Brainstorm solutions to save the internet | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

Brainstorm solutions to save the internet

Well it was bound to happen. They are afraid of us. So afraid of us that they are going to spy on us. Can't have them losing power now can we? They don't care about anything but having power. And ease dropping on their own citizens is a way to control you. Sounds an awful lot like the Soviets now doesn't it? They did the same thing for the same reasons. You can't trust those who do not trust you....​
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cheers again for all these great links peppermint. Some stuff here that Im hearing for the first time
No this is about far more than copyright concerns.

Big business and by 'big business' i mean the network of political and financial families that run the big corporations (or oppressive authoritarian regimes in general) always need an excuse to increase their control....a smokescreen

For example the Australian government clamped down on the internet as a supposed reaction against pornography. Pornography is largely the result of the profit driven system that big business is so desperate to protect however

No this is because the economy is changing and life is getting tougher for people so the authorities are worried that there will be increasing resistance from the public

The power elite are consolidating their power and they see the internet as one more area that they must control if they want to continue controlling us so effectivly

The UK government is selling spy software to oppressive regimes:

Tracking cookies:

Web freedom at risk says google founder:

Obama signed anti protest trespass law:

UK’s new anti terror law:
Undercover police sleeping with activists:
Avaaz email about a new law the US government is trying to pass that will allow the government to spy on everything you do online (is that really about copyright?); the UK government is trying something similar:

Dear friends,

Right now, corporations like Microsoft and Facebook are supporting a powerful new law that would allow the US to spy on almost everything we do online. But if enough of us speak out, we can demand that the corporations withdraw their support and stop the cyber-spying. Join the call:

Right now, the US is poised to pass a new law that would permit US agents to spy on almost everything we do online. But we can stop them before the final vote.

Companies that we trust with our personal information, like Microsoft and Facebook, are key supporters of this bill that lets corporations share all user activity and content with US government agents without needing a warrant in the name of cyber-security -- nullifying privacy guarantees for almost everyone around the world, no matter where we live and surf online.

If enough of us speak out, we can stop companies that profit from our business from supporting cyber-spying. Sign the petition to these key net corporations now:

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) would allow companies doing business in the US to collect exact records of all of our online activities and hand them over to the US government, without ever notifying us that we are being watched. No warrant, no legal cause and no due process required. To make matters worse, the bill provides the government and corporations with blanket immunity to protect them from being sued for violation of privacy and other illegal actions.

The bill’s supporters claim that consumer information will be protected, but the reality is that huge loopholes would make everything we do online fair game -- and nowadays, from banking to shopping, our private information is all stored on the Internet.

CISPA is being moved forward in Congress and will be voted upon in days. Let’s raise a massive outcry to stop corporations from giving the US a blank check to monitor our every move. Click below to take action:

This year, we helped stop SOPA, PIPA and ACTA -- all dire threats to the Internet. Now, let’s block CISPA and end the US government attack on our Internet.

WIth hope and determination,

Dalia, Allison, Emma, Ricken, Rewan, Andrew, Wen-Hua, and the rest of the Avaaz team

In my perspective, the key of all these are greed.
The publishers and government want the money from people buying things that kept being pirated. And even more (maybe pay per view? one single content, that has DRM-like protection; with limited views? With minimal content / effort as possible?)
The consumers, on the other hand, wants the goods WITHOUT spending money, which is greed by itself. And even more (Great artists and video game companies, serve us by making good quality goods with as minimal pricing as possible so I can spend me monies elsewhere)

But what can you with that? Isn't greed; or, as the other side of a coin, the need of money, saving things for rainy days, part of humanity?

Honestly, if changing the government/country/religion/education/corporation system will do the trick, we'd have been enlightened sages since centuries ago.
Whose a cynic?

I'm not cynical. I believe in the goodness in people that's why i want decentralised power. I just don't delude myself that the people at the top don't want increasingly centralised power!

I believe in the goodness of humanity at large, but i believe that there is a power hungry minority who see the internet as a threat to their power
Well it was bound to happen. They are afraid of us. So afraid of us that they are going to spy on us. Can't have them losing power now can we? They don't care about anything but having power. And ease dropping on their own citizens is a way to control you. Sounds an awful lot like the Soviets now doesn't it? They did the same thing for the same reasons. You can't trust those who do not trust you....​

On the other hand:

So yeah, damn them for trying to take away our FREEDOM.
The forum won't let me post more than one video in each post so this will be in a few parts:
''You have included a total of 5 videos in your message. The maximum number that you may include is 1. Please correct the problem and then continue again.

