Answer With A Question! (Part 7) | Page 59 | INFJ Forum

Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

Where else would He be?
Isn't it time we stopped assuming gender?
Is the idea of a she-devil appealing to you?
Would that be passive aggressively inferring gender?
Are you passive aggressively inferring that I am passive aggressive?
Is this more complex than a S/He said S/He said dilemma?
Is this an attempt to convince me that you are a complex person after all?
Does it have something to do with feeling inferior?
Is that what twenty years of schooling got you?
Are you questioning the effectiveness of modern education?
Is education merely paint, something that tries to cover up humans' base nature and aggressive impulses, but inevitably always fails?
In covering up do we not merely expose?
Perhaps what we choose to cover up exposes our true natures?
Am I not allowed some privacy?
Why would you want to know that?
Wouldn't that fall under the "inquiring minds" matrix?
Are we delving into semantics now?