. Sometimes this is a conscious process. Sometimes its not.

It's just that here's where a lot of people get swept up in turning the decision in their favor, being 'chosen,' that they don't stop to consider if they actually like the person and if they're truly a compatible partner. Many, awful, terrible romantic decisions can be made when you're paying too much attention to whether partner is taking two steps forward or backward and trying to get them to make the steps you want them to make instead of paying attention to your own two feet.

That's why I asked you if you know what you want.

You are right about this, and I am considering my wants and needs. I've become very aware of my previous behaviour towards men that I find attractive - e.g. ignoring red flags and accepting poor behaviour. I will try to remain realistic with this one.

Good :)

If you want to keep your eyes open for red flags and avoid accepting bad behavior, don't get caught up in the will he or won't he? part of the dating game. Focus on your needs first and always.

Based on what you've described, really stop and think about if his current behavior is something you find compatible with your own. Remember every relationship has ups and downs, and it's not just how he makes you feel when things are going well. When things are on shaky ground in a pre-relationship, here's your chance to test the waters and consider if you like the way he handles conflict, the way he treats you when he's sad/upset/confused, how he recovers from upsets, and his overall emotional well-being. Behavior like this generally isn't situation-specific.The other important thing to ask yourself (because it seems to me like it irks you a bit ) is if you're really okay with having a moody partner.

You're on the right path if you're considering things carefully and reaching out to people to give you insight. As much as I recommend keeping a cool head when approaching romantic relationships, I know it is VERY easy to get swept up in the excitement. Keeping your goals front and center and enlisting the help of your (trusted) friends and impartial observers really helps temper some of that.
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Have you considered that someone else may be in the picture besides you? I ask this because my guy and I had a conversation recently about why he seems kind of distant and I discovered that he is not completely over his ex (they split 9 months ago). When we first got together six months ago he said that his feeling for her had changed but they had remained friends. Recently I saw that he removed her from FB and Instagram. My guess is that he was hoping that there was a chance to get back together with her while keeping me on the back burner. I have put my foot down and he seems more attentive but still not as much as I would like.

All I am saying is that there could be someone else he has his mind on.....not necessarily an ex. Perhaps he just can't make up his mind, resulting is distancing.
He cancelled our date tomorrow, only when I asked about it, with a lame excuse. So I cancelled him. :(

Have you considered that someone else may be in the picture besides you? I ask this because my guy and I had a conversation recently about why he seems kind of distant and I discovered that he is not completely over his ex (they split 9 months ago). When we first got together six months ago he said that his feeling for her had changed but they had remained friends. Recently I saw that he removed her from FB and Instagram. My guess is that he was hoping that there was a chance to get back together with her while keeping me on the back burner. I have put my foot down and he seems more attentive but still not as much as I would like.

All I am saying is that there could be someone else he has his mind on.....not necessarily an ex. Perhaps he just can't make up his mind, resulting is distancing.

I think he might have met someone else on the dating website. I don't think he's met anyone in person, as he told me he wasn't meeting anyone. However, I think it would maybe explain the no-tongues kiss last week, and lack of message initiation since then. He always responded, although they were closed statements, usually about himself. We swapped messages Sunday night and Monday morning, so I thought all was ok and that I was just being paranoid. I actually think he's searching for perfection, and I'm not it :/ I need to learn to trust my intuition/gut! Maybe you do too? Sorry you're having some trouble with your fella.
He doesn't find you attractive, and is too polite to say it, seems like the simplest explanation.
He doesn't find you attractive, and is too polite to say it, seems like the simplest explanation.

Ouch. Yeah, I really needed to wake up to that this morning...

You're probably right, but I think there's more to it than that, i.e. not looks. I think the age gap had something to do with it, plus lots to do with himself. Over the last few days, whilst waiting for him to get in touch, I realised a few things looking back on our dates. He was immature, self-obsessed and, therefore, emotionally unavailable. I can't imagine him getting a girlfriend any time soon. Not a healthy one, anyway.
Ouch. Yeah, I really needed to wake up to that this morning...