The use of videos is subject to them being enabled by the administrator.''

On the other hand:

So yeah, damn them for trying to take away our FREEDOM.

The dailymail....also known as the 'hatemail' by some

Yes the internet is a double edged sword. It's being used by opposing sides in a struggle to each push their agendas. The capitalists are using it to push the global consumer culture whilst those opposed to consumerism are using the internet to increase awareness of what's happening in the world

Pornography will be the excuse that the elite use to try and force more controls on the internet (its what the Australian government did). Whats absurd about this is that pornography in its current form and pervasiveness is largely the product of the current consumer culture. The very capitalists who are saying that they should be allowed to control the internet are the very same capitalists who created and promote the consumer culture of which modern pornography is a product!

Its the same with global warming. The elites are meeting in groups such as the Club of Rome and publishing papers saying that the world's population desperately needs to be curbed or we face decades of disasters (there was even a news article about this in the mainstream press today:

These elite think tanks tell us that we are facing global warming because of all the pollution. But who caused the pollution? Whose industrial endevours have caused the pollution? Who has used patents to block renewable energies? THE VERY SAME CORPORATE ELITES WHO NOW SAY WE ALL NEED TO PAY CARBON TAXES TO CONTROL THE POLLUTION THAT THEY HAVE UNLEASHED!

We've seen the sexual revolution and womens liberation and the rise of the fashion industry (many activists were funded by the CIA!). What has this meant? This has meant that now instead of just the man in a couple going to work and paying taxes to the federal reserve bank (owned by private bankers) now both the man and the woman have to go to work and are paying taxes to the fed, whilst their children are reared by others in creches and kindergartens just like Aldous Huxley predicted in his book 'A Brave New World' where children are raised by the state and brought up with the values of the state not the values of the parents. Remember that totalitarian nazi government in Germany? How it indoctrinated children to inform on their parents to the authorities if they ever heard them say anything bad about the government!

So what have women done with their new found 'freedom'....well many have reinvented themselves as sex objects. Here's some current role models for young girls that are the product of the cunsumer system; bare in mind that Huxley predicted that certain instincts in society would be controlled through organised orgies, 'orgie-porgies' and through the use of the drug 'soma':

Britney Spears music video 'I'm a slave for you': [video=youtube;Mzybwwf2HoQ][/video]
Lady Ga Ga 'Born this way', with the lyrics: 'and a new race was born. A race within the race of humanity. A race which bares no prejudice, no judgement but boundless freedom. But at the same time another birth took place, a terrifying birth; the birth of evil'. Its like we're being told that you must fit in to the consumer system or you are 'evil': [video=youtube;GqAiZmBXq7U][/video]
Lady ga ga emerging from a sarcophagus with the knights templar red cross on it like an egyptian mummy in her music videa 'bad romance': [video=youtube;qrO4YZeyl0I][/video]
Madonna in her video 'die another day' in which she is a bound prisoner before having a fight with herself in a duelistic light versus dark struggle ending with hebrew letters tattooed on her arm and seared onto a chair at the very end of the video. She exclaims in the video 'Sigmund freud', which is significant because of the impact Freuds work has had on consumerism especially through his nephew Edward Bernays, the 'father of Public Relations' : [video=youtube;p7lOSl6L7Oc][/video]

As Frankie goes to Hollywood said 'sex and horror are the new gods':

The elite are magicians and they are unleashing the forces of thanatos and eros within the populace, the aim is mass depersonalisation ( from which the drones can be moulded for the new world order. This is not an external revolution, this is an internal revolution.

The thing to bare in mind with all this and the various controls being imposed on the internet at the moment to supposedly stop copyright theft is that the people behind these moves are the people producing the kind of videos above. So what they want is for the internet to be used for lady ga ga videos and other videos designed to impact on the consciousness a certain way

The CIA have been infiltrating the media for decades see Project Mockingbird:

The CIA have members such as Bundy and Bush who were members of the Skull and Bones secret society

Under Dulles the CIA carried out mind control experiments see Operation MKUltra:

So i think we need to be wary about who we let control the internet regardless of what excuse they give for doing it (pornography, war on terror etc), because the internet is our door to information and a means for workers around the world to gain unity so that we can protect ourselves from a life of serfdom and hoepfully build a better world
A little confused as to if your joking or serious with your response. It's too bad about the little boy in your link. His parents are obviously a little slow to see he was having trouble. And that is the shame. Because Mom and Dad are supposed to be there to guide you and look out for you....

