Anyone a fan of True Blood (HBO series)?


Anyone a fan of True Blood (HBO series)?

3rd season premiere is June 13 (USA).




I read all the books!

I love ERic...mmmmm:mf:
Yes. Been looking forward to season 3 :)
Yes!!! Yes I am!!! <3 :mhula: Thank you Enem my sweet, for introducing me to it. :m032:
[ame=""]YouTube- True Blood: Season 3 - Fangtasia Minisode (HBO)[/ame]
After Buffy and all the Anne Rice novels... I figured the vampire thing would've died out at the tail end of the nineties.

Nope, guess not.
I AM!!!
I really like that show, and I can't wait till the new season starts

"Eric is MINE!!!" Godric too <3

I AM!!!
I really like that show, and I can't wait till the new season starts

"Eric is MINE!!!" Godric too <3


oh no no no no Godric you can have...but Eric is all mine...You can have bill to...(I have read all the meh) Eric is the bestest...
oh no no no no Godric you can have...but Eric is all mine...You can have bill to...(I have read all the meh) Eric is the bestest...

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!! . . . No. Eric is mine! :m182:
Love this show! But I'm way behind on it. Love the books as well. I'm on the fourth one I think right now, but haven't been in a reading mood lately. I love me some Eric, too!:m015:
I AM!!!
I really like that show, and I can't wait till the new season starts

"Eric is MINE!!!" Godric too <3


Dang it!!! I want Eric and Godric too!!!!
oh no no no no Godric you can have...but Eric is all mine...You can have bill to...(I have read all the meh) Eric is the bestest...


well, they're both oh so smexy!! but Goric is no longer, so Eric is the only one i got! I luuurv him!

i actually don't like bill so much...but he's sookie's favourite so i have to watch him haha
How about we settle it this way. You can defer all the juicy, hot men of the show to the non-fan (me) who has no idea what you're talking about anyway, and you guys don't have to fight amongst yourselves.

I'm an awesome mediator!
Well I guess there is only one way to solve this Eric dilemma...:m179:
How about we settle it this way. You can defer all the juicy, hot men of the show to the non-fan (me) who has no idea what you're talking about anyway, and you guys don't have to fight amongst yourselves.

I'm an awesome mediator!

I don't share! but i do like to show here have a look :P

