Another Muslim Attack: Ohio State University

Flavus Aquila

Finding My Place in the Sun
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a refugee, has gone on a car and knife attack at Ohio State.

He had previously tried to get victim privilege, and protection from scrutiny with this "poor me, innocent little muslim" bullshit in the University paper:

"I wanted to pray in the open, but I was kinda scared with everything going on in the media. I'm a Muslim, it's not what the media portrays me to be. If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don't know what they're going to think, what's going to happen. But, I don't blame them. It's the media that put that picture in their heads,"
I saw another attack just like this one but in Utah the other week.. Crazy man with a knife n all. Wasn't Muslim though.

Sad news, hope the victims aren't seriously injured and make a full recovery, sad , sad times.
If you're worried about what the media portrays you to be, then perhaps you shouldn't go around stabbing innocent people and running them over in a car.
This attack could have happened for any reason. Right now there are any number of people in the world willing to incite violence for a cause. If America were not as free...and it were as oppressed as practically every religiously influenced government is... I suspect attacks in the name of Christianity and Catholicism would be common place.
In other words Muslim yes..but the real cause is instability within the individual.
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This is Jo Cox, a member of the British Parliament who was assassinated by a right-wing terrorist in the streets five months ago. This week, a court found him guilty of "a murder committed to advance a cause associated with Nazism."

Ask yourself: Why haven't you heard about this?

It was the first assassination of a member of the British Parliament in 26 years.

Jo Cox was walking in the streets of a small English town when she was shot three times and stabbed more than a dozen times by a man yelling “This is for Britain”, “keep Britain independent”, and “Britain first."

She was an advocate of Syrian and Palestinian refugees and she fought for a vision of a tolerant, multicultural Britain.

Sound familiar? "Make America Great Again"?

Jo Cox was assassinated by a right-wing terrorist for her political beliefs. And yet her death was barely covered in the news. Her face will not be remembered. In the US, no one has even heard of her.

When in 2013 British soldier Lee Rigby was stabbed by a deranged convert to Islam in London, the whole world heard about the "Muslim terror" sweeping England. But when a right-wing terrorist stabs to death a MEMBER of PARLIAMENT dedicated to helping refugees, we don't hear a word?

We must take right-wing hatred seriously. We must take Trump and Le Pen and all of the rest of these right-wing nationalists seriously.

Please, remember Jo Cox. Remember her face. Remember why she died.

And fight for her legacy. Don't stop fighting. And don't allow them to cover up her death, or to cover up how serious the threat we face is.

The world must know Jo Cox. America must know Jo Cox.
This attack could have happened for any reason. Right now there are my number of people in the world willing to incite violence for a cause. If America were not as free...and it were as oppressed as practically every religiously influenced government is... I suspect attacks in the name of Christianity and Catholicism would be common place.
In other words Muslim yes..but the real cause is instability within the individual.
Two points:
1. The Wikipedia (I know) list of terrorism events is entirely dominated by muslims.
2. The Muslim terrorist was socially active, friendly, balanced, and often engaged in sensible dialogue with other viewpoints. Those who knew him paint him as the balanced, peaceful, community-engaged type of Muslim, often held up as the moderate, healthy face of Islam:

(Anecdotally, the only crazy thing this individual featured was the disgusting ideology of a medieval mass-murderer pedophile).

This is Jo Cox, a member of the British Parliament who was assassinated by a right-wing terrorist in the streets five months ago. This week, a court found him guilty of "a murder committed to advance a cause associated with Nazism."

Ask yourself: Why haven't you heard about this?

It was the first assassination of a member of the British Parliament in 26 years.

Jo Cox was walking in the streets of a small English town when she was shot three times and stabbed more than a dozen times by a man yelling “This is for Britain”, “keep Britain independent”, and “Britain first."

She was an advocate of Syrian and Palestinian refugees and she fought for a vision of a tolerant, multicultural Britain.

Sound familiar? "Make America Great Again"?

Jo Cox was assassinated by a right-wing terrorist for her political beliefs. And yet her death was barely covered in the news. Her face will not be remembered. In the US, no one has even heard of her.

When in 2013 British soldier Lee Rigby was stabbed by a deranged convert to Islam in London, the whole world heard about the "Muslim terror" sweeping England. But when a right-wing terrorist stabs to death a MEMBER of PARLIAMENT dedicated to helping refugees, we don't hear a word?

