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Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

[h=1]Mainstream U.S. Writers Call for Supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS[/h] Posted on March 23, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog
[h=3]At Best, An Insanely Stupid Policy[/h] Sure, America’s closest allies support ISIS.
And admittedly, the U.S. has repeatedly fumbled, so that arms got into Al Qaeda and ISIS’ hands. Here, here, here, here, here and here.
And poor U.S. policies have undoubtedly created more terrorists then they’ve neutralized.
And it’s true that the U.S. knowingly supported Al Qaeda in Libya in order to topple Gaddaffi. But that was on the QT.
But now – for the first time – mainstream flacks are publicly calling for the United States of America to support ISIS and Al Qaeda …
Initially, Barak Mendelsohn – an Associate Professor of Political Science at Haverford College, a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, and a five year veteran of the Israeli army – argues in the Council on Foreign Relations’ publication Foreign Affairs that the U.S. should support Al Qaeda … as a way to counter ISIS:
The instability in the Middle East following the Arab revolutions and the meteoric rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) require that Washington rethink its policy toward al Qaeda, particularly its targeting of Zawahiri.
Destabilizing al Qaeda at this time may in fact work against U.S. efforts to defeat ISIS.
Many mainstream players are suggesting that Al Nusra – the main Al Qaeda group in Syria – “re-brand”, so that it can pretend it is moderate … and so receive direct U.S. backing. See this, this, this, this, this and this.
Not to be outdone, influential New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman asks if we should arm ISIS to counter Iranian influence.
At best, this is an insanely stupid strategy.

[h=1]This Is the Real Human Toll of the Western 'War on Terror'[/h]
At least 1.3 million people in the Middle East and South Asia have been killed because of Western military action.

By Zaid Jilani / AlterNet
March 27, 2015

The United States has been at war since October 2001, and this week marked the 12th anniversary of the beginning of its most deadly campaign in Iraq. The toll to American society has certainly been severe: diminishing civil liberties, rising Islamophobia, thousands of soldiers killed and tens of thousands more wounded, and trillions of dollars spent.
But the worst consequences have been for the countries that have been subject to bombings, invasions, occupations, and sectarian strife touched off by the rapid collapse of established order. There have been few and feeble attempts to estimate the human toll paid by countries in the Middle East and South Asia, where the majority of violence in the war on terror has taken place.
Until now. Physicians for Social Responsibility, Physicians for Global Survival and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War released a 97-page report this week that seeks to deliver a long-awaited estimate of just how many people have actually been killed as a result of military actions that began in the fall of 2001 and continue today. The report looks at not only the deaths caused directly by Western military action, but also deaths that resulted from the spiral of instability and chaos that came about as a result of that action, focusing on the three main theaters: Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The researchers compiled statistical surveys to provide estimates of violent deaths, a method that has been used in messy warzones such as the Congo where accurate counts of deaths are difficult to derive through traditional methods like reported fatalities delivered to morgues.
The investigation concludes that approximately 1 million people perished in Iraq over the past 10 years, while 220,000 died in Afghanistan and 80,000 died in Pakistan. That's a total of 1.3 million deaths. The researchers didn't even look at countries like Yemen and Somalia, which have waged their own miniature wars against terror.
One of the report's authors, Dr. Robert Gould, appeared on Democracy Now! yesterday to explain the significance of their findings:
AMY GOODMAN:And why the people particularly in the United States do not see anything like these numbers? The significance of what it would mean?
DR. ROBERT GOULD: Well, I think there has been, in a similar way to what our collective experience has been with the reporting in the Vietnam War, a real distancing of the impacts on the people over there. We have certainly accounted for the dead and wounded within—in terms of the numbers of U.S. troops and NATO forces in the various conflicts, but these deaths, this destruction, is, for variety of reasons, very deliberately or through self-censorship, kept from the American people so we don’t see these real costs. And I would also say we don’t see the connecting points about how these policies and that degree of death and destruction leads through the destabilization of these regions and the persistent killing that’s conducted by drone warfare, etc. We’re insulated from these effects and don’t understand the anger that arises from people who have been through, now 12 years in Iraq, the act of war, even longer in Afghanistan, what those effects are. And I would think that as a result, people are insulated from what—the milieu within which groups like ISIS arise. And at a time when we’re contemplating at this point cutting off our removal of troops from Afghanistan and contemplating new military authorization for increasing our operations in Syria and Iraq, this insulation from the real impacts serves our government in being able to continue to conduct these wars in the name of the war on terror, with not only horrendous cost to the people in the region, but we in the United States suffer from what the budgetary costs of unending war are.
Watch the full interview below.

