

C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Argumentativeness could be defined as the disposition to enjoy attacking the views of others; particularly controversial ones. In other words, liking to argue simply for the sake of arguing. When taken to an extreme, it can become ego masturbation as was described in another thread.

I'm obviously a very argumentative individual. In fact, I have yet to meet anyone who is quite as argumentative as I am. But I am curious as to people's views on this particular trait. With the addition of the PAX and PUG tags, there has been considerably less opportunity to be argumentative on the forum, and while I still enjoy it, I have to wonder what it is about my INFJ brothers and sisters that makes argumentativeness so distasteful to them.

Do you think argumentativeness is a personality trait?
How do you feel when you encounter argumentative people? Do you avoid or confront them?
What would you think are the pros and cons of argumentativeness?
What personality type is probably the most argumentative? The least?
Does having your views challenged offend you? If so, why?
Do you think the reduction in argumentativeness on the forum resulting from the addition of the new tags has been beneficial to the community?
Argumentativeness could be defined as the disposition to enjoy attacking the views of others; particularly controversial ones. In other words, liking to argue simply for the sake of arguing. When taken to an extreme, it can become ego masturbation as was described in another thread.

I'm obviously a very argumentative individual. In fact, I have yet to meet anyone who is quite as argumentative as I am. But I am curious as to people's views on this particular trait. With the addition of the PAX and PUG tags, there has been considerably less opportunity to be argumentative on the forum, and while I still enjoy it, I have to wonder what it is about my INFJ brothers and sisters that makes argumentativeness so distasteful to them.

You ask a great question. I think it is a way for people to set booundaries. Setting boundaries can be very important for the person setting them. I like dont like to argue. When I get passionate about something I am genuinely upset. I dont like to be upset, angry and frustrated. I think this has more to do with my upbringing than anything else. I think that one could say that our upbringing can determine our myers brigg traits. I dont know.

Do you think argumentativeness is a personality trait?
I am not sure. I think it could be due to our personality. I also think that some people are very good at it. People, at times, do like to do the things that they are good at. I think it also is determined, sometimes, by peoples philosphy in life.
How do you feel when you encounter argumentative people? Do you avoid or confront them?
I try not to cower. I do have PTSD, which means I can at times want to flee when my Fight or flight mechanism kicks in. this is much better.
What would you think are the pros and cons of argumentativeness?
I think that sometimes people can be stuck on winning and the message gets lost. I also think that people who like to argue can really cause change. Change can be a good thing.
What personality type is probably the most argumentative? The least?
I really am not sure.
Does having your views challenged offend you? If so, why?
It depends on how it is done.
Do you think the reduction in argumentativeness on the forum resulting from the addition of the new tags has been beneficial to the community?
I actually do think it has been beneficial. I think people who might not have contributed are doing so more now. I think that it is important to have rules when debating so that people can feel safe. Overall, I think that it has made me feel arguing is not as harmful because if I choose to participate in a PUG thread I am choosing to place myself in a discussion that can become heated. If my feelings are hurt it was my choice to participate. I am able to take on more ownership of my feelings when I get involved with the forum.
Do you think argumentativeness is a personality trait?
Of course it's a personality trait. It might have little to do with "inherent" personality (as in Jungian types) and more to do with life experience, however.

How do you feel when you encounter argumentative people? Do you avoid or confront them?
Much depends on how smart and knowledgeable the person is, and what the person's style and aims are. If I encounter a person who is just looking to pick a fight over anything
Do you think argumentativeness is a personality trait? Probably.

How do you feel when you encounter argumentative people? Do you avoid or confront them?
In real life I avoid them. I get too much emotional feedback face to face to focus on individual points of logic. I end up focusing on emotional needs. On forums I have no issue unless things degenerate into personal attacks.

What would you think are the pros and cons of argumentativeness?
Pros are a better understanding of personal viewpoints for all involved. Cons would be divisions between people.

What personality type is probably the most argumentative? The least?
No clue.

Does having your views challenged offend you? If so, why?
No, but it does catch my interest. I love fighting between true Soap Box Warriors.

Do you think the reduction in argumentativeness on the forum resulting from the addition of the new tags has been beneficial to the community?
There's less argumentativeness? :) I avoid posting in [PAX] because I feel that opposing viewpoints (as opposed to alternative viewpoints) aren't truly welcome in them.

:) Also, I still like everyone here. :)
"Much depends on how smart and knowledgeable the person is, and what the person's style and aims are."

This is a great point. I would qualify it a little by saying that some people think they are more knowledgable then they are. I have been guilty of this. This is easy to do.