Being Explosive...


Community Member
Sometimes when I get angry enough at someone, I will sort of explode. Not violently or anything, just verbally, as in saying something quietly and rather bluntly, which sometimes can make me feel bad in retrospect (and sometimes not:)). I feel it very intensely at the moment, even though on the outside there may not be any visible signs of an "explosion".

Like, for example, some people I know think things of me that are untrue, for whatever reason, but I can live with that.
Now, when they approach me about it and verbalize something like, "Man, you are just like that because you are (insert false notion here)", as if I didn't know they thought that already, it really ticks me off, and I will surprise myself with what comes out of my mouth.

I don't even know why I posted the majority of this, but yeah, basically:

Do any others "explode" occasionally (I am assuming we all do for one reason or another, but I am asking anyway)?

And what brings it on for you?
Reference my personal blog about teh volcano analogy.

This is a response to a build up of stress.

Little things that add up..and add up....and add up. And finally, something little triggers a cascading explosion.
The first post on my blog is 'Problems With Blowing Up' LOL
haha! I just reread your volcano post alcyone and it is very, very good!
Wow, you guys are awesome.
I loved reading your blogs! I actually took in a deep breath after I finished them.
They were so refreshing to read.

thank you both so much for posting the links. :)
I don't tend to implode/explode to others, frustration is the extent of what others see and even then it’s only briefly, anything more either dissipates quickly or I release through writing.
I will explode or implode when the time is necessary and of great importance. When people start running their mouth and assuming things, then yeah I get a little defensive. And I can't predict what I'm going to say and later I'm shocked about what I said.
I have explosions - or as I refer to them 'truth attacks'! Things slowly build up over a number of months or even years. I do my best to let people know what I'm wanting/meaning or thinking about something, but in such a roundabout nice way that they don't pick up on it. Eventually it all gets too much and somebody goes too far in their actions towards me and I loose it, one thing comes out followed by every little observation and annoyance. The truth as I see it.
Exploding! This has only happened to me once with friends [ generally don't have friends anymore that I give too much of a shit about, at the moment] and many, many times with family. This happens to me when I ignore issues that are occurring, or rather, don't solve them. I'll just try to cope with some issue I'm having with another person and randomly when we're in a petty disagreement I will burst out with mean, hurtful words.

My tatic of anger usually deals with analysis of other people [ which are usually quite accurate, if not exagerrated a bit] where I tell them their flaws in a rather rude and blunt way, intended to hurt the other person and make them feel pain. Later, much, much later, I will feel remorse for my actions and usually will make up with them [ can't stand to be 'at odds' with anyone, as long as we're peaceful then it's okay].

I don't know if it's normal to size up your friends like victims. XD
Normally I try to be patient with people and things. However I do go off times.

I kicked a chair over in my studio and yelled a few swear words. I had spilled gamsol (chemical I use to clean my brushes and thin paint) and cleaned it up. I kept myself calm. After I cleaned it up I knocked up a big glass of water and flooded my studio. Thats when I kicked over the chair and let out a few words that would make a sailor blush. ^^
I lost my halo a long time ago. I dont have any shame any more. ^^
I can be as my friend Rob says "You are a very intense person" Sorry I will shoot my mouth off at you if I disagree with ya. If ya can't take it STFU. People can think what they want of me. Like Rosenrot I lost my halo a long time ago and I will wear it from time to time. I prefer to keep most people I meet in person at a distance. Most of the time I can tell from the first 5 min's of talking to you if I will like you or not. It's true must be intuition.
Sometimes when I get angry enough at someone, I will sort of explode. Not violently or anything, just verbally, as in saying something quietly and rather bluntly, which sometimes can make me feel bad in retrospect (and sometimes not:)). I feel it very intensely at the moment, even though on the outside there may not be any visible signs of an "explosion".

Like, for example, some people I know think things of me that are untrue, for whatever reason, but I can live with that.
Now, when they approach me about it and verbalize something like, "Man, you are just like that because you are (insert false notion here)", as if I didn't know they thought that already, it really ticks me off, and I will surprise myself with what comes out of my mouth.

I don't even know why I posted the majority of this, but yeah, basically:

Do any others "explode" occasionally (I am assuming we all do for one reason or another, but I am asking anyway)?

And what brings it on for you?

I've punched a hole in a wall, assaulted a female member of my family (I was younger, but she was younger than me at that time, I didn't hit her hard but I felt like shit), and I've broken numerous video game controllers. Yeah, I had anger issues >.>
I can be as my friend Rob says "You are a very intense person" Sorry I will shoot my mouth off at you if I disagree with ya. If ya can't take it STFU. People can think what they want of me. Like Rosenrot I lost my halo a long time ago and I will wear it from time to time. I prefer to keep most people I meet in person at a distance. Most of the time I can tell from the first 5 min's of talking to you if I will like you or not. It's true must be intuition.

Yeah, I have this problem with people who are too friendly, too extraverted too quickly, and who think you're weird if you're not. Those are usually the type of people who I like too keep at a distance, to my own detriment sometimes.