[INTP] Any NTs on the Forum?


Community Member

Was wondering if there were many NTs on the forum?

INTP Complex is closing down within the next 12 hours, and I'm looking for other NTs to mix with.

Was thinking of setting up a discord group, which is a pretty good modern day alternative to forums. Encourage more live chat etc. My ISFP buddy would like add that all types are welcome (lol).

To the team here, I'm not trying not poach your lovely members, just share them, hope you don't mind :grimacing:

I wish this place could be my home... but it's all too feeler-y, I'm a fish out of water.
INTP Complex is closing down within the next 12 hours
It's turning into INTP Simplex, I see. :smirk:

We have plenty of NT's here. I'm sure they'd happily converse with you.

For starters, how does an INTP end up with Enneagram 8w7? That seems rather unusual. There must be a story there.
It's turning into INTP Simplex, I see. :smirk:

We have plenty of NT's here. I'm sure they'd happily converse with you.

For starters, how does an INTP end up with Enneagram 8w7? That seems rather unusual. There must be a story there.


It's been a good few years since I deep-dived into personality theory, but when I did, I pretty much consumed everything related to both MBTI and the Enneagram. INTP 8w7 is certainly unusual, I only ever traced around 4-5 others on the internet, and that took some digging. I briefly managed to converse with the only active internet poster, who I found on facebook, I invited this rare creature to the forum, but she didn't stick around for long.

From what I gathered, the true nature of the Enneagram has never been pinned down and the age old debate pertains as to whether it's nature or nurture.

Personally, I'm inclined to believe that MBTI is more genetic, whilst the Enneagram is more environmental.

I have about a 50/50 mixture in my (large) family of NTs and SFs, I think my dad, grandad and uncles are/were all NT. I must have taken after them, because I certainly don't take after my SF aunts or ma.

I think the Enneagram are coping and survival mechanisms we develop as we grow, perhaps some are even imprinted as early as in the womb, and certainly in early childhood.

My home life sucked, like really sucked. My family had to flee war torn Belfast and they all experienced a lot of trauma.
Generational trauma, the sort that sticks around and is felt those who are still to come.

My mother could barely be considered as such, most of the time, growing up. More like my abuser and tormentor. I worked hard in school, and played hard after school - those were my only reprieves.

Others may have chose different coping mechanisms, but I chose to be defiant, strong, rebellious, and to never trust authority (no authority outside of myself ever served me). I survived, and so I achieved my neurosis.

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Please though, go ahead and take some. There's plenty to go around here...
Let me explain.

NTs can make it hard to shamelessly embrace your wreckless emotional NF side.

"Who cares about logic and reasoning!" I proclaimed as I waved to all of my friends and family who are standing on the dock as the ship I boarded using every last penny to my name drifted away. And in that moment my eye twitched only slightly as I knew in the back of my head I would now likely have to debase myself in order to convince the captain to turn around and drop me back off two hours into the trip when the excitement wore off and I finally did succumb to logic and reasoning.

Now see that never happened because my INTJ bff always bursts my bubbles and saves me from myself but maybe I don't want to be saved from myself.

ALSO I don't want to hear the logical inconsistencies in my hypothetical scenarios all the time. FUN SUCKERS
Let me explain.

NTs can make it hard to shamelessly embrace your wreckless emotional NF side.

"Who cares about logic and reasoning!" I proclaimed as I waved to all of my friends and family who are standing on the dock as the ship I boarded using every last penny to my name drifted away. And in that moment my eye twitched only slightly as I knew in the back of my head I would now likely have to debase myself in order to convince the captain to turn around and drop me back off two hours into the trip when the excitement wore off and I finally did succumb to logic and reasoning.

Now see that never happened because my INTJ bff always bursts my bubbles and saves me from myself but maybe I don't want to be saved from myself.

ALSO I don't want to hear the logical inconsistencies in my hypothetical scenarios all the time. FUN SUCKERS

INTJ here.

I find INTPs a bit too eccentric. You lot are always weird with either tech and math immersion, or weird with OCD hobbies like cooking and making people uncomfortable.

Tbh, I'd like a discord entirely populated with isfp girls and cats.

Hey - I hate those INTPs too!
Although I do enjoy making people feel uncomfortable LOL

We've got plenty of girls & cats in the discord group now, and mixed types.
You should check it out :smiley:

Let me explain.

NTs can make it hard to shamelessly embrace your wreckless emotional NF side.

"Who cares about logic and reasoning!" I proclaimed as I waved to all of my friends and family who are standing on the dock as the ship I boarded using every last penny to my name drifted away. And in that moment my eye twitched only slightly as I knew in the back of my head I would now likely have to debase myself in order to convince the captain to turn around and drop me back off two hours into the trip when the excitement wore off and I finally did succumb to logic and reasoning.

Now see that never happened because my INTJ bff always bursts my bubbles and saves me from myself but maybe I don't want to be saved from myself.

ALSO I don't want to hear the logical inconsistencies in my hypothetical scenarios all the time. FUN SUCKERS

da fuk
Don't act so surprised

Have to agree with SY that cooking is OCD weird af

Okay, me and another INTP would like to know what you both mean by this, lol.
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