Information war between the zionists and russia as the zionists pave the way to world war 3

I'm not sure why some US citizens are so they lack the brain cells to realise that they would be vaporised in a fullscale war? Do they think russia is some sort of weak target they can push around? They and the can of aspartame laden coke they're chugging down as they sit in their vaccine poisoned body will be blown to dust....DUST

yeah sure their lying, murdering, thieving leadership might make it to some of their underground bases but you won' will be dust

So why would war be a good idea? Do you like the idea of being converted into a heap of irradiated dust? If so then keep backing the zionists who are manipulating you and your military machine

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Police whistleblower claims Theresa May IGNORED child sex abuse ring warnings

Harry Bunker, 72, claimed Theresa May failed to reply when he wrote to allege two senior South *Yorkshire Police officers protected paedophile pals during the 1970s


Warning: Whistleblower Harry Bunker
A police whistleblower has accused the Home Secretary of ignoring warnings of an alleged child sex abuse cover-up.
Harry Bunker, 72, claimed Theresa May failed to reply when he wrote to allege two senior South *Yorkshire Police officers protected paedophile pals during the 1970s.
The letter – seen by the Sunday Mirror – accused the pair of trying to sabotage one investigation where a dad admitted raping his daughters.

Warning: Whistle blowing ex-policeman Harry Bunker near his home in Wigan The retired detective said he was warned of “dire consequences” when he threatened to expose his bosses.
He said: “What went on in the force then was a scandal. For it to be ignored now is just as bad.”

Mr Bunker told how he wrote the note in January 2014 in the wake of the Rotherham scandal, where 1,700 girls were abused by Asian gangs.
The two officers he named – one now dead and one in his 90s – were not connected to those cases.


Warned: Theresa May But he said: “It became an open secret that both those senior officers were against investigating sexual crimes against children.”
Mr Bunker called for an inquiry adding: “It still makes me angry.”
He claimed Shaun Wright – then Police and Crime Commissioner before resigning over the Rotherham scandal – also ignored the letter.
An aide of Deputy PM Nick Clegg acknowledged a third copy.
South Yorks Police “encouraged Mr Bunker to report his concerns.”

Police whistleblower claims Theresa May IGNORED child sex abuse ring warnings

Harry Bunker, 72, claimed Theresa May failed to reply when he wrote to allege two senior South *Yorkshire Police officers protected paedophile pals during the 1970s


Warning: Whistleblower Harry Bunker
A police whistleblower has accused the Home Secretary of ignoring warnings of an alleged child sex abuse cover-up.
Harry Bunker, 72, claimed Theresa May failed to reply when he wrote to allege two senior South *Yorkshire Police officers protected paedophile pals during the 1970s.
The letter – seen by the Sunday Mirror – accused the pair of trying to sabotage one investigation where a dad admitted raping his daughters.

Warning: Whistle blowing ex-policeman Harry Bunker near his home in Wigan The retired detective said he was warned of “dire consequences” when he threatened to expose his bosses.
He said: “What went on in the force then was a scandal. For it to be ignored now is just as bad.”

Mr Bunker told how he wrote the note in January 2014 in the wake of the Rotherham scandal, where 1,700 girls were abused by Asian gangs.
The two officers he named – one now dead and one in his 90s – were not connected to those cases.


Warned: Theresa May But he said: “It became an open secret that both those senior officers were against investigating sexual crimes against children.”
Mr Bunker called for an inquiry adding: “It still makes me angry.”
He claimed Shaun Wright – then Police and Crime Commissioner before resigning over the Rotherham scandal – also ignored the letter.
An aide of Deputy PM Nick Clegg acknowledged a third copy.
South Yorks Police “encouraged Mr Bunker to report his concerns.”

At at least edit the cut and paste so that it makes sense.
At at least edit the cut and paste so that it makes sense.