Yeah, they are. And the government is supposed to be looking after your best interests, and people are supposed to be able to control themselves... but it rarely ever works that way. And I'm not completely sure that it's only little boys who have a problem with the Internet, but that's not really my point.

The point is that there are valid arguments for and against, and arguments that are for don't necessarily involve global conspiracies to destroy freedom for everyone. To be honest, I don't even think that we're so free right now that suddenly not being unable to have this conversation would make such a difference in our lives.

Why not push for more moderate regulation? I think the only real problem with SOPA was that it was poorly worded and too extreme. I don't really see a problem with clamping down on some things... it would probably make the Internet a more decent place. I actually think it's pretty lawless right now.

And the Internet helps fascists and terrorists too... you can spread hate just as easily as you can spread revolution or whatever it is you're trying to spread. And if you're really concerned about your freedom and privacy, then you probably shouldn't even be on the Internet in the first place... and definitely not on Facebook, posting pictures of yourself in random forums, etc.
Yeah, they are. And the government is supposed to be looking after your best interests, and people are supposed to be able to control themselves... but it rarely ever works that way. And I'm not completely sure that it's only little boys who have a problem with the Internet, but that's not really my point.

The point is that there are valid arguments for and against, and arguments that are for don't necessarily involve global conspiracies to destroy freedom for everyone. To be honest, I don't even think that we're so free right now that suddenly not being unable to have this conversation would make such a difference in our lives.

Why not push for more moderate regulation? I think the only real problem with SOPA was that it was poorly worded and too extreme. I don't really see a problem with clamping down on some things... it would probably make the Internet a more decent place. I actually think it's pretty lawless right now.

And the Internet helps fascists and terrorists too... you can spread hate just as easily as you can spread revolution or whatever it is you're trying to spread. And if you're really concerned about your freedom and privacy, then you probably shouldn't even be on the Internet in the first place... and definitely not on Facebook, posting pictures of yourself in random forums, etc.

Hey Apone,

Its been a while since we argued and I have always enjoyed debating with you.
What do you consider moderate regulation?
What are the main things that should be regulated?
What should not be regulated?
Who do you think should police it?
How do you feel about a parental control system that you can opt in to, rather than a blanket control?

Personally, I dont believe in any censorship. I think that freedom of speech is very important for a healthy, unrepressed, equal and progressive society.
I definately agree that the internet is and can be used for some despicable things. My concern is how or if can we safely regulate/prevent those despicable things while still keeping the rest of the internet open.

Also, I think that we need a lot more research about internet communities, how people use the internet, how it affects them etc. I can definately see internet addiction becoming a more prominent issue. I dont think the solution for any addiction is to prohibit the object, but rather to educate the person on how to use it a heathier way.
Its been a while since we argued and I have always enjoyed debating with you.

I'd give you a smiley but I would be afraid of it turning into a monkey.

What are the main things that should be regulated?
What should not be regulated?
Who do you think should police it?
How do you feel about a parental control system that you can opt in to, rather than a blanket control?

Personally, I dont believe in any censorship. I think that freedom of speech is very important for a healthy, unrepressed, equal and progressive society.
I definately agree that the internet is and can be used for some despicable things. My concern is how or if can we safely regulate/prevent those despicable things while still keeping the rest of the internet open.

Also, I think that we need a lot more research about internet communities, how people use the internet, how it affects them etc. I can definately see internet addiction becoming a more prominent issue. I dont think the solution for any addiction is to prohibit the object, but rather to educate the person on how to use it a heathier way.

I don't know if I have an answer for that. I couldn't claim to be any sort of specialist on the law or solve the problems that nobody else has been able to solve either, which is probably a big part of the problem-- and one of the reasons that you get things like SOPA in the first place. It seems like nowadays the popular reaction is to assume that everyone always knows exactly what they're doing and it's all an intentional plot, which I don't think is fair-- mostly because people are never as insidiously brilliant as you, I or they think they are.

