An Interesting (possibly pointless) Perspective

I'll try to make this short and sweet. I have been thinking around this idea for a while, though it was unformed, just merely a feeling.

The idea: that I am an INTJ that "specializes" in morality/values/feelings/emotions. So essentially, an INTJ that focuses on being an INFJ, whilst not sharing the same source of intention. Meaning not actually being a caring person, but seeing that being one is logically the thing to do. Logically how? Maybe in some way of uniting humanity to accomplish what we could do in a Utopian Earth, i.e. (id est; Latin for that is) if everyone could get along.

This idea is, at first glance, contradictory. Maybe it is at all glances. Somehow, I feel/think this idea sheds light on a more accurate picture of "where I'm coming from", as we say in English.

If you wish to read more: linked thread has some useful information concerning this post:
I think that makes sense... to be caring from a logical stand point.. We're social at some point it's necessary to take care of and share with others to survive..

I knew an INTJ who volunteered a lot of time at children's hospitals and wanted to be a Doctor Without Borders doctor.

I wouldn't get all wrapped up in being an INTJ who specializes in being an INFJ... you have your own unique interests and concerns, of course.
*scratches head*

Sure you don't want to just check whether your auxiliary function is Te or Fe?
The quicker we get to Utopia the better & I don't care if you're an wxyz that eats babies for breakfast!

I kid. So a INTJ or a WXYZ scientist finds a cure for cancer. He/she's motivation wouldn't matter (it's their job *cracks whip*!), the result, however does.
The idea: that I am an INTJ that "specializes" in morality/values/feelings/emotions. So essentially, an INTJ that focuses on being an INFJ, whilst not sharing the same source of intention. Meaning not actually being a caring person, but seeing that being one is logically the thing to do.

What do you mean not actually being a caring person? I don't think you'd have this focus if you didn't care.

Sounds like INFJ to me still. That sounds like the interplay between Fe and Ti. The fact that you'd seek a logicial justification for the preference suggests Ti, and of course the rest of it screams Fe. Of course, Fe doesn't have internal justification on it's own.

If it were Te and Fi, internal justification would not be so necessary, though a justification of the external structure would be (i.e. the specific political programme).

More simply: INTJs typical don't give a damn if others question their orientation (general orientation- i.e. political views, fiends of interest, direction in life, but yes sexual orientation too) because they're relying on Fi instead of Fe. This is why people often think they are jerks/robots. They do care about logic, but only insofar as it supports their internal preferences.

INFJs care a lot if others question their orientation, and this combined with weak Fi generates a lot of guilt, resulting in a need to justify their orientation. Of course, it only takes someone to come along and poke holes in the INFJs justification for their specific orientation to cause them to recede into further guilt.

(Disclaimer: I could have made this all up.)
It was a pleasure reading everyone's input. It is truly valuable to have learned people understand and comment on a topic such as this. Thank you Internet, and specifically,

Thank you for giving me your time, folks!