Bibi's speech; disgruntled Democrats, and truth

Do blacks hate Jews?

I would say it’s the other way around if you look at how Hollywood has portrayed African Americans over the years.
Even Doogie Howser mentioned it in his opening Oscar song to the camera panning to the few black actor that were there and they weren’t smiling.
First off, anybody can hate anyone when given the opportunity.

The reason why blacks hate Jews is because they always say derogatory shit to us! (From my personal experience)

(Actual photo from the speech)

How come no one seems to give a shit that this is an unprecedented insult to our country?

Did Benjamin Netanyahu Lie To Congress?
5 Fact-Checked Claims From The Speech
LMFAO. We share a connection with Jews. I mean in no way can blacks hate Jews.
Interesting question though.
Let's just say quite a few blacks were quite the Debbie Downers today. Judging from their frowns, crossed arms, sitting instead of standing and clapping, and failure to look at the man was a giveaway. Quite embarrassing.
I see no insult to our country; some of the leaders have gone astray. I am embarrassed of them.
Let's just say quite a few blacks were quite the Debbie Downers today. Judging from their frowns, crossed arms, sitting instead of standing and clapping, and failure to look at the man was a giveaway. Quite embarrassing.

Wow I have never heard of this. I have to search this up.
"The enemies of your enemies...are your enemies."
Let's just say quite a few blacks were quite the Debbie Downers today. Judging from their frowns, crossed arms, sitting instead of standing and clapping, and failure to look at the man was a giveaway. Quite embarrassing.

You're telling me that instead of seeing individuals who were less than pleased with Bibi's presence because they felt his visit and speech were an insult to the United States, you saw a 'black democrat'? Did you notice any 'white democrats' frowning, crossing their arms, sitting instead of standing and clapping? The only thing this thread tells me is that you aren't fond of black people and Democrats.

Do blacks hate Jews?

No, people hate people. And I find this thread to be very insulting. To Jews and African Americans.
[MENTION=12327]Anywhere But Here[/MENTION] ,
I'm over 60 years old, and have heard for many years that blacks hate Jews. I asked the question. I get offended when people are disgruntled with God. You see? Individuals love or hate or are neutral of God. When an entire party tried to turn a visit by the leader of Israel into a partisan visit, I got upset. Hence, I'll agree I am not fond of....the way Democrats have been acting. I do not like their platform. I do not like the words against Bibi. I feel standing beside Israel is how America should stand with all its allies.

Yet, from the things I have heard over the years, and from the disrespect our own president showed, and has shown, Israel by the actions he has taken abroad? It digs up a hatchet that was supposedly buried many years ago; anti-Semitism. Our president said Bibi said nothing new. So true. We all should know what our president has been trying to accomplish in Persia, Africa, and the Middle East with terrorists. He is trying at all his might to belittle Israel's safety by surrounding them with their self-proclaimed enemies. His current plan of peace with Iran is a joke. You don't watch the news? Nothing new.

When diplomats of a specific race show their distaste for something, they should know better. Their peers might get the wrong impression. Just look at Ferguson for a moment if you think hate in this country is gone. I do not agreed with the way people are acting in Ferguson. That includes everyone that is causing problems.

I also did not like the constant questioning of a friend regarding her situation at home. Maybe I placed the thread as a joke and nobody got it but the people that really know me. It is not like me to say such things, so why did I say them? Of course, you don't know me that well. I treat all alike until they cross boundaries. People that know me know that.

I asked, on the internet, if hatred for the Jews still existed in the USA...7 or 8 years ago. A man showed up at my office the next day just talking, but made sure I knew there were still those that hated Jews in America. He was white and basically included himself in that group of people. Hatred for God exists in this country. Hatred for Israel exists. There are blacks that hate whites, and whites that hate blacks. If you look, you will see them. There are also blacks and whites that love each other. There are Democrats that must love God and Israel.

