As NFs or NTs, how do you relate or connect with art? | INFJ Forum

As NFs or NTs, how do you relate or connect with art?


Sep 5, 2009
As NFs or NTs, how do you relate or connect with art?

This question is more about describing the impact of art but when answering, posting pics and explaining their effect is welcome.
Art as with paintings and sculptures doe very little for me. Scenery photos I'm drawn to due to my extensive backpacking background and I live for unique moments such as watching a storm rolling into a valley of the fog lift as the day goes on.

Aside from that architecture is also something I'm fond of. A little harder to describe but it can probably be due to the balancing act of form and functionality in more modern and less conventional structures.
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i'm not sure what you mean Res, but i agree with soul seeker that dancing is a great way to express yourself. i'm fond of all kinds of art though, including painting drawing collages sculpting etc. all of it is fun :)
i love art.
the first things i really notice are the emotions or the overall tone of the work of art.
the more emotional and passionate the better.

I'm excited to go to my aunts in July. I'm going to learn to make stain glass stuff and go to a shooting range! woot woot
Art for me is a tool of expressing myself and gives me the freedom to invent outside of the box without worrying about the law of physics. Art for me shows the spirit of the artist, it tells a story.

What I love the most about art is that its about personal opinion, there are no rules, the possibilities are endless, art is timeless.
The limits of art are the ones that we set upon ourselves.

To become an artist you have to be able to feel it, almost become one with it. You can't force art, it has to be natural and flowing, It takes a life time of practice.

Art is a complex beauty.
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I view it as a way for people to connect to each other. I know that's not the only reason to do it, but that's the one that has the most value for me.
Art is a form of personal expression. And how its read or understood can reflect or have an impact on emotions. Landscape scenes and use of bright and diverse color is appealing because it's expressionistic. Art has powerful effects. You not only see art, you feel and believe in it if it's that powerful. I'm really interested in the abstract digital art - textures are smooth and crisp.

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I connect with art by drawing women that basicaly represent me. Like pictures of Ophelia or Hans Christians original Little Mermaid songs. I just need to see me in art. I'm just to awsome not to see myself in good deep artwork.:mhula:
I have little to no artistic or aesthetic sensibilities, which is weird because everyone said I was very talented at drawing/painting as a child. I didn't give it much value, it was just yes another outlet. That said, visual and spatial art leaves me cold for the most part. I guess I can enjoy a piece if it has something that resonates with me, but art mostly doesn't trap my attention in any meaningful way, photography however is more interesting. I enjoy and like literature though.
Art is revolutionary

Art makes you think and feel and for this reason it is a threat to established orders; for example Goyas painting 'The 3rd of May 1808':


The painting shows the horror of war and draws you into the central character forcing you to identify with him and his hopelessness in the face of barbarity

Art should have truth at the core. Art is beautiful because the truth is beautiful, even when terrible.

Sometimes when we look at art we sense the truth before we understand it
I like art because I can't explain it, and I like the fact that I can't.
There are art pieces that I come across every now and then, and it seems to have to occur with some sort of specific mindset that I have, and when I encounter that piece it does something to my brain and my heart simultaneously. It is somewhat indescribable but for those who have also experienced it they can relate. It is as though many dots are connected, many pathways merge together and in some strange way I am a part of that piece of art so emotionally that it manifests physically.

It is rare and impossible to force it but it is the main reason I pursue art and remembering that experience helps in the pursuit of art which I personally enjoy connecting with.

...something like that ^_^
Art induces a state potential in my awareness that may lead to resonances across the physical, emotional, cognitive, intuitive, and spiritual aspects of consciousness.

Perhaps something is communicated in this experience. I do not know for certain.

The in-the-moment discernment of the aesthetic qualities of artistic expression is, for me, one of life's great pleasures.