The gist is that a number of police are now coming forward as well as the victims themselves (the ones who have survived) and they are telling us a story

The story is that in British society there are rings....networks of people who are abusing children and murdering children often in satanic rituals

These rituals go right to the top of british society. For example the royal family have been exposed now as having allowed two prolific peadophiles Epstein and Saville into their inner circle

The british royal family created hundreds of years ago an inner circle of knights called the 'order of the garter'. This order is made up of groups of 13 because covens are made up of 13

The royal family are the head of the christian church in the UK. The duke of kent (a royal) is the head of english freemasonry and the english grand lodge is seen as the mother lodge by many lodges around the world

Further to being the head of the church and the lodge the royals are also at the head of the old religion which works through covens and goes back to the times of the druids

We're talking blood sacrifices, magical ceremonies the whole bit

The story the cops are telling us is that they have been pressured for decades to cover up wide spread child abuse carried out at the top of british society (many cops are freemasons)

An investigation has been launched which the politician in the story above: Teresa May was supposed to provide a judge for but the first two people she suggested were rejected by the victims who are going to testify because they have connections to high profile peodophiles

One of the files provided to a high profile politician went missing and that politician has also been implicated in abuse; that politician has supposedly died recently before the investigation can be launched. he was buried in an unmarked grave in a jewish cemetary but whether he is actually dead or his death has been faked...who knows?

But these rings are extremely powerful, run right through the strata of the british system and they have the power to cover their own tracks until recent times when it is now exploding out across the internet

The only people so far that have been punished though are big scalps have fallen yet but now the royals themselves are in the cross hairs

The queens mother was said to be a very high up satanic priestess who had the title of the grand 'toad' which was her title for this geographic area. One of the main areas for satanism is in belgium which is near the champagne region that the knights templar grew from.

Belgium has already seen a scandal called the dutreux affair which implicated powerful people and saw a cover up
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[h=1]Aristocrats 'feel entitled to abuse people' says son of the 10th Earl of Sandwich who was raped by his father as a child[/h]
  • Robert Montagu made remarks while discussing book telling of his abuse
  • Said 'noteworthy families' are often given more opportunities to abuse
  • He was groomed and attacked by his own father from age seven to 11
  • Confessed abuse to his mother and family doctor but nothing was done
By Chris Pleasance for MailOnline
Published: 19:04, 28 March 2015 | Updated: 21:18, 28 March 2015

Those from noteworthy families often feel entitled to abuse young people according to Robert Montagu, the son of the 10th Earl of Sandwich who was abused by his own father as a boy.
He made the comments at the Oxford Literary Festival while discussing his book, A Humour Of Love, in which he reveals years of abuse, including a single rape, carried out by father Victor.
Mr Montagu said that, during his years at Eton, rape was common, adding that people with 'entitled backgrounds' were given 'more opportunities' to be abusive towards children.


Robert Montagu, son of the 10th Earl of Sandwich, suffered years of abuse by his father. Speaking at a Literary

estival in Oxford, he said 'noteworthy families' often feel entitled to abuse peopleIn a report for The Times, he said: 'People from noteworthy families do feel a sense of entitlement.
'It is true that people from an entitled background have more opportunities, maybe circumstances have made it more likely that they will abuse.

'We used to have this ethos that you just kept quiet about things in your life. At school you were taught the stiff upper lip. Thank goodness we got rid of that lip.'


Mr Montagu was abused by his father (pictured) from the age of seven to 11, including a single instance of rape

Mr Montagu has talked in the past about how a loving relationship with his father turned to abuse when he was aged seven.
It began after his mother, Rosemary Peto, goddaughter of Queen Maud of Norway, left the family home, and he believes his father used it as a way to cope with the loss.
He wrote about being groomed by his father, as hugs and tickles gave way to kisses, which in turn gave way to serial and serious abuse.
In a previous interview, he said: ‘It was what we did every day. It was accepted that I would always go to his room at half past seven in the morning until quarter to nine.
‘I felt I was fulfilling a function of my mother who was missing. It was my duty, to some extent, to be in the position I was in and that is the reason I did not resist.
'That feeling was hinted at by my father, by sometimes making comments comparing me to my mother.
'He never said it in outright terms – we never discussed what he was doing in any terms whatsoever – but it was implicit that I was helping him emotionally.'
At the time of the book's publication, in September last year, he said it would likely sour relations between himself and his elder brother John, the 11th earl, who is also a peer in the House of Lords.
Speaking now, he says his family are 'cross and unhappy' with his book, and that he is given dark looks at family events, and hug which are then turned into pushes.
However, he has repeatedly stated that he felt the story needed to be told, after he revealed the abuse to his mother and family doctor as a young boy, only for it to be swept under the rug.