There is an obvious friction between Obama and Netanyahu. If you look for it, you will see it. That is not becoming of our president. Trying to sign a peace accord with Iran in the current verbage it is written is a mistake. Empowering Iran's military to openly move about all over Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Sinai, Yemen? Distasteful. Will Obama answer Bibi's question regarding Imad Mugniyeh and Iran? Will Clinton ever pay for her major downfall regarding Benghazi? Will Obama ionclude ICBMs in the discussions with Iran? Can they be trusted? Obama said Bibi did not offer any directions to take regarding Iran. THAT would have been an insult to America. Yet, Bibi is insulted for not insulting us. I would be happy to help rewrite the plan. Just ask me.
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]

I too stand with Israel and feel that America should stand with its allies. But I also stand by what I said regarding this thread.

And where did this come from?

"I also did not like the constant questioning of a friend regarding her situation at home."

In case you haven't noticed, this is a forum. When someone makes a thread asking for advice and even opinions regarding their "situation", that opens the door for 'questions'. If it made you uncomfortable, then I'm sure it made your friend uncomfortable. I would think then, you both should ask yourselves 'why am I uncomfortable with such simple questions?' Think about it.
Better question do black Jews hate jews or black people? Or both?

Just to clarify, I have a slightly brown friend so I can't be racist.
These are strange discussions that I fear becoming part of because I feel as if anything I say can be taken out of context where I am made to look racist. A point milked to death by Democrats for anyone who says they dislike Obama. The only reason you could possibly dislike him is because hes black etc....

Having said that these discussions also make me feel like a moth to a flame.

I dont really understand this. It compares religious leanings to race and asks if one does not like the other. I counter with a question meant to bring some amount of humor. Can a black Jewish person like themselves?

I really do see people as people regardless of race or religious inclination. This is one of the reasons its so maddening to me that I cant have a discussion with people without them looking at me funny regarding related topics. It is something that effects the world though so if it cant be discussed we are all fed.
I think the has to do with Obamas attitude toward Israel yes?
If so I dont think Obama is leaving Israel to rot because he does not like Jewish people. I think Obama is exceptionally small minded and doe not see the world. I think that Obama barely sees America and what he sees he only sees because he is forced to. Obama has no conception of foreign policy. To him its a thorn in his side or an after thought. I do not care if you vored for him or not, Obamas clear disdain for foreign policy is blazingly obvious. He simply does not want to be bothered with it. And this is the source of his attitude concerning Israel.
Better question do black Jews hate jews or black people? Or both?

Just to clarify, I have a slightly brown friend so I can't be racist.

What shade is this 'slightly brown' friend leaning more towards: a hazelnut or a honey beige?
This thread is a prime example of the bullshit that is separating our country.
This is NOT important.
Israel has enough nukes to wipe Iran off the face of the planet.
Not to mention all the fighter-jets, destroyers, surface to surface munitions that we the US have sold them.
I agree with the above posters….it is exactly this attitude and inability to see a human as a human and not as a “black” or “mexican”.
My Mom is from Canada…holy shit…you wanna hate me to?
Hell, even my ancestors…I’ve got German, but Polish, Welsh, English…so I’m a big WHITE mutt.
How does that give me some rights that no one else has? Why don’t people look at me and say “Holy shit that guy looks German, they were our enemies in WWII!”
My own ancestors probably killed my other ones…
And using your age as an excuse to write your vitriol is childish IMO.
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I think it has more to do with the world realizing that Israel is full of shit and has been for years.
There I said it.

If you in your older and “wiser” years can’t erase the racist nonsense that was fed to you your whole life then that really sucks…keep it to yourself please.
This country is still very racist…VERY RACIST.
The disproportionate amount of African Americans in prison is sickening…this is not because they are more likely to commit crimes…I can show you solid studies that show not only do the police fuck with them way more. They are more likely to prosecute and hand down much stricter sentences than their white counterparts.
It’s disgusting in this day and age.
Our prisons are now a money making endeavor….conflict of interest? …no one says a word.