Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Feb 10, 2018 #1,181 Is "your privacy" code for something else?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Feb 10, 2018 #1,183 Is "sleeping better" code for being dead?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,184 Is your use of "code" a way of deviating from the real meaning of the statement?
Icedream Nothing more than a thought MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,186 Is there something wrong with being a deviant?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,188 Does the word "label" imply a definitive state of being?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Feb 10, 2018 #1,189 Is belief in definitive states the antithesis of acceptance of the oneness of all being
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,190 Does the oneness of all beings conclude that there is no such thing as individuality?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Feb 10, 2018 #1,191 While the oneness of all being draws no conclusion but wouldn't the oneness of all beings be something different entirely?
While the oneness of all being draws no conclusion but wouldn't the oneness of all beings be something different entirely?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,192 Are you saying the "oneness of all beings" is code for something?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Feb 10, 2018 #1,193 If "all beings" is distinct from "all being" and each phrase is potentially code for something else, what are the chances that they are code for the same thing?
If "all beings" is distinct from "all being" and each phrase is potentially code for something else, what are the chances that they are code for the same thing?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,194 Would I be deemed dyslexic if I didn't notice the difference in the words until you pointed it out?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . Feb 10, 2018 #1,195 So if "state of being" is not "state of beings" then beans being the magical fruit has nothing to do with them being legumes?
So if "state of being" is not "state of beings" then beans being the magical fruit has nothing to do with them being legumes?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,196 If "being" and "beings" weren't different, would we need both of them?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,198 If we didn't, would it make a big difference to the English Language?
Madgirl143 Banned MBTI INFJ Feb 10, 2018 #1,200 How can languages take offence if they have no feelings?