You're probably right, but I think there's more to it than that, i.e. not looks. I think the age gap had something to do with it, plus lots to do with himself. Over the last few days, whilst waiting for him to get in touch, I realised a few things looking back on our dates. He was immature, self-obsessed and, therefore, emotionally unavailable. I can't imagine him getting a girlfriend any time soon. Not a healthy one, anyway.

I think the majority of people under age 30 are immature, self-obsessed and emotionally unavailable. It's what they have become over time in order to survive in a social media fishbowl. Have you considered not looking for anyone below a certain age?
I think the majority of people under age 30 are immature, self-obsessed and emotionally unavailable. It's what they have become over time in order to survive in a social media fishbowl. Have you considered not looking for anyone below a certain age?

Yeah.... I don't even think I was emotinally available until my early thirties. He was sat in the pub with me, leaning against the wall with his hood(y) up, and I just thought "how old are you??".

I'm looking for 30-40 now. I just shifted it recently as I realised that I'd aged, yet I hadn't increased my age requirements to reflect that!
Pyrrhula, I can tell you from exeperience as someone who use to date men who were a lot older than me......they are even worse. Many men over 40 come with baggage, never grew up, or have strange paraphilias. Since 2 years ago I have decided to date men my age or younger (I am in my early 30s). I have been surprised to discover that some of these younger guys have been more mature than the older ones AND they come with less baggage! It just comes to show you that age and maturity are not always correlated.

As for my guy, I told him two days ago that I was unhappy with his coldness and that there was no point in talking to him anymore (and I mean that). He will panic for sure and I can't wait to see his excuse.

You know what attracts men? When you are a bitch and call them on their shit......they may complain and act out but they will respect you for standing up to them and not letting them get away with anything. So my suggestion to you is to call him on his BS, tell him he is a jerk, and that you don't want to deal with him anymore. I can tell you from experience that he will be back (because you will be oh so tantalizingly out of his reach)!
Pyrrhula, I can tell you from exeperience as someone who use to date men who were a lot older than me......they are even worse. Many men over 40 come with baggage, never grew up, or have strange paraphilias. Since 2 years ago I have decided to date men my age or younger (I am in my early 30s). I have been surprised to discover that some of these younger guys have been more mature than the older ones AND they come with less baggage! It just comes to show you that age and maturity are not always correlated.

As for my guy, I told him two days ago that I was unhappy with his coldness and that there was no point in talking to him anymore (and I mean that). He will panic for sure and I can't wait to see his excuse.

You know what attracts men? When you are a bitch and call them on their shit......they may complain and act out but they will respect you for standing up to them and not letting them get away with anything. So my suggestion to you is to call him on his BS, tell him he is a jerk, and that you don't want to deal with him anymore. I can tell you from experience that he will be back (because you will be oh so tantalizingly out of his reach)!

It's difficult to know what to do! I'm more attracted to guys who are younger than me. I'm sure there are mature younger guys and immature older guys. I'd like to think that age doesn't matter (it probably doesn't). This INFJ told me age didn't matter to him, but I think it did. I'm starting to get paranoid about my age and ageing too, if I'm honest (I'm 34).

Good for you! I agree. In fact, I think it's the only way to do it. How else will you get your needs met? And if you don't call him on it in the beginning, you're setting yourself to be treated that way for the rest of your life. I just read this and found it interesting and motivational (especially the comments):

I have already stopped speaking to him, although I wasn't a bitch to him, unfortunately :p When he told me he couldn't make our date, he also asked to reschedule(?!). I told him to quit playing games and decide if he was interested in me or not. His response - "Let's just call it a day". Imagine I'd rescheduled! Hopefully, that at least sent the message that I'm not a pushover. However, I don't think it matters. I think he'll be glad I'm gone now.

Oh... Where are you in the UK? I'm also from the UK, currently living in York :)
It's difficult to know what to do! I'm more attracted to guys who are younger than me. I'm sure there are mature younger guys and immature older guys. I'd like to think that age doesn't matter (it probably doesn't). This INFJ told me age didn't matter to him, but I think it did. I'm starting to get paranoid about my age and ageing too, if I'm honest (I'm 34).

