Aspergers Test | INFJ Forum

Aspergers Test

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009

I would rewrite a lot of the questions. They don't know who they are asking them to. I think it possible for the infj to correlate with a lot of this, though unsuspecting and with different reasons.

Professionals might misread that.
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I do not know what it means but I got a score of 14.
The website said if you get a score above 31 then you may want to follow up with a medical practitioner, but I got exactly 31 so I must be fine. Phew.
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According to another online test I took, I have borderline schizophrenia. I question the validity of some of these tests as a result.

As an example I sometimes lean toward the idea there is this invisible magical bieng in the universe that is not only screwing with me but the entire world as well. I insane is that...
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If you think you're schizophrenic, it would be best to get that checked out.

scored 9, but I think that depends heavily on the mood I'm in and in what company, and how badly I assess my sociability lol
15 but I was busy counting how many e letters there were and kept checking the wrong boxes.
If you are convinced by an online multiple choice test that you're schizophrenic, it would be best to get that checked out
a doctor shouldn't diagnose you unless it is preventing you from properly functioning in life so I see no point of being concerned unless this is the case, however everyone can benefit from seeing a counselor periodically.
a doctor shouldn't diagnose you unless it is preventing you from properly functioning in life so I see no point of being concerned unless this is the case, however everyone can benefit from seeing a counselor periodically.

My councilor then is the wind and the wood, the rain and the earth. None of these have every told me I should be concerned with anything but living. But then again if they did, I would have to agree at that point.
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Well, some people are quite harsh, if you are then you are, if you aren't then you aren't, but how would you know except by comparing yourself to others, or being compared, or taking a test devised by someone who has compared someone? I scored a 31. If everyone was autistic, would autism exist? I don't remember when they diagnosed me with aspergers. Oh how the times have changed since that time.
26 today. I don't think the questions can all be answered properly without an explanation, though.