Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues? | Page 23 | INFJ Forum

Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

Another sayanim would be Michael Chertoff whose mother was a mossad agent but he was made Cheif of Homeland Security! He helped draw up the Patriot Act which has helped the government (the shadow government really as they control the alphabet agencies like the NSA) to spy on the US public

Who created that press freedoms map?

A lot of the countries labelled 'satisfactory situation' are in fact totally dominated by the round table groups such as the CFR
''Operation Tiberius'' is a bombshell report that has been leaked to the independent newspaper in the UK from the metropolitan police

It outlines how the criminal underworld have used freemasonry to infiltrate and corrupt the UK police

This is not really news to me but perhaps those that have doubts of 'conspiracys' might find these sorts of stories to be a revelation...its all coming out these days isn't it?

Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the criminal justice system, according to a bombshell Metropolitan Police report leaked to The Independent.

Operation Tiberius, written in 2002, found underworld syndicates used their contacts in the controversial brotherhood to “recruit corrupted officers” inside Scotland Yard, and concluded it was one of “the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against”.

The report – marked “Secret” – found serving officers in East Ham east London who were members of the Freemasons attempted to find out which detectives were suspected of links to organised crime from other police sources who were also members of the society.

Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system – notably the judiciary and the police.

The political establishment and much of the media often dismiss such ideas as the work of conspiracy theorists. However, Operation Tiberius is the second secret police report revealed by The Independent in the last six months to highlight the possible issue.

Project Riverside, a 2008 report on the rogue private investigations industry by the Serious Organised Crime Agency, also claimed criminals attempt to corrupt police officers through Freemason members in a bid to further their interests.

Concerns over the influence of freemasons on the criminal justice system in 1998 led former Home Secretary Jack Straw to order that all police officers and judges should declare membership of the organisation.

However, ten of Britain’s 43 police forces refused to take part and the policy was dropped under threat of legal action. In England and Wales, the Grand Master of the Freemasons is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. The United Grand Lodge of England declined to comment last night.

The Independent revealed last week that Operation Tiberius found that organised crime syndicates such as the Adams family and the gang led by David Hunt were able to infiltrate the Met “at will”.

Asked to comment on the Tiberius report, a spokesman for Scotland Yard said: “The Metropolitan Police Service will not tolerate any behaviour by our officers and staff which could damage the trust placed in police by the public.

“We are determined to pursue corruption in all its forms and with all possible vigour.”

Who created that press freedoms map?

A lot of the countries labelled 'satisfactory situation' are in fact totally dominated by the round table groups such as the CFR
It was released out of France Muir.
''Operation Tiberius'' is a bombshell report that has been leaked to the independent newspaper in the UK from the metropolitan police

It outlines how the criminal underworld have used freemasonry to infiltrate and corrupt the UK police

This is not really news to me but perhaps those that have doubts of 'conspiracys' might find these sorts of stories to be a revelation...its all coming out these days isn't it?

Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the criminal justice system, according to a bombshell Metropolitan Police report leaked to The Independent.

Operation Tiberius, written in 2002, found underworld syndicates used their contacts in the controversial brotherhood to “recruit corrupted officers” inside Scotland Yard, and concluded it was one of “the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against”.

The report – marked “Secret” – found serving officers in East Ham east London who were members of the Freemasons attempted to find out which detectives were suspected of links to organised crime from other police sources who were also members of the society.

Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system – notably the judiciary and the police.

The political establishment and much of the media often dismiss such ideas as the work of conspiracy theorists. However, Operation Tiberius is the second secret police report revealed by The Independent in the last six months to highlight the possible issue.

Project Riverside, a 2008 report on the rogue private investigations industry by the Serious Organised Crime Agency, also claimed criminals attempt to corrupt police officers through Freemason members in a bid to further their interests.

Concerns over the influence of freemasons on the criminal justice system in 1998 led former Home Secretary Jack Straw to order that all police officers and judges should declare membership of the organisation.