Changing the Internet is a pretty huge task... to me, it's sort of the same thing as telling people to give up their cars and iPhones and all of those things that they really don't need but think they do. Sure, they're causing global warming-- but self-sacrifice is pretty much the last thing on anyone's mind nowadays... it's actually the exact opposite. We're all entitled to more and more and more... more freedom, more money, more security, more justice, more things... and the result is less and less co-operation, more defiance, more antagonism, etc. It's like there's nothing wrong with anything that anyone ever does, unless they do something that I personally don't agree with, in which case it's a crime against humanity.

I don't think it's such a bad idea to make everyone have an online ID. Completely depoliticize and de-anonymize (is that a word?) the entire Internet. An argument I hear about these people who are so anxious to post their pictures online is 'well, people can see me in real life, so why wouldn't I want them to see me online?'... but I don't think that those same people would say the same thing about the porn sites they visit, or their political activities.

I don't think that a still image and a random 3-D face in a crowd are even remotely the same thing, but I do think that people would behave themselves if they knew that other people were going to know exactly who they are. I think that discussion would become more civil. I think people would feel more shame about downloading illegal content, or watching porn. There's a difference between going onto Pirate Bay and no one even knows that you were there, and going there and knowing that absolutely everyone is going to be able to see exactly who it is that's downloading all of this stuff.

As for political activities-- I don't think that anyone in the western world would be particularly upset if you offered a viewpoint that was different to their own... but you should be reasonable about it. Saying that the government should be trying to move more to the left is reasonable. It isn't reasonable to say that the government is evil and needs to be completely destroyed and the corporations need to be destroyed too and anarchy should reign.

If it weren't anonymous, then I think people would probably be more likely to actually listen to each other instead of just aggressively disagreeing and labeling you the enemy or letting the discussion devolve into an ego battle. I don't even think that the government would be so opposed to a peaceful discussion with people who are genuinely concerned... people still want to get along, deep down inside. But all that this outrage and conspiracy BS does is breed antagonism and contempt... seriously, it's like a bloodthirsty mob that urgently needs sweeping changes that are probably impossible anyways, and they can't be reasoned with or they'll just bombard you with all kinds of propaganda.

I'm old enough to remember the beginning of the net, and people were sooo much nicer online. I think it was because even though they were anonymous, they weren't used to being that way, so they just acted like they did in real life.

But it seems like nowadays the Internet is just a lot of people being pissed off about absolutely everything all the time, picking their sides, battling their enemies... there's a violent, desperate and even authoritarian vibe to it all-- like 'we have to FIGHT. ACT ON THIS NOW OMG' when really, things AREN'T that desperate, and a calm, rational discussion would probably suffice.

Radicals who want to wreck everything need to be anonymous, but I don't think that removing anonymity would in any way prevent information from spreading... I can't be certain, but I think there's a pretty good chance that it's not the information itself that 'they' want to control, it's your reaction to it. And I think there's just wayyy too much outrage in the world and not enough calm, objective rationalization.

Call me a cynic, but I don't think that people CAN control themselves... especially not when they're anonymous. If we were more than human then maybe putting all the responsibilities in the hands of individuals or in the hands of their parents would work, but the problem is that their parents are human too. Actually, I know a guy who's dad was recently busted for child porn... so yeah, parents control their children's internet, but who controls the parents' internet?

If the Internet really is about knowing each other and coming together, then anonymity and facelessness is probably an obstacle too... maybe our online lives should be more like our real life lives...

That said, a lot of these countries are handling it pretty terribly-- mostly because they're NOT demanding the end of anonymity and they're just being sneaky and malicious about punishing people. They should be trying to turn all of the lights ON instead of leaving them off and spying on everyone, waiting for their chance to strike... that's just not fair. People just aren't the same people online... anyone could tell you that. And the Internet can warp your brain for sure, but I think that the anonymity is the real threat... the problem being that some people don't want to give that up.
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I'd give you a smiley but I would be afraid of it turning into a monkey.
Hah- i dont do smileys or monkeys - i dont know whats wrong with me
I don't know if I have an answer for that. I couldn't claim to be any sort of specialist on the law or solve the problems that nobody else has been able to solve either, which is probably a big part of the problem-- and one of the reasons that you get things like SOPA in the first place. It seems like nowadays the popular reaction is to assume that everyone always knows exactly what they're doing and it's all an intentional plot, which I don't think is fair-- mostly because people are never as insidiously brilliant as you, I or they think they are.

