Answer With A Question! (Part 7) | Page 60 | INFJ Forum

Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

Is "your privacy" code for something else?
Is "sleeping better" code for being dead?
Am I being labeled a deviant?
Is there something wrong with being a deviant?
Does the word "label" imply wrongess?
Is belief in definitive states the antithesis of acceptance of the oneness of all being
While the oneness of all being draws no conclusion but wouldn't the oneness of all beings be something different entirely?
If "all beings" is distinct from "all being" and each phrase is potentially code for something else, what are the chances that they are code for the same thing?
So if "state of being" is not "state of beings" then beans being the magical fruit has nothing to do with them being legumes?
Do we need either of them?
Can languages take offense?