Mr Montagu has previously told how, every morning, he would be called to his father's room at the family home at Mapperton, in Dorset (pictured), and would stay there from 7.30 until 8.45am

He said that following his confession he expected his father to be taken to jail, but nothing was done, and Mr Montagu was even returned to his care, though the abuse stopped.
Mr Montagu says there were other victims, beside himself, and that he has personally spoken to ten of them - though believes there could be another ten he has yet to identify.
Asked why there was such a reluctance for her father's story to be told, his daughter Fiamma said: 'In our case it has been because of the Establishment. Everybody has a vested interest in getting him to shut up.

Monsanto has been giving people cancer for decades

WHO Glyphosate Report Ends Thirty Year Cancer Cover Up

Following on from last week’s Word Health Organization (WHO) report on glyphosate, which confirmed the world’s most used herbicide probably causes cancer, Sustainable Pulse has discovered documents from 1991 that show how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) themselves were fully aware of glyphosate’s carcinogenic potential.

On February 11, 1985 the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate was first considered by an EPA panel, called the Toxicology Branch Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee, in a consensus review dated March 4, 1985, then classified glyphosate as a Class C Carcinogen. A Class C Carcinogen has ”Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential” according to the EPA.
This Class C classification was changed by the EPA six years later to a Class E category which suggests “evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans”. Mysteriously this change in glyphosate’s classification occurred during the same period that Monsanto was developing its first Roundup-Ready (glyphosate-resistant) GM Crops.
It is now 2015 and WHO has put glyphosate’s cancer causing ability back in the spotlight. The question is who is to blame for this shocking lack of protection for public health? The answer is the U.S. government, who have pushed glyphosate around the World as part of their campaign to support the U.S. biotech industry in their attempt to dominate global agriculture.
The thirty-year glyphosate cancer cover up will go down in history as yet another failure, by the U.S. government, the EPA and worldwide regulators, to put the health of the general public before the need to protect and expand company profits.
Bill Gates who helps finance Monsanto is paying Cornell University to push genetically modified food on people (GMO's)

[h=1]Pro-terrorist Cornell University takes money from globalist Bill Gates to push GMOs destroying America[/h] Tuesday, March 31, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes
Tags: Cornell University, GMOs, Bill Gates

Using financing from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ivy League Cornell University's Alliance for Science has launched a multi-million-dollar broadside against a small food-oriented public interest group as a means of pushing genetically modified organisms to new markets around the world -- and all in the name of advancing the welfare of Mankind.

The group being targeted is called U.S. Right to Know, and its mission, according to the organization's website, is to "expose what the food industry doesn't want us to know." The group was founded by Gary Ruskin, a long-time anti-GMO advocate.

As reported by Corporate Crime Reporter, the Cornell Alliance for Science is using a $5.6 million Gates Foundation grant to "add a stronger voice for science and depolarize the charged debate around agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)" -- or, more correctly, "defend GMOs on behalf of the agrichemical and food industries against all critics," the website reported.

One of the Right to Know's first orders of business is to identify, and then publicize, professors at public colleges and universities around the U.S. and elsewhere who have ties to groups, corporations and other entities that push GMOs.

We deserve to know the details

Corporate Crime Reporter further noted:

Earlier this year, Ruskin's group filed for correspondence and emails to and from professors at public universities who wrote for the agrichemical industry's PR website -- GMO Answers.

The GMO Answers website was created by Ketchum, a corporate public relations firm.

"We taxpayers deserve to know the details about when our taxpayer-paid employees front for private corporations and their slick PR firms," Ruskin said. "This is especially true when they do work for unsavory entities such as Ketchum, which has been implicated in espionage against nonprofit organizations."

At GMO Answers, the site portrays the growing of GM crops as part of "modern agriculture." Further, the site attempts to pass GMOs off as harmless and beneficial.

"The biotech industry stands 100 percent behind the health and safety of the GM crops on the market today, but we acknowledge that we haven't done the best job communicating about them -- what they are, how they are made, what the safety data says," the site notes. "Join us. Ask tough questions. Be skeptical. Be open. We look forward to sharing answers."

Right away, GMO Answers appears ready to provide the answers that the biotech industry wants to put out.

In the meantime, U.S. Right to Know has filed public records requests regarding correspondents to and from professors who work at publicly funded academic institutions and biotech companies like Monsanto, as well as to and from PR firms like Ketchum and Fleishman Hillard, and others, and to and from trade groups like the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the Council for Biotechnology Information. The requests are not aimed at obtaining personal information or academic research involving the professors.

Terrorists and GMOs

But the requests, which were sent in February to 14 scientists at four universities, appeared to irritate corporate-minded directors at Cornell Alliance for Science; they have sponsored a petition, Science 14, in which signatories pledge to help fight "anti-science bullying," which is how U.S. Right to Know's effort is being portrayed.