Age is usually not relevant.....and neither are looks. Trust me, I know ugly older women who can keep younger, handsome guys. You know what's relevant? Respecting yourself and calling them out on the shit they try to get away with. Men are afraid to displease women.....and the more they learn to respect you the more difficult of a catch you become.

I have already stopped speaking to him, although I wasn't a bitch to him, unfortunately :p When he told me he couldn't make our date, he also asked to reschedule(?!). I told him to quit playing games and decide if he was interested in me or not. His response - "Let's just call it a day". Imagine I'd rescheduled! Hopefully, that at least sent the message that I'm not a pushover. However, I don't think it matters. I think he'll be glad I'm gone now.

If I were in your shoes, I would have immediately sent him a message after he called it a day telling him that he is a wimp/jerk. I did that with my 40+ ex before moving away and he won't stop stalking me online now for over a year.

Oh... Where are you in the UK? I'm also from the UK, currently living in York :)

I used to be at Cambridge but not in the UK anymore.
I got a friend request on FB a couple of days ago from this INFJ guy.

Why? We were never friends on FB. I haven't heard from him for 3months, since he cancelled our third date. I thought that was it. WTF?
I got a friend request on FB a couple of days ago from this INFJ guy.

Why? We were never friends on FB. I haven't heard from him for 3months, since he cancelled our third date. I thought that was it. WTF?

I got a friend request on FB a couple of days ago from this INFJ guy.

Why? We were never friends on FB. I haven't heard from him for 3months, since he cancelled our third date. I thought that was it. WTF?

Did you accept his request?
OK there is some NOT so good advice on going on here....and some def bitterness. I agree that both men and women should in the start of the dating process STATE there needs and the conditions of love. that is a fair way to handle things, I think the primary problem INFJs have in dating is a 2 fold process first and foremost INFJs want too much way too soon. We basically fall in love and make that person #1 with a capital ONE!!!! this is a good thing and both men and women want this BUT not before the first date and lest face it that is what an INFJ does. they dont mean too but they do. The second problem is that INFJs just dont reveal how they feel untill YEARS later, timing is crappy for INFJs in the end the INFJ will get mad cause the one they love is not putting in the same love they are and they DOOR SLAM the other......maybe a tad too soon. In this case I think age may have been factor. IN general I think the man being younger is a issue, overall but with other types it maybe ok......but it would be a HUGE issue for an INFJ male who has massive amounts of future vision,

in other words an younger INFJ male is gonna know that an older woman is gonna be at a different point in life and while yes at the start all is well....this is a type that is looking into the future and will know that it wont be long before that harmony of starting a relationship is gonna change and than different expectations will occur. I am not saying that you were gonna do that...but I am saying an INFJ male could forsee that. Trust me........I have done that. I am an INFJ male.

Any type of dishonest game with an INFJ will result in a door slam. If you go silent, play hard to get, try any form of getting him to chase is gonna backfire.

Also for me competition is an instant Door slam. I will not and never have competed for a womans love. My pov is if a woman requires me to compete ...than she is considering other options which means that Why would I want her? she clearly does not know who I am because if she did ..........there would be no other option....and if she doesnt see that than I question her intellect and ability to love me in general.

in the end the INFJ wants to be discovered, thats prob what this guy wants, granted he may not be mature, but thats what I think.

As a young INFJ I didnt really feel very emotional I would fall in love hard, but it was different. I was not good at dating in the 20s and nervous and unsure of myself, but now near 40 were I single I think I would be quite strong in that area. I can read people like crazy, talk about anything, and understand what peoples end game is. my knowledge of psychology also helps here. So over all I think INFJs are usually late bloomers. I think an INFJ male 35 plus is in a prime spot for dating and would prob be very mature and solid

Best advice for INFJs in dating...................GET USE to the idea of breaking hearts! just do it! better them than you. stop that damn empathy! do what you want! LOL
Sounds exactly like me when I was younger, though I hate to admit that.
Immature INFPland (non existent facial/ emotional expression, pessimistic, moodiness (due to excessive internalization), extreme shyness--save for the shaking)

...run away
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