We must take right-wing hatred seriously. We must take Trump and Le Pen and all of the rest of these right-wing nationalists seriously.

Please, remember Jo Cox. Remember her face. Remember why she died.

And fight for her legacy. Don't stop fighting. And don't allow them to cover up her death, or to cover up how serious the threat we face is.

The world must know Jo Cox. America must know Jo Cox.

What happened in your article was wrong, and what happened in this article was wrong. The wrongness of one does not negate the wrongness of the other. Your article also is not pertinent to this article, although you could always start a thread dedicated to it.

Everyone must know everything. Not just this one victim, not just this one story, and America certainly isn't the only nation that should know it.
The wrongness of one does not negate the wrongness of the other. Your article also is not pertinent to this article,

Sorry but I disagree. The point of my post was not to negate the wrongness of one act with another wrong act.

My post is extremely pertinent to the point of this post which is to portray Muslims as the main (or even the sole) of terrorism in this world. It was far from a dispassionate reporting of the Ohio State terrorist attack. My point was to point out the falseness of this assertion.
Sorry but I disagree. The point of my post was not to negate the wrongness of one act with another wrong act.

My post is extremely pertinent to the point of this post which is to portray Muslims as the main (or even the sole) of terrorism in this world. It was far from a dispassionate reporting of the Ohio State terrorist attack. My point was to point out the falseness of this assertion.

You don't need to explain yourself, I understood your intent and fully expected you to disagree with me, and to let me know that you disagreed with me. : )
My post is extremely pertinent to the point of this post which is to portray Muslims as the main (or even the sole) of terrorism in this world. It was far from a dispassionate reporting of the Ohio State terrorist attack. My point was to point out the falseness of this assertion.
Then why did you not just state exactly that? Instead you target Americans with a blanket statement that suggests we are all ignorant, don't care, and group all attacks of terror into a Muslim hate category. Judging by most of your posts, I'd say you have a very poor opinion of Americans in general, and this is perhaps because the only things you know of us are from your own filtered newsfeed and solidified opinions about what you believe we believe. The truth is, most of us do know about Jo Cox. It was a tragedy, just like the attack in Ohio. Fuled by nothing more than hate. Hate of change, hate of differing opinions and of values.

What you accomplished did in fact take away from the point of the article here. If you honestly believe that the point is to blame Muslims for everything, then you have many more issues of intolerance and hate than you peg Americans for. I do throw all of these attacks into one category, that of hate, not of anti-Muslim. These are all hate crimes and not one of them is because this one is a Muslim, or that one is a Nazi. It's because of hate of anything that challenges ones own ideals.
Jo Cox should perhaps have her own thread, or just one thread dedicated to that of the effects of hate in general.

There is a reason, well several, why I stay out of political charged threads. This is one of them. People assume too much and let those assumptions prevent them from true discussion.

I apologize for the derailment. I'm just really tired of Americans being labeled as hate-mongers when this could not be further from the truth.
Then why did you not just state exactly that? Instead you target Americans with a blanket statement that suggests we are all ignorant, don't care, and group all attacks of terror into a Muslim hate category. Judging by most of your posts, I'd say you have a very poor opinion of Americans in general, and this is perhaps because the only things you know of us are from your own filtered newsfeed and solidified opinions about what you believe we believe. The truth is, most of us do know about Jo Cox. It was a tragedy, just like the attack in Ohio. Fuled by nothing more than hate. Hate of change, hate of differing opinions and of values.

What you accomplished did in fact take away from the point of the article here. If you honestly believe that the point is to blame Muslims for everything, then you have many more issues of intolerance and hate than you peg Americans for. I do throw all of these attacks into one category, that of hate, not of anti-Muslim. These are all hate crimes and not one of them is because this one is a Muslim, or that one is a Nazi. It's because of hate of anything that challenges ones own ideals.
Jo Cox should perhaps have her own thread, or just one thread dedicated to that of the effects of hate in general.

There is a reason, well several, why I stay out of political charged threads. This is one of them. People assume too much and let those assumptions prevent them from true discussion.

I apologize for the derailment. I'm just really tired of Americans being labeled as hate-mongers when this could not be further from the truth.