"These scientists need the support of allies like you to protect scientific freedom," the petition says. "Please join the fight for academic freedom by signing our letter to support the scientists under attack and urging them to stand strong in the face of anti-science bullying."

An assistant dean at Cornell University recently drew the ire of millions of Americans when he said that terrorist fighters belonging to ISIS would be welcome on the campus.

Cornell has a history with GMO promotion, thanks to funding from the Gates Foundation. It began its push to "depolarize" the GMO "debate" last fall.

Both efforts -- that of wanting to placate terrorist organizations and of mercilessly pushing GMOs for corporate interests -- are harming the country.

"This use of surrogates is par for the course with the biotech industry," wrote Tim Schwab of Food & Water Watch in September. "Sometimes called the soft lobby, corporations routinely engage neutral-appearing scientists and impartial-sounding front groups to help advance their political and economic agendas."

Cornell, he said, has been a longtime producer of "science for sale," citing a large amount of research that has been generated by "our public land-grant universities" in a 2012 document called, "Public Research, Private Gain."

This is what tyranny looks like

We further reported then:

Earlier this year, a Cornell economist, William Lesser, accepted payment from what Schwab described as a "biotech front group," in exchange for producing a highly suspect analysis indicating that GMO labeling would be a huge cost for consumers. And while Lesser said the study contained his personal observations rather than those of Cornell, GMO backers nevertheless began to refer to his findings as "the Cornell study" in their efforts to stave off initiatives by states to force food makers to include labeling of GMO ingredients in their products. At the same time, Schwab noted, independent studies have shown that GMO labeling would not increase food costs by much, if at all.

The Alliance for Science site, then, is essentially Cornell's GMO propaganda instrument.

"Rather than trying to promote a civil, honest, impartial dialogue about GMOs--as you would expect from a university like Cornell--the school has chosen to partner with some of the biotechnology industry's most prominent supporters and defenders," Schwab wrote.

Fast forward six months to the latest alliance effort to quash the FOIA requests; it's as if Cornell believes that Americans should not be told whether professors at the public universities they help fund are being influenced at all in their support of GMO foods by the corporate and philanthropic interests developing and promoting them.

It's the very definition of tyranny.

Regarding Gates, as Food & Water Watch further reported, the philanthropy has partnered with biotech firms to develop GM crops for Africa, though African nations either don't want them or don't need them -- because organic food production is already sufficient for their needs.


Lunar waves.....visible waves passing over the supposedly solid moon


[h=1]Suicide risk advisory for ADHD drugs comes ‘out of the blue’ and has ‘terrified’ families, doctor says[/h]
By Tom Blackwell, National Post March 31, 2015

Health Canada may have unduly “terrified” families Monday with a surprise warning that an array of widely used ADHD drugs could boost the risk of suicidal thoughts or actions in patients, says a prominent psychiatrist.
With more than four million prescriptions for the medications dispensed yearly in Canada, the regulator said new and stronger warnings will soon be included in the products’ labelling to reflect the possible suicide-related risk.
It also advised patients and their families to keep an eye out for the side effect, while stressing that the drugs’ benefits continue to outweigh their potential risks.
Still, one specialist complained that Health Canada gave doctors no chance to prepare parents for the announcement, and has yet to reveal the source of the information behind it.
“[It] comes out of the blue, and now you’ve got all these families across the country potentially terrified that they’re giving their kids these drugs and they’ll make them suicidal,” said Declan Quinn, head of adolescent and child psychiatry at the University of Saskatchewan.
“That’s not fair. … This is like WestJet or Air Canada saying ‘Your flight’s been delayed,’ but there’s no more information. You don’t know if you’re leaving tonight or next week or if you’re stranded.”
Dr. Quinn said he and colleagues first heard two months ago that Health Canada was talking to drug manufacturers about placing a new warning on the medications’ “product monographs.”
No child psychiatrists were consulted, however, and when he asked the regulator on behalf of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance for a look at the information that led to the alert, there was no response, Dr. Quinn said.
About 4.5 million prescriptions for the various ADHD drugs, costing $408 million, were sold last year, according to the market research firm IMS Brogan.
The prescribing information for one of the drugs, Strattera, has included a warning since 2005 that it could make suicidal “ideation” or behaviour more likely.
But new information has emerged that the risk might also apply to eight other medicines, from Adderall to Concerta and Ritalin, said the Health Canada alert.
“The reports involved thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts and, in a very small number of cases, completed suicide,” said the notice. “These events have been reported at various times during treatment, particularly at the start or during dose changes, and also after stopping the drug treatment.”
The department then adds a number of caveats, including that there is little evidence of a causal relationship, and that ADHD and other psychiatric conditions suffered by the same patients can themselves make suicide more likely.
Heidi Bernhard, head of the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada and mother of three sons with the condition, said she thought the Health Canada notice was reasonable, but stressed that the drugs remain an essential tool.
“For some of these kids — for a child who cannot focus and pay attention in school for more than a few minutes at a time, but who is very bright — is literally life changing.”
National Post
Feel like you need some help and want someone to speak with? Contact a local crisis centre or call Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 or reach out online at