Changing the Internet is a pretty huge task... to me, it's sort of the same thing as telling people to give up their cars and iPhones and all of those things that they really don't need but think they do. Sure, they're causing global warming-- but self-sacrifice is pretty much the last thing on anyone's mind nowadays... it's actually the exact opposite. We're all entitled to more and more and more... more freedom, more money, more security, more justice, more things... and the result is less and less co-operation, more defiance, more antagonism, etc.

Yes I find that most people are so stuck in their own lives and their own shit that they arent as brilliant, manipulative or as masterminding as some would believe. Thats one of the trippiest things I found when I got involved in politics- most people are like kids, having their own issues, ego trips, power plays, insecurities and typical highschool problems. Even some of the most 'successful' people I know are not beyond this. I try to be but I fail often. However, I do think that there are people that have their agendas (that may/or not be well intentioned towards the community), are very well versed in public relations, can be ruthless in realising the vision, and have a lot to protect/lose.

Our society is greedy and always wanting more. I think this is because thats how people have been enculturalised to be. Always trying to compete with others, look better, be richer, have more power, worried they might miss out, paranoid that everyone is out to get them and going to take advatage of them, obsessed with others and societies standards, worried that they wont have enough. I feel positive this is enculturalised behaviour because when I was younger, I had the luxury of living in a developing nation for several years. There was only one TV channel (that was only on for 8 hours out of 24), no malls, no brands, no ads, no intense marketing, no crap. The people, on average were a lot happier and functioned much better as a community. The kids werent trying to outdo and bully each other at school. Most people lived comfortably and happily enough, despite not having a great deal of money or 'stuff'.

So I agree that we live in a me me I want more culture that is not healthy. But I dont think that money and stuff, can be lumped into the same category of necessities such as freedom and justice. Many things we can do with out, but with freedom and justice we need nothing else and somehow have everything we need anyway. The internet allows us to communicate and learn. Too much communication and learning can only be a good thing. I dont think its because of the internet that people are being more defiant and antagonistic. Its because of everything else, in their lives and their environment, and the internet is simply a medium they use as a voice.

I don't think it's such a bad idea to make everyone have an online ID. Completely depoliticize and de-anonymize (is that a word?) the entire Internet. An argument I hear about these people who are so anxious to post their pictures online is 'well, people can see me in real life, so why wouldn't I want them to see me online?'... but I don't think that those same people would say the same thing about the porn sites they visit, or their political activities.

I don't think that a still image and a random 3-D face in a crowd are even remotely the same thing, but I do think that people would behave themselves if they knew that other people were going to know exactly who they are. I think that discussion would become more civil. I think people would feel more shame about downloading illegal content, or watching porn. There's a difference between going onto Pirate Bay and no one even knows that you were there, and going there and knowing that absolutely everyone is going to be able to see exactly who it is that's downloading all of this stuff.

This is a very interesting idea. People would certainly be more visible and accountable for their actions. I appreciate the transparent nature of such a concept. I also think that the 'transparent' nature could be abused. People hacking others identities, masquerading as others, incriminating innocent people. There would have to be significant safe guards in place.

As for political activities-- I don't think that anyone in the western world would be particularly upset if you offered a viewpoint that was different to their own... but you should be reasonable about it. If it weren't anonymous, then I think people would probably be more likely to actually listen to each other instead of just aggressively disagreeing and labeling you the enemy or letting the discussion devolve into an ego battle. I don't even think that the government would be so opposed to a peaceful discussion with people who are genuinely concerned... people still want to get along, deep down inside.

I'm old enough to remember the beginning of the net, and people were sooo much nicer online. I think it was because even though they were anonymous, they weren't used to being that way, so they just acted like they did in real life.

But it seems like nowadays the Internet is just a lot of people being pissed off about absolutely everything all the time, picking their sides, battling their enemies... there's a violent, desperate and even authoritarian vibe to it all-- like 'we have to FIGHT. ACT ON THIS NOW OMG' when really, things AREN'T that desperate, and a calm, rational discussion would probably suffice.

