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I love Bleach. Lets discuss it. The characters are all very fascinating to me, Kenpachi and Gin in particular. No one I know in real life watches the show so I have no outlet of my excitement when something cool happens like the IchigoVsAmagai fight.
*If you just want to complain about differences between the manga and the anime, please don't bother. Just have love for the Bleach universe!

I was surprised that the filler wasn't all that bad. It was a bit slow but it certainly made for an interesting drama.
Yea, I enjoyed it for the most part. I'm glad it's over though.

I really liked Amagai as an ally though, I was pissed that he turned out a villain and then died
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If you saw the preview for the next episode, it looks like Ichigo is pretty screwed. I can't imagine after going all out he could have the gas to go another round with a new opponent.
I got impatient and read a bit of the manga so I know what's coming for a few episodes. I stopped reading it because I'm not really a manga person and it kind of weirded me out that I was so obsessed with the show that I started doing that :mD:

I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that the show is going to end abruptly.
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I love anime and bleach is really good.
The amv was awsome btw. Never seen it before. ^^

My favorites in the anime is:

Hitsugaya Toushiro
Rukia Kuchiki
Urahara Kisuke

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I LOVE Mr. Hat-and-Clogs! I wonder if he is INFJ 'cause he is my favorite character in Bleach! :)

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I LOVE Mr. Hat-and-Clogs! I wonder if he is INFJ 'cause he is my favorite character in Bleach! :)

It's hard to tell what the types of these characters are because they have so much back history. However, he is one of those characters who shifts between carefree and playful to serious and fierce. I tend to think of those types as the anime representations of INFJs.
Urahara Kisuke aka Mr. Hat-and-clogs simply rawks. I want too see him kick some more ass ... not only ichigoes
Urahara Bankai = Fruity Armageddon of Awesomeness and Win.

Can't wait to see it.
So Neliel's voice is hilarious. Wasn't expecting that.
I havn't read the manga... I was so surprised lol.
I've figured it it was something special about nell ... but not like that lol.

Amazing, just love that anime ^^
Damnit I hope I live for another week to see Nel's release form or whatever the crap is about it happen.
Damnit I hope I live for another week to see Nel's release form or whatever the crap is about it happen.

I'm very happy I haven't read the manga. When I was a kid I used to hate the suspense, but as an adult, I kinda enjoy it.
That was probably the most suspenseful ending to a Bleach episode yet. Usually they will make it clear what is about to happen and also you have a vague idea of each person's abilities. With Nel though, could be anything and also the way they ended it was just agonizing... like half a second longer and we'd see whatever that was! Arggg!

I'm glad I haven't read the manga as well though. With a cliffhanger like that, the payoff is bound to be sweet! :mclap:
Just watched the new ep. Kenpachi is so effing awesome. Yachiru kicking Ichigo in the face was one of the funniest things I've seen on the show.

Also, the scene after the credits is frikkin hilarious.
I totally want to see Yachiru fight. My INFJ sense tells me she is stronger than Kenpachi.
I've always had that sneaking suspicion as well. He doesn't seem to worry at all about her getting hurt, more her being in his way. All of the other captains seem very wary of her haha but it's hard to tell if that's due to her strength or her insanity.