However, ten of Britain’s 43 police forces refused to take part and the policy was dropped under threat of legal action. In England and Wales, the Grand Master of the Freemasons is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. The United Grand Lodge of England declined to comment last night.

The Independent revealed last week that Operation Tiberius found that organised crime syndicates such as the Adams family and the gang led by David Hunt were able to infiltrate the Met “at will”.

Asked to comment on the Tiberius report, a spokesman for Scotland Yard said: “The Metropolitan Police Service will not tolerate any behaviour by our officers and staff which could damage the trust placed in police by the public.

“We are determined to pursue corruption in all its forms and with all possible vigour.”

Well, I'm glad that at least I was able to pick out the right newspaper while I was there. It came with some pretty sweet chocolate sometimes too...

I heard someone mentioning this around the holidays. I'm really surprised it's not getting more air time. As someone who believes in ETs (I can't imagine such a massive solar system holding just us humans), it's nice to see someone like him speak up about it.
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I heard someone mentioning this around the holidays. I'm really surprised it's not getting more air time. As someone who believes in ETs (I can't imagine such a massive solar system holding just us humans), it's nice to see someone like him speak up about it.

It's refreshing not to be thought crazy:D Unfortunately, it seems like people have been afraid to think for themselves at all for a long a time. There's a lot of catching up to do.

My biggest hope though is that people who have been afraid to let go can do so without resorting to the guns and bombs. We could be living in a world of wonders. In retrospect, I think I've had contact and it would be awesome to have more:D
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It's refreshing not to be thought crazy:D Unfortunately, it seems like people have been afraid to think for themselves at all for a long a time. There's a lot of catching up to do.

My biggest hope though is that people who have been afraid to let go can do so without resorting to the guns and bombs. We could be living in a world of wonders. In retrospect, I think I've had contact and it would be awesome to have mroe:D

There are a number of ideas as to what might be going on with some of the ET stuff

On a mundane sort of level there is no doubt the military has technologies that we are not aware of and are using them and that some UFO sightings are relating to that

But i don't think that accounts for everything that is going on

We have been conditioned by hollywood to think of aliens as these little green men that come down to earth in their spacecrafts from another planet....and maybe that is happening...i am totally open to that possibility

However there seems to be a strong occult aspect to all of this. When you look into the occult it soon becomes clear that people are trying to contact discarnate intelligences. Now pychologists might explain these away as aspects of our conscious or unconscious or whatever

What we are told by different mythologies is that there are different worlds....different realms or dimensions and that we can access these dimensions

Science is now seriously considering the possibility that we are living in a holographic universe. A reality that is basically waveform energy (information) like a sort of projection

They are also discusing the possibility of parallel universes. So it seems that if everything is frequency and that if we can shift frequency we can shift into different dimensions then we are living in a multi-dimensional situtation

What people through out history have told us is that we are not alone in these dimensions and that there are other beings inhabiting them. These have been called different things by different groups for example the gnostics talked of 'archons' and the 'demiurge', the christians talked of 'angels' and 'demons', the muslims talked of 'djinn', the hindus spoke about 'asuras' and 'devas' and so on

Now these things can all be talked about in psychoanalytical terms as parts of our psyche or our collective pysche but what if 'reality' is not any more real then any of these other realms and that these dimensions can sometimes blur into each other and sometimes beings can cross over into other dimensions?

When we sleep for example we often dream and go into the 'astral' realm. Because we are not in our physical body there we don't perceive it to be 'real'

But if our reality as we know it is not really solid anyway, but rather a hologram that fools us into perceiving that it is solid (like a virtual reality simulator operating through the 5 senses) then how is this reality anymore 'real' than the dream reality?

Then there are the experiences of psychonauts who experiment with entheogenic plants such as magic mushrooms and ayahuasca who all report experiences of interacting with other beings. Many people report having similar experiences whilst doing this.