Odigo was the Israeli messaging system that warned Israelis that "something big was going to happen" on 9-11 - several hours before the attacks. These warnings were precise to the minute and evidently saved the lives of many of the 4,000 Israelis who were expected to be at or near the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001. For more on the criminals behind Odigo read "The Forewarning of 9-11 & the Israeli Fugitive".
[h=1]This Dad Gives His Sick Son Marijuana Extract. The Results… Mind-blowing![/h]

Another consciencious cop speaks out


[h=1]Greece considering nationalising its banks and issuing new currency, sources claim[/h]
[h=3]Athens is attempting to negotiate a better deal with its creditor nations in the EU, but has had limited success so far
Ian Johnston

Friday 03 April 2015

Greece’s government is prepared to nationalise the country’s banks and could create a new currency to pay its bills unless the eurozone nations back down over austerity, sources have reportedly said.

The left-wing Syriza party, which dominates the governing coalition, could also decide to not make a payment due to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) next week under its bailout agreement, so that it can pay state employees' wages and benefits.
A senior official told The Daily Telegraph: “We are a left-wing government. If we have to choose between a default to the IMF or a default to our own people, it is a no-brainer.
“We may have to go into a silent arrears process with the IMF. This will cause a furore in the markets and means that the clock will start to tick much faster.”
Athens is attempting to negotiate a better deal with its creditor nations in the European Union, but has had limited success so far.
“They want to put us through the ritual of humiliation and force us into sequestration. They are trying to put us in a position where we either have to default to our own people or sign up to a deal that is politically toxic for us. If that is their objective, they will have to do it without us,” the source said.
Sources told The Telegraph that they were working on an emergency plan if negotiations with their creditors failed.
“We will shut down the banks and nationalise them, and then issue IOUs if we have to, and we all know what this means. What we will not do is become a protectorate of the EU,” one source said.
Those IOUs would essentially be a new form of currency. The Greek Drachma was formally replaced by the Euro in 2002 after an exchange rate was fixed two years before. Economists have suggested that the country could return to using the Drachma.
One official told the paper that Athens believed its Eurozone creditors were attempting to force Syriza from office.
“They want us to impose capital controls and cause a credit crunch, until the government becomes so unpopular that it falls,” the insider said. “They want make an example of us, and demonstrate that no government in the eurozone has a right to have mind of its own. They don’t believe that we will walk away, or that the Greek people will back us, and they are wrong on both counts.”
However, despite ill feeling from some in Greece towards German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Syriza views her as a “real ally” who could help negotiate a deal acceptable to all.
Israeli army admit that they are supporting Al Qaeda in Syria (ie they are supporters of 'terrorism').......well no shit!!! Tell us something we don't know!

[h=1]Israeli army admits aiding al-Qaeda in Syria[/h] Asa Winstanley
Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:52

