Inspired by a question from Soulful on Satya's topic about "Would you be attracted to yourself?" I wanted to make a topic about the Anima ... from ...
Now a question I have is - do you consider your soul or innerself as opposite gender of your persona? It's easy and natural for me to, but I've often wondered if I were a female, would I not still see my soul as female?
I sometimes see this innerself or soul as being reflected to to me in females I like and feel attracted towards, and also in myths and stories about Goddesses and Devas and Dakinis and Sleeping Beauties and such. If any of you have read any of my Reality Girl series, she is also a representation of this.
—noun 1. soul; life.
2. (in the psychology of C. G. Jung) a. the inner personality that is turned toward the unconscious of the individual (contrasted with persona ).
b. the feminine principle, esp. as present in men (contrasted with animus ).
1920—25; < L: breath, vital force, soul, spirit Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006
Now a question I have is - do you consider your soul or innerself as opposite gender of your persona? It's easy and natural for me to, but I've often wondered if I were a female, would I not still see my soul as female?
I sometimes see this innerself or soul as being reflected to to me in females I like and feel attracted towards, and also in myths and stories about Goddesses and Devas and Dakinis and Sleeping Beauties and such. If any of you have read any of my Reality Girl series, she is also a representation of this.