Sometimes people are catapulted out of this reality altogether into an unfamiliar reality where they then communicate with other entities who tell them all sorts of remarkable things

If we are in fact information decoders then how do we know how anything really is? Because information can be decoded in different ways; this is why hypnotists can warp peoples perception of reality...because they change how people decode reality

In the occult orders some groups are claiming they derive their powers from a higher source: the discarnate intelligences ('ET's')

Many people with a religious slant are outright saying that these entities are 'angels' and 'demons' and that satan is trying to take over the world. Now as crazy as that might seem to non religious people it would certainly make sense of some of the crazy stuff going on in the world right now!

The occult is on the rise, we are seeing an erosion of societal morality, we are seeing our freedoms being eroded, the environment is being posioned and destroyed and so on

If we are all one consciousness then these discarnate intelligences are of that same consciousness which would make them in a jungian sense our collective shadow self....the things we have made unconscious

So if that were the case then the only way to remove them would be to make them face and acknowledge this other aspect of ourselves...this dark side we have repressed

So i think we are seeing mutli dimensional entities influencing humanity but different people will interpret that in different ways

Some will see them as physical aliens eg the annunaki
Some will see them as demons working for satan
Some will see them as the shadow of the collective psyche (some sightings have been seen by more than one person at a time)
Some will see them as figments of our imagination
Some will see them as an expression of the individual subconscious (perhaps perceived due to a chemical imbalance whether occuring organically or due to the ingestion of psychotropic substances)
Some will see them as the creation of our collective consciousness which creates our a thought form
and so on....

Well whatever they are i think most people who aren't living under a rock could all agree that something very strange is going on with our world right now
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Senator Mike Gravel says there will be disclosure about aliens soon

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@<a href="" target="_blank">Kanamori</a>
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Senator Mike Gravel says there will be disclosure about aliens soon


They've been saying disclosure would be coming for a few years. And there have been a few bits in the news...but it typically gets washed over.


As [MENTION=4137]technics[/MENTION] pointed it, cultural hegemony takes over. I also wonder if we, as a society (and even race), are ready for such information.
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Do you know what organisation in france?
Sorry...I don’t know that...

Anyhow...I posted this quote elsewhere, but thought it would be appropriate for your thread.

“Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

Funny how this was published in 1965.
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Sorry...I don’t know that...

Anyhow...I posted this quote elsewhere, but thought it would be appropriate for your thread.

“Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

Funny how this was published in 1965.

Yeah this process has been rolled out over centuries

Some of the most notable recent developments however have been the creation of the federal reserve in 1913, the creation of the CFR, going off the gold standard in the 1970's and the deregulation of the markets

The corporate media has helped in the process and has warped how many people perceive reality


I really liked how they mentioned that our education is sheeping us...we're certainly not producing creative, critical, and empathetic graduates any more. I never thought of it as being something that was purposefully being done- but their logic (creating a society that doesn't question back), it makes sense.
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I really liked how they mentioned that our education is sheeping us...we're certainly not producing creative, critical, and empathetic graduates any more. I never thought of it as being something that was purposefully being done- but their logic (creating a society that doesn't question back), it makes sense.


They have set about systematically controlling every influential area of life in order to control the whole game

So one key area is of course education. One way they do this is through funding for example through foundations. They also create their own education centers for example the Rockefeller university or the London School of Economics (LSE)

One of the things they have done is to encourage people to think with the left hemisphere of the brain. This side sees things as seperate so certain subjects are encouraged that are about categorsiation, distinction and definition. The right hand of the brain is the creative abstract thinking part of the brain...this is the side they want to discourage so they discourage creative subjects

Many spiritual schools of thought advocate trying to balance things out eg jungs anima and animus and the left and right sides of our brain are tools that are available to each of us. If we only use one then we limit our potential. You can see it online in discussions...some people lean very heavily on their left brain. they are often good REPEATERS in that they can repeat their training/learning/conditioning effectively but they're not very good at thinking outside the box...which is the whole idea, because the powers that be decide what 'the box' is and then fence people into it

They do not want us questioning their system and thinking up our own creative solutions to problems....they want us to repeat what they tell us and to be dependent on them (thats the game plan)
