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Bump stocks for guns

No wonder the NRA keeps roping the rest of the gun owners in, using the slippery-slope argument. Without their support, owners of assault-type rifles don’t stand a chance, and the gun makers would lose that line of business.

OMG. We have had a revolution and a civil war already. Stop with the ignorance. You are walking and stepping all over our rights and the Constitution that ensures this will not happen ever again.

“Legal gun owners have over 400 million guns… and 12 trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, people… if we were a problem, you’d know it!” Ever hear this before? Out of 400,000,000 guns, one was fired at crowds by someone sick.

Every year, about 421,000 people are injured in crashes that have involved a driver who was distracted in some way. Each year, over 330,000 accidents caused by texting while driving lead to severe injuries. This means that over 78% of all distracted drivers are distracted because they have been texting while driving.

The statistic illustrates the rise in the number of cell phone users in the United States between spring 2008 and spring 2016. In spring 2017, the number of cell phone users in the United States amounted to 237.72 million.

NEWS ALERT!! It is not the phones.
Do something about it. Do you plan to ban phones?

Actually they are working on technology that would turn off all cell transmissions while the car is on unless for emergency use.
And it is illegal right now to boot in most states.
Showing crashed cars by dumb people who didn’t pay attention or were drunk, does not equate to a weapon who’s sole purpose is to kill or maim as many people/children as possible.
So yeah...your point is null and out of date.
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So 1/4 of the pop. is roughly 81,820,386.

Doesn't matter much, just wanted to clear this up, but 1/4 of the population being what you claimed would imply that the total US population is over 400 million. Considering Canada's current population is around 36.8 million, your estimate was off by like two Canadas.
Thank you. Your number is off though as well because it doesnt take into account the 11.5 Million undeclared illegal immigrants. We can both be wrong.
I know that lol. What about them?

Well, you were there for them all.
Tell me about them from your first hand experience.
What took place, who died, how did it make you feel, etc?
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  • 11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving.
That is 4015 teens per year and growing. Here again, it is not the phones.

It amazes me how some people are so distracted with their ideals, they cannot see that people need more than they are being offered. I'll let that one go unexplained, please.
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  • 11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving.

What is your point?
  • 845 people die every year from molten lava
You wanna talk statistics then yeah?

Every Day on Average (ages 0-19)
Every day, 46 children and teens are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention.

Every day, 7 children and teens die from gun violence:

  • 4 are murdered
  • 3 die from suicide
Every day, 40 children and teens are shot and survive:

  • 31 injured in an attack
  • 1 survives a suicide attempt
  • 8 shot unintentionally
Asking this simple question is an important step every parent can take to help keep their child safe, and possibly save their child’s life. Read more about Asking Saves Kids (ASK).

Note: Numbers may not sum because of rounding of CDC averages.

Every Day on Average (all ages)
Every day, 318 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention.

Every day, 96 people die from gun violence:

  • 34 are murdered
  • 59 die from suicide
  • 1 killed unintentionally
  • 1 killed by legal intervention
  • 1 died but was intent unknown
Every day, 222 people are shot and survive:

  • 164 injured in an attack
  • 10 survive a suicide attempt
  • 45 shot unintentionally
  • 3 are shot in a legal intervention
It's time for Congress to finish the job and expand Brady background checks to stop criminals and other dangerous people from getting guns in America. Learn more and sign the Finish the Job petition.

In One Year on Average (ages 0-19)
17,102 American children and teens are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, or by police intervention.

2,737 kids die from gun violence:

  • 1,606 murdered
  • 958 die from suicide
  • 110 killed unintentionally
  • 26 killed by legal intervention
  • 36 die but intent was unknown
14,365 kids survive gun injuries:

  • 11,321 injured in an attack
  • 232 survive a suicide attempt
  • 2,747 shot unintentionally
  • 65 shot in a legal intervention
In America, 1 out of 3 homes with kids have guns and nearly 1.7 million children live in a home with an unlocked, loaded gun. Talking to children about the dangers of firearms is not enough. Take Action with Asking Saves Kids Campaign now (ASK).

In One Year on Average (all ages)
116,255 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, or by police intervention.>

35,141 people die from gun violence

  • 12,246 murdered
  • 21,637 die from suicide
  • 500 killed unintentionally
  • 479 killed by legal intervention
  • 279 die but intent was unknown
81,114 people survive gun injuries:

  • 60,041 injured in an attack
  • 3,700 survive a suicide attempt
  • 16,428 shot unintentionally
  • 945 people are shot by legal intervention
Millions of guns are sold every year in “no questions asked” transactions. Experts estimate that 40 percent of guns now sold in America are done so without a Brady background check. Take action with our Finish the Job campaign now.