Radicals who want to wreck everything need to be anonymous, but I don't think that removing anonymity would in any way prevent information from spreading... I can't be certain, but I think there's a pretty good chance that it's not the information itself that 'they' want to control, it's your reaction to it. And I think there's just wayyy too much outrage in the world and not enough calm, objective rationalization.

Call me a cynic, but I don't think that people CAN control themselves... especially not when they're anonymous. If we were more than human then maybe putting all the responsibilities in the hands of individuals or in the hands of their parents, but the problem is that their parents are human too. Actually, I know a guy who's dad was recently busted for child porn... so yeah, parents control their children's internet, but who controls the parents' internet?

If the Internet really is about knowing each other and coming together, then anonymity and facelessness is probably an obstacle too... maybe our online lives should be more like our real life lives...

I think that this would definitely work better in more developed, democratised, liberal nation. It would not work at all in most of the majority world, and places with authoritarian governments. In many respects, it is the anonymity that allows people to speak out, be honest and communicate because they feel they are free from persecution. Being persecuted on the internet (I know that online bullying is very harmful and dangerous) can be damaging to psyche but not as tangibly destructive as being persecuted in the physical world. One can hide or disappear from the internet but that is a lot harder in the 'real' world.

I think that people enjoy communicating anonymously online so much because they finally have the freedom to say things that they would not normally necessarily have the ability to say. While it would be ideal and extremely healthy if individuals would have the strength to speak their minds and be themselves in the physical world, it is understandably difficult for most. Hopefully we'll all get there one day, but this is only possible in a truly open, democratic, transperant and advanced society that nutures self awareness, love and communication. Perhaps the current internet generation will be able to achieve this. It would be perfect to have congruence between one's online and physical world.

The reason why there is so much outrage is because there are so many outrageous things happening. While I agree that some of the things people get outraged about seem non consequential, there is also the cold hard reality that we live in a world where the majority of people are suffering unecessarily. I think that most of the time there is too much apathy and not enough action. Its fine to think things, feel things but at the end of the day we need to take action and get results as well. Many people I meet seem to think that everything is out of their hands anyway and theres no way they can act to improve things. This couldn't be further from the truth. The world, all politics, all organisations, cultures, institutions, authorities, societies, communities- all they are is just a bunch of people. They same people as you and me. So if individuals care enough, anything can change. Apathy and consumerism are the drugs that are used to poison the masses into thinking they are helpless and they should just go with tide, consume and not think outside their box.
A solution?

Everyone get angry and stay angry very visibly in real life, enough to deeply freak out politicians and corperations hoping to gain a slice of future success. With various rebellions and black market things on the side.

I think that will happen anyway of varying degrees though...
What is normal? We grow up thinking we are normal but are we? How can we tell? Who's normal do we go by? These are the questions we need to refer to for a base line. But where is that line? Where do we draw that line? Obviously it's normal for Men and Women to look at porn. If it was not it would not exist. Look at how much of the internet is driven by sex. I would think that sex is the biggest selling commodity online. So why not have a .porn? A place that is only for porn? I don't think you could do that though. Maybe you could. I don't know much about creating .com or .net or .gov. I am ignorant about such things.

It seems to me that there will always be those who wish to do harm. That is their normal. That is what they do. Every type of person needs one another. Where would the cop work if there were no criminals? A garbage man with no garbage. A sailor without the sea? Every possible type of situation is happening in life right now. Right now someone just got murdered. Someone just had a child. A child was kidnapped. A pet was lost. Someone got hit by a drunk driver. Someone just went to jail. Someone just cheated. Someone won the lottery. And someone just lost by one number.

Life is thousands of intersecting lines and once and awhile they touch. Think of how many people you see in a day and never talk too. The less we communicate the less we care about one another. Technology has made us care less in a sense. We can be self absorbed as much as we wish. We can hide away from the world. And still be a part of it. I don't know if it is smart to contain the web. It reflects real life. It was created by the people who use it. Trying to force people to do what you want will only make them resent you. Maybe even revolt.

I am not much for debating these days. Don't really see the point of it. For all we know we are both wrong. I really don't know what normal is. Or how to define it. I have become a quiet observer. I may comment from time to time. My comments are just my observations combined with my thoughts. Nothing I say or think is right. It's just my life experience relating to a world that I will never understand.