

Community Member
To the Person of Reason...

I am a Person of Faith. I cannot explain Faith though I seek to know why there is Something instead of Nothing.
I can show you my physical heart, but I can show no one my emotional heart.
You can measure my physical heart, weight it, dissect it, compile its constituent components, for it is a thing. It is me.
You, nor I, cannot measure my emotional heart, nor weight it, nor dissect it, nor compile its constituent components, for it is not a thing.
It is me.

To have Faith, to believe, is to know what one feels and to know, by the emotional heart, that it is real.
To me.
Not to anyone else.
Only to me.

Am I right?
To me, yes.
To you, no.
Am I wrong?
To me, no.
To you, yes.

Does it matter?
To me, it matters that I am right.
To you, it matters that I am wrong.
To Existence, to Life, does it matter?

You may say that I am under illusion, that I am deluded, that I am a Dreamer.
Then let me Dream.

If I wish to see a God in the rising of the Sun, then let me dream.
If I wish to see a Goddess in the rustling of the Autumn leaves and the swirling of the Western winds, then let me dream.
If I wish to see the Absolute in all that is, past, present and future, then let me dream.

And maybe,
just maybe,
in my own way,
I will find Truth and Unity.
To the Person of Faith...

I am a Person of Reason. I can explain Reason and Logic and seek to explain why there is Something instead of Nothing.
I can show you my physical mind, but I can show no one my logical mind.
You can measure my physical mind, weight it, dissect it, compile its constituent components, for it is a thing. It is me.
You, nor I, cannot measure my logical mind, nor weight it, nor dissect it, nor compile its constituent components, for it is not a thing.
It is me.

To have Logic, and Reason, is to know what one knows by what is there and the empirical proof that it is real.
To me.
And everyone else.
Not only to me.

Am I right?
To me, yes.
To you, no.
Am I wrong?
To me, no.
To you, yes.

Does it matter?
To me, it matters that I am right.
To you, it matters that I am wrong.
To Existence, to Life, does it matter?

You may say that I live by facts alone, that I am cold, that I am a Rationalist.
Then let me be Rational.

If I wish to see Logic and measure the rising of the Sun, then let me be Rational.
If I wish to see Reason and count the Autumn leaves and measure the swirling of the Western winds, then let me Rational.
If I wish to see nothing Absolute in all that is, past, present and future, then let me be Rational.

And maybe,
just maybe,
in my own way,
I will find Truth and Unity.
Thanks. :D I am some of both, perhaps... depending on circumstances.

[hmmm...I could've posted this in the wrong section, come to think of it, so mods please move it if you wish.]
What is your address to a person of faith AND reason? (I suspect, that this would not necessarily be an apology - in the classical meaning of the word - ).
Though I believe that I would have to contemplate this for awhile, my first thought was that someone who could hold Faith and Reason in equal regard would be one who perceives life as being unlimited, where all is probable or even possible. Perhaps one such as this would transcend perceptions of duality, see beyond any limitations which either faith or reason applied to conceptions of reality.
In truth, I couldn't say with any certainty.
What would you say to one such as this?
...and would he be aware that his wisdom is different?

edit: I hate political correctness, but read he/she; his/her where appropriate.