Gun Death and Injury 5 Year Average Stat Sheet
* The Brady Center averaged the most recent five years of complete data from death certificates (2011-2015) and estimates of emergency room admissions (2010-2014) available via CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System, www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars/. Data retrieved 1.3.17 and 4.29.16 respectively. Numbers may not sum to 100% because of rounding of CDC averages.
Safer will not necessarily translate to better in everybody’s opinion. However there are caveats to this. Are you alluding to guns that decide who can use them, ones that decide who they can be used on, or both?

Hardliners will probably still say that they are the best judge of when/who they can shoot or not. Will the “brains” allow for mods and tinkering to fine tune performance within the law? What incentive will there be for someone who has and likes their guns to give them up or modify them in such a way? What will it cost and who will pay? Anyone who is fearful of the government would probably not want their arms potentially controllable in that manner.

These are questions that will require answers down the line because everybody will have to buy in for this kind of thing to work.
Better as in more effective, safer etc etc.
If you own the weapon you are authorized to use it but if someone stole it it wouldn't fire that's the basic idea, every building will have a small device that would disable every weapon that enters the building ( except the ones the security owns). I'm not sure about the attachments because I do now know how the law will be when this type of weapon is created. Every weapon that you can buy would have this modification the reason why people would want it is because the weapon would be superior and all advancements would go into the new smart weapons meaning it would end up better then older guns. It would only add 200-500$ in the price. Because the weapon would be superior to any other weapon people would still use it especially because there will be attachments only available on the smart guns.
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Let's start with the bomb threat. I decided to walk to the library with some of my brothers. I remember reaching the front of the building and seeing more vehicles there than usual, but I didn't give too much thought to it. Most of the trip was normal, until my older brother arrived to drive me and my brothers home, and he had a sense of urgency with him. It turns out that while we were in there, a bomb was placed in front of the library. I never found out if it was real or not, and if it was, the police disarmed it. I'm pretty sure nobody died.

The isis threat isn't very interesting. I just heard that there was a sympathizer nearby who had big guns and bombs, and was making threats in the name of Allah. They arrested him, wrote an article, and that was the end of it.

The first school shooting was interesting (it technically wasn't a school shooting, it just kind of started there.) The deaths took place at a company that an old (good) friend worked at. The traffic was blocked, and I couldn't check to see if he was okay, so I decided to call him. Luckily, he hadn't gone to work that day.

The second school shooting was nothing but a threat from some bored teens, but they still locked all the students inside the building as a reaction.

Any more questions?
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Are you sure it's apples and oranges? America is becoming more and more like Israel. The only difference is that we're not doing anything to save ourselves


... Now I'm a Super Christian...
I suppose there are worse things to be called.
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OMG. We have had a revolution and a civil war already. Stop with the ignorance. You are walking and stepping all over our rights and the Constitution that ensures this will not happen ever again.

“Legal gun owners have over 400 million guns… and 12 trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, people… if we were a problem, you’d know it!” Ever hear this before? Out of 400,000,000 guns, one was fired at crowds by someone sick.

There are 2-4 million assault-type rifles out there, with even fewer owners.
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Let's start with the bomb threat. I decided to walk to the library with some of my brothers. I remember reaching the front of the building and seeing more vehicles there than usual, but I didn't give too much thought to it. Most of the trip was normal, until my older brother arrived to drive me and my brothers home, and he had a sense of urgency with him. It turns out that while we were in there, a bomb was placed in front of the library. I never found out if it was real or not, and if it was, the police disarmed it. I'm pretty sure nobody died.

The isis threat isn't very interesting. I just heard that there was a sympathizer nearby who had big guns and bombs, and was making threats in the name of Allah. They arrested him, wrote an article, and that was the end of it.

The first school shooting was interesting (it technically wasn't a school shooting, it just kind of started there.) The deaths took place at a company that an old (good) friend worked at. The traffic was blocked, and I couldn't check to see if he was okay, so I decided to call him. Luckily, he hadn't gone to work that day.

The second school shooting was nothing but a threat from some bored teens, but they still locked all the students inside the building as a reaction.

Any more questions?

I certainly wouldn’t put those down as being involved in them though...or them being actual terrorist attacks.
Guns will do nothing for you in a bomb scare, and if it was resolved while you were in the library and without it being evacuated I doubt it was anything substantial.
Catching an "ISIS supporter” if he indeed was, is not an attack, nor are you involved.
Fake threats also are not actual attacks.
The shooting does not sound like a typical school shooting incident.
What was the motive of the shooter, did they find out?

I remember a neighbor had an ex of her's that decided to blow up a backpack full of pipe bombs outside her window.
They didn’t all go off and I was woken up by the bomb squad knocking on my front door telling me I had to leave my house at 2am with my (now Ex) wife and small Son. They had the robot going and everything.
They didn’t blow up...and I had a very legit reason to miss work that morning...lol.
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It wasn't resolved while I was in the library, it started while I was in the library.

I know fake threats aren't attacks, but it's also the only example that isn't a terrorist.

I used to know the reason, but I can't remember now.
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