[INFJ] Am I an INFJ or an INT?


I have taken the MBTI three times on mbtionline.com. Each time I tested as INFJ. I retook the test because I see a lot of the Thinking preference in myself. For instance, I am very technically oriented and am at my best when doing technical things rather than dealing with people or relationships. Is it common for INF types to think they are INT? Do INTs often mistype as INFs?
As one forum member here pointed out a while ago, tests get skewed by what we think is supposed to be the correct answer, rather than what is one's unashamed real preference.

Do you get exhilarated by uncovering the obscure meaning behind things, or by the uncovering the obscure reason behind things?
First of all, the MBTI officially used to report "x" preferences, namely preferences in between the two extremes of a dimension, originally when Myers allowed omission instead of a forced choice format.

The MBTI is strongly convergent with the Big 5, and all the analysis done by Big 5 researchers suggests one should consider some middle road preference possibility -- one option being to reinstate x's for the middle third of the distribution.

This doesn't mean you have no preferences, merely that your preferences on different themes of the distribution may go in distinct directions. And really even from a Jungian standpoint, this is hardly surprising -- not ALL aspects of Feeling are opposed to Thinking -- they're more like mutually irreducible complementary poles. But for instance, one can feel the value of a great logical idea, as compared to a mediocre one, and that helps.

If you consider yourself neither a somewhat coldly impersonal logical person, nor someone who is predominantly given by their feelings and values depth of feeling over logic, then perhaps you're neither a T nor a F.

Also keep in mind in terms of the functions, some aspects of the T vs F dichotomy overlap with Jungian thinking-feeling, but T-F is much more Agreeableness tinted.

I for one consider myself higher in F than I do in Jungian Feeling, despite typing myself both a thinking type and a T. Jungian Feeling has a focus on value-judgments, and all feeling-reactions, not just kind, tenderminded ones.
I have taken the MBTI three times on mbtionline.com. Each time I tested as INFJ. I retook the test because I see a lot of the Thinking preference in myself. For instance, I am very technically oriented and am at my best when doing technical things rather than dealing with people or relationships. Is it common for INF types to think they are INT? Do INTs often mistype as INFs?

I am the same. I am very technical. I love things like computer science, theoretical physics, science, sound engineering, robotics, AI, reading the works of Turing, Einstein etc... I heard somewhere that INFJs with these sorts of interests often mistype as INTJ.
It's completely possible. I tested as INFJ initially. It was only after a break up with an ENFP that I realised a lot of my "feeling" was just trying to compensate for not living up to certain double standards in the relationship. After doing some intense research I finally figured out that I identify personally much better with the INTJ typing.

I personally recommend the 16personalities.com test.