Best and worst subjects in school?

What were your best and worst subjects in school?

gradeschool - science and english
highschool - geometry, chemistry,biology, trigonometry and english
uni - systems analysis and design, data modeling and relational database design, discrete math

i hate physical education.
Prep - I was good at reading, spelling, but horrible in math. Had to get tutoring in math.
high school - Was pretty good at Literature and French, but struggled with Biology and Chemistry. I also hated phys ed, except when we were swimming.
College - Pretty average, no standout subjects but sucked at anything science
Best Subjects:

Elementary School - Math, Science
High School - Chemistry and English
University - Literature, Urban Economics

Worst Subjects:

Elementary School - English, Social Sciences
High School - Biology, French
University - Accounting, Options and Futures
Speech, enunciation and articulation.

I'm good in my head and on paper but stagger and stammer when trying to socialsettings this doesn't happen. I'm a vibrant storyteller...but if I have to deliver a talk on technical jargon and smart stuff I'm toast. :-)
P.E. (I played for the school soccer team !! woot woot !)

Science (I fell out with the science teacher and ignored him for 5 years - I later went to college and got the Physics exam)
Art (never progressed beyond drawing a stickman, and this was only so I could play hangman in the lessons)
Geography (I feel out with the teacher)
Religious Studies (zero interest)
Good subjects;
Cultural Studies

Bad Subjects;

I was given permission to stop coming to classes in my 5th year so it's a miracle I got any GCSE's at all, can't say I did that well though.
If you notice thing's like bad grammar that's be why. (I also was very late with literacy skills). Just a bit of additional, pointless info. there. My grandmother said I was 'special', I wonder now what she really meant.
I forgot two subjects, I was pretty good with music in high school if the recorder counts as a significant musical instrument. Speech was my strength in elementary and high school. I guess it's probably not surprising then why I ended up in something related to that field.
Good subjects

Modern History

Bad subjects
Religious Studies
Music (although play the piano well)

Good subjects

Introduction to Psychology

Bad subjects
Good subjects;
Cultural Studies

Bad Subjects;

I was given permission to stop coming to classes in my 5th year so it's a miracle I got any GCSE's at all, can't say I did that well though.
If you notice thing's like bad grammar that's be why. (I also was very late with literacy skills). Just a bit of additional, pointless info. there. My grandmother said I was 'special', I wonder now what she really meant.

You were given permission to stop going to classes in your 5th year??
You were given permission to stop going to classes in your 5th year??
I had a friend who was like a bit of a man/father figure in my life. I had a great cleaning job - every Saturday I'd go and clean for him, I got £10 an hour and mostly drink coffee, smoked cigarettes and got to bitch about everything in my life. One day I went to his house as usual and he had been murdered. (Random, drug addict knife attack...thankfully I didn't find the body as the police were already there). My father had died the year before quite suddenly it was all a bit much. I wasn't learning a lot at school at that stage anyway, there was too much going on at home. I was already truanting anyway.
I had a friend who was like a bit of a man/father figure in my life. I had a great cleaning job - every Saturday I'd go and clean for him, I got £10 an hour and mostly drink coffee, smoked cigarettes and got to bitch about everything in my life. One day I went to his house as usual and he had been murdered. (Random, drug addict knife attack...thankfully I didn't find the body as the police were already there). My father had died the year before quite suddenly it was all a bit much. I wasn't learning a lot at school at that stage anyway, there was too much going on at home. I was already truanting anyway.

It's a shock when someone you know dies....your Father died then when you were really young. I'm so sorry this happened. 5th year - how old were you?..And then your friend murdered..Gosh, a lot for a young person to take in. It must have been a really hard 2 years or so.
It's a shock when someone you know dies....your Father died then when you were really young. I'm so sorry this happened. 5th year - how old were you?..And then your friend murdered..Gosh, a lot for a young person to take in. It must have been a really hard 2 years or so.
My dad died when I was 14. It was sudden and unexpected. I only met him a handful of times although my parents had married. I won't say how- it's a bit personal. But I do remember thinking I might never smile ever again. Weirdly enough when I was 18 I au paired for some children in Spain and the mother of the kids died of pneumonia while I was there. I started getting a bit paranoid then...truly it was quite intense.
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My dad died when I was 14. It was sudden and unexpected. I only met him a handful of times although my parents had married. I won't say how- it's a bit personal. But I do remember thinking I might never smile ever again. Weirdly enough when I was 18 I ou' paired for some children in Spain and the mother of the kids died of pneumonia while I was there. I started getting a bit paranoid then...truly it was quite intense.

That's so hard - for both you and the children you au paired for. It is unusual...and then you were married for 10 years?
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That's so hard - for both you and the children you u'paired for. It is unusual...and then you were married for 10 years?
No no no...I left home at 16 (nearly 17) and then went and lived with my dodgy boyfriend...then I escaped from that situation and have been living on my wits ever since (never married).

I must have already left home when I did the au pair thing.
Did you ever marry? Or have you been more of a loner like me?
Anyway I'm not going to derail this thread anymore- just wanted to ask that.
In no order, but as I recall...

Primary/Elementary: I can't remember too well. Art for certain though.

Secondary (Years 8-10):
Best: Food Technology (i.e. cooking), Woodwork, Visual Art, English, Religion
Good but not best: Humanities and Science in general
Worst: Maths, Physical Education (quite liked it though), Physics.

At this point these were all subjects I chose...

Secondary (Years 11-12):
Best: Visual Art, English, Religion, Maths (only because it was the easier of the tertiary bound courses!)
Good but not best: Human Biology
Worst: History (not bad, but worse in comparison with my other subjects)

Best: Theology, Ethics based Philosophy, Psychology, Ancient Language
Good but not best: Social Justice (I did a minor in it! The units are somewhat what you'd expect, but somewhat not. It was before the term Social Justice was a 'big thing'. I was certainly the odd ball doing it, with totally different views - silently held - to the rest. It was worthwhile though).
Worst: Philosophy (alright really, but certainly marks are less when compared to the above - I enjoy it greatly though).
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Primary school:
My own native language (sorry, I don't feel like sharing my nationality haha)


Secondary school:
My own native language


Japanese (writing, reading, speaking.. listening was also good but not as good as the others)
Japanese Culture and History
Business Journalism and Correspondence
Intercultural Communication

Criminal Law and Administrative Law (when I was studying Laws)