An under-noticed news report last week confirmed previously-held suspicions and strong implications that Israeli troops are aiding the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate. Speaking to Israeli occupation troops last week, a Wall Street Journal reporter on the ground in Mount Bental (part of the occupied Golan Heights) found that Israeli troops receive wounded al-Qaeda fighters, treat them in Israeli hospitals and send them back to continue fighting against the government in Syria.
The Nusra Front in August overran the Qunaitra crossing, the checkpoint between the Israeli-occupied and Syrian-controlled sectors of the Golan Heights. Israeli invaded that region of south-west Syria in 1967 and has illegally occupied most of the Golan Heights ever since.
As I pointed out in a previous column, the reports of UN peacekeeping forces since Nusra took over the checkpoint were highly suggestive of Israeli contacts and even military aid to the al-Qaeda rebels. But this Wall Street Journal report has confirmed the fact.
"We don't ask who they are, we don't do any screening," the unnamed Israeli military official told the paper of the hospital treatment of al-Qaeda fighters. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border [sic - ceasefire line] and they go on their way [in Syria]," he said.
An unnamed military official also said there is an "understanding" between Israeli forces and al-Qaeda fighters there and that "there is a familiarity of the [al-Qaeda] forces on the ground".
Popular conspiracy theories have it that al-Qaeda and the "Islamic State" (also known as ISIS or ISIL) are Israeli- and/or US-intelligence creations. While there's no evidence for that, it's certainly true that the US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003, and its consciously sectarian occupation regime of the country thereafter, created the conditions in which al-Qaeda in Iraq (later known as ISIS) was formed and thrived. Veteran journalist Patrick Cockburn demonstrates this most convincingly in his essential new book The Rise of Islamic State, which I have previously lauded here.
And now it seems that Israel is in a direct alliance with al-Qaeda in Syria. This is a tactical alliance, meant purely to bleed the country and prolong the civil war.
Read the quotes from Israeli officials in recent months about the Nusra Front and you will see a strange sort of soft-peddling of the group, casting them as a kind of "moderate al-Qaeda" if you will.
"Nusra is a unique version of al-Qaeda," retired Brigadier General Michael Herzog told the Wall Street Journal. "They manage to cooperate with non-Islamist and non-jihadi organizations in one coalition." Herzog is a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP, the think tank of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the première Israel lobby group in the US) and former chief of staff for Israel's defence minister. The Nusra Front "are totally focused on the war in Syria and aren't focused on us," he claimed. "But when Hezbollah and Iran and others are pushing south, they are very much focused on us."
Hizballah and Iran, allies of the Bashar al-Assad regime, are aiding the government in Syria and fighting on the ground alongside Syrian army troops against al-Qaeda, the "Islamic State" and other Sunni rebel groups.
Even before Nusra took over the Qunairtra checkpoint in August, reports suggested Israel seemed on rather friendly terms with the al-Qaeda affiliate.
In June, army spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner told Foreign Policy that the Israeli government has provided medical assistance to more than 1,000 Syrians over the past fourteen months. "We give medical aid to people who are in dire need," he said in a telephone interview with the magazine, echoing the statement made last week to the Wall Street Journal. "We don't do any vetting or check where they are from or which group they are fighting for, or whether they are civilians."
Ehud Yaari, an Israeli fellow at WINEP, admitted that Israeli assistance has benefited fighters: "The wounded are both fighters and civilians but there are not too many civilians left because of the fighting raging there ... Close to 900 Syrians have been treated in Israel."
Foreign Policy reports that, even earlier than June 2014, in March 2013: "Some 400 armed opposition fighters, backed by artillery fire from three tanks, seized a Syrian military outpost atop a hill at Tal al-Garbi, planting four black flags and raising concern that extremist groups are moving into the zone.
"More than two weeks later, opposition fighters captured two other strategically important hilltop military outposts in Tal al-Jabiya and Tal al-Sharqi.
"'In the afternoon of 24 April, two members of the armed opposition displayed the severed head of a presumed Syrian armed forces officer as they passed' a UN outpost, according to the [UN] report. By the end of April [2013], UN observers 'detected the flying of black flags believed to be associated with militant groups scattered throughout the central and southern part of the area of separation, including three Syrian armed forces positions captured by the armed members of the opposition.'"
So Israeli aid to al-Qaeda in Syria may have been ongoing for as long as nearly two years now. But what is sure is that Israeli aid to al-Qaeda in Syria has now been confirmed.
An associate editor with The Electronic Intifada, Asa Winstanley is an investigative journalist who lives in London.
How do these posts help us to determine if we are being kept from discussing the big issues?
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How do these posts help us to determine if we are being kept from discussing the big issues?

A lot of them are from the alternative media and they tell stories that are not shown in the mainstream media

The point of the thread being: ''look at how many really important issues and stories are simply not reported on in the mainstream media and therefore are not being discussed openly in the public sphere''

[h=1]More than two thirds of people taking antidepressants 'may NOT actually have depression': Doctors discover many do not meet the official criteria[/h]
  • Study analysed those taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Found 69% did not meet the criteria for clinical depression
  • And 38% did not meet the criteria for other mental conditions like anxiety
  • Experts: 'Drugs are prescribed without an evidence-based diagnosis'
By Madlen Davies for MailOnline
Published: 16:03, 3 April 2015 | Updated: 23:33, 3 April 2015