Thank you. I didn't have it in me to to go on further, because often it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall when I go on about things here on the forum, and it makes me weary, but this needed to be said. <3
The sole cause for terror are the whiny babies who are afraid of everyone and want to lock everyone up/deport them.
Instead you target Americans with a blanket statement that suggests we are all ignorant, don't care, and group all attacks of terror into a Muslim hate category

The post clearly warns against right extremism wherever it is found and does not single out America. It mentions both Trump and Le Pen as examples of this.

Judging by most of your posts, I'd say you have a very poor opinion of Americans in general, and this is perhaps because the only things you know of us are from your own filtered newsfeed and solidified opinions about what you believe we believe.

I don't think I have a poor opinion of Americans in general nor do I think my posts indicate this at all. I do care about what America does and the direction the country chooses to go because it impacts and has implications for the whole world. Of course I disagree with Trump and the Republicans. Does this make me anti-American? Is this not the same country that voted for Obama, a great statesman and President, twice? Many of the Americans I have come to know on this board agree with me. Does that make them anti-American?

What you accomplished did in fact take away from the point of the article here. If you honestly believe that the point is to blame Muslims for everything, then you have many more issues of intolerance and hate than you peg Americans for

Look at what the Australian that started this thread is saying. He is blaming Islam for the attack which he just called "disgusting ideology of a medieval mass-murderer pedophile" and he further said that "The Wikipedia (I know) list of terrorism events is entirely dominated by muslims." That is not the truth, so yes I posted the article on Jo Cox this to disrupt that narrative.

I agree think that the Jo Cox story has been underreported in North America in general and it would not surprise if many Americans have not heard of it. The point of the post was not to slam Americans
I guess when I see these threads, I just wonder what you hope to achieve by posting them, Flavus, I'm sure yo're painfully aware by now that the mass majority of forum members here are liberal slanting, or at least, tend to dislike the tone of these particular kind of threads you make. There are a few people who then post in agreement with you, and they're always the same people. Why do we need to hash this out over and over again? What possible meaningful dialog are you trying to have here, and do you really think you are going to be successful?
I'm just really tired of Americans being labeled as hate-mongers

I represent all of America, as evidenced by the bald eagle tattoo, that has a tattoo of Old Glory where my nether fur used to be, and I'm a hate monger. But only because my mesh muscle shirt is too tight around my belly... damn minorities.
Liberal? Brainwashed in schools and colleges abroad.

This is Jo Cox, a member of the British Parliament who was assassinated by a right-wing terrorist in the streets five months ago. This week, a court found him guilty of "a murder committed to advance a cause associated with Nazism."

Ask yourself: Why haven't you heard about this?

It was the first assassination of a member of the British Parliament in 26 years.

Jo Cox was walking in the streets of a small English town when she was shot three times and stabbed more than a dozen times by a man yelling “This is for Britain”, “keep Britain independent”, and “Britain first."

She was an advocate of Syrian and Palestinian refugees and she fought for a vision of a tolerant, multicultural Britain.

Sound familiar? "Make America Great Again"?

Jo Cox was assassinated by a right-wing terrorist for her political beliefs. And yet her death was barely covered in the news. Her face will not be remembered. In the US, no one has even heard of her.

When in 2013 British soldier Lee Rigby was stabbed by a deranged convert to Islam in London, the whole world heard about the "Muslim terror" sweeping England. But when a right-wing terrorist stabs to death a MEMBER of PARLIAMENT dedicated to helping refugees, we don't hear a word?

We must take right-wing hatred seriously. We must take Trump and Le Pen and all of the rest of these right-wing nationalists seriously.

Please, remember Jo Cox. Remember her face. Remember why she died.

And fight for her legacy. Don't stop fighting. And don't allow them to cover up her death, or to cover up how serious the threat we face is.

The world must know Jo Cox. America must know Jo Cox.
Jo Cox was a member of 'friends for Syria' , and her position was quite left of center. While her death is tragic, it is certainly connected to her political position (both electoral and ideological).

The teen students ploughed and slashed is viscerally more shocking because they didn't place themselves in the cross hairs of ideological policy.

If you get on a platform, you assume certain risks; but enrolling in education shouldn't make one a politically motivated murder target.