The majority of people taking antidepressants may not actually have depression, a new study claims.
Researchers discovered more than two-thirds (69 per cent) of people taking antidepressants did not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder, which is also known as clinical depression.
Antidepressants are also prescribed for other psychiatric disorders.
But the researchers found 38 per cent of those taking the drugs did not meet the criteria for obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia or generalised anxiety disorder either.
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More than two thirds of people taking antidepressants did not meet the criteria for clinical depression

The U.S. investigators looked at those taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), the most commonly prescribed type of anti-depressant.
SSRIs are usually the first choice medication for depression and other psychiatric conditions because they generally have fewer side effects than most other types of antidepressant.
Writing in the report, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, the researchers concluded: ‘Many individuals prescribed antidepressants may not have met the criteria for mental disorders.

‘Our data indicates that antidepressants are commonly used in the absence of clear evidence-based indications.’
Commenting on the study, Dr Howard Forman, medical director of the Addiction Consultation Service at Montefiore Medical Center, said clinical depression is distinct from temporary feelings of sadness.
He told Medical Daily: 'We all experience periods of stress, periods of sadness, and periods of self-doubt.
'These don’t make us mentally ill, they define us as human.'
In the U.S., official guidelines say clinical depression should be diagnosed if a person has five or more depressive symptoms over a two week period, most of the day, nearly every day.
The symptoms include a depressed mood; a loss of interested or pleasure in activities; weight loss, weight gain or changes in appetite; insomnia or increased desire to sleep.
[h=3]HOW IS CLINICAL DEPRESSION OFFICIALLY DIAGNOSED? [/h] In the U.S., official guidelines say clinical depression should be diagnosed if a person has five or more depressive symptoms over a two week period, most of the day, nearly every day.
The symptoms include a depressed mood; a loss of interest or pleasure in activities; weight loss, weight gain or changes in appetite; insomnia or increased desire to sleep.
Other symptoms include restlessness or slowed behaviour; fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt; difficulty making decisions or trouble concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide.

Other symptoms included restlessness or slowed behaviour; fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt; difficulty making decisions or trouble concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide.
Prescriptions for anti-depressants have more than trebled since 1998 in the world’s richest countries, a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development found.
The research noted a particular rise in in the use of SSRIs like Prozac and Seroxat.
The OECD figures showed Iceland to have the highest prescribing rate, at 106 doses a day for every 1,000 inhabitants in 2011, up from 71 a decade earlier.
Behind Iceland is Australia, then Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Portugal. The lowest levels were seen in Chile and South Korea.
Separate data from the US shows 11 per cent of Americans over 12-years-old use anti-depressants.

As part of the new study, doctors used data from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) Study Wave 1, which began in 1981, up to Wave 4, which ended in 2005.
In total, they used data on 1,071 participants, carrying out four interviews and assessing the use of antidepressants.
They found 13 per cent of people in the group reported using antidepressants.

The study found 38 per cent of SSRI users did not meet the criteria for obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia or generalized anxiety disorder or clinical depression (file photo)

They then assessed whether the people in this group met the criteria for a mental disorder, as laid out in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the U.S. bible for psychiatric conditions.
They found that 38 per cent of SSRI users did not meet the criteria for a mental disorder, and 69 per cent did not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder.
The news comes after a study found women who take antidepressants during pregnancy are more likely to have a baby with autism.
The U.S. study supports previous research which has shown that taking SSRI antidepressants during pregnancy increases a woman’s risk of having a child with the developmental disability.
And other American research revealed young adults taking high-dose antidepressants such as Prozac and Seroxat have double the risk of suicidal behaviour.
Researchers pointed to previous studies, which found antidepressant drugs are linked with an increased risk of suicidal behaviour and thoughts in children and adolescents, particularly in the early stages of treatment.

[h=3]HOW DO SSRIs WORK? [/h] It's thought that SSRIs work by increasing the levels of a chemical called serotonin in the brain.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a messenger chemical that carries signals between nerve cells in the brain).
It's thought to have a good influence on mood, emotion and sleep.
After carrying a message, serotonin is usually reabsorbed by the nerve cells (known as 'reuptake').
SSRIs work by blocking ('inhibiting') reuptake, meaning more serotonin is available to pass further messages between nearby nerve cells.
The NHS Choices website while it would be too simplistic to say that depression and related mental health conditions are caused by low serotonin levels, a rise in serotonin levels can improve symptoms and make people more responsive to other types of treatment.
Source: NHS Choices

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