Admission into the University of South Florida | INFJ Forum

Admission into the University of South Florida


Urban shaman
May 8, 2011
This thread is more a place for me to spill my thoughts than anything else, just so all know.

I got an online notification today telling me I got admitted to USF, one of Florida's best universities from what I've heard and read. I qualify for their Honors College program, but I won't know if I got in until the formal snail mail package comes in the mail. I understand entrance is...competitive; this is slightly fearful. I am going to be really anxious until it comes - I really, really want in that program. Rerolling on my ACT score in two weeks, I'll not be content until I'm in the top 1% of students, which is only a 2 point increase (I want at least a 34). That's what I get for not sleeping before a big test. Silly boy.

The reality just hit me: I am going to college.
What? Fairytale youth gone, already?!
Insanity. Time really does fly.

Psychology and counseling,
Biology and neurology -
which will I choose?
Questions, questions...
questions that need answering.

I will be updating this thread as I get more info, as a personal notepad and for anyone that happens to care.
Congratulations! This does not surprise me in the least! :)
congrats! an awesome time - enjoy the uncertainty and excitement that comes with it.
I got a letter in the mail today telling me I got into the Honors College at USF - marvelous day!

Sort of.

Estimated cost is $20,000 per year. I have $6000 in yearly scholarships at the moment (renewable for four years; which is one year into my Master's degree (?)), with many more given by the university itself to apply for. There are two notable ones that cover "up to admission cost" and several more ranging from 1000-5000 per year. I meet all the requirements - just have to write essays on American/international social issues, which is a joy - and am hoping strong academics will help. It would help if I could write on-topic, though -.- All of my English teachers have praised my writing ability while simultaneously yelling at me to write more coherently.

I can't apply for anything for a month or so, which is driving me crazy. I want the future laid out now; I hate not knowing where I will be in the foreseeable future. I will write at least two major scholarships' essays this weekend so there will be less to do later.

I am still undecided about a major. Psychology is appetizing because of the insight into behavior, but at the same time I feel like true mechanics behind human perception, thought, choices, etc. will be discovered through another alley (like cognitive neuroscience). This logically led me to biology, particularly neurology. But I don't now if I have the analytical mind and mental capacity for that, especially if Calculus is kicking my ass. I initially considered a major in world literature, but, honestly, after reading a few English classics I started seeing the same themes over and over again. Love, identity, and morality/equality can only be prodded so many times before gleaming blood stops spurting out for examination. I know I am just a young student and cannot possible understand every literary nuance or idea; however, literature reflects human action in response to events. These events are based on environment, which only seems to change masks as time progresses ("history repeats itself; first time as tragedy, second as farce").

(I'll probably post more in a few days)
Well congratulations on getting into the honors college though. Isn't academia great? Worry about something for a while, find out, and start worrying about the next thing.
I got a letter in the mail today telling me I got into the Honors College at USF - marvelous day!

Sort of.

Estimated cost is $20,000 per year. I have $6000 in yearly scholarships at the moment (renewable for four years; which is one year into my Master's degree (?)), with many more given by the university itself to apply for. There are two notable ones that cover "up to admission cost" and several more ranging from 1000-5000 per year. I meet all the requirements - just have to write essays on American/international social issues, which is a joy - and am hoping strong academics will help. It would help if I could write on-topic, though -.- All of my English teachers have praised my writing ability while simultaneously yelling at me to write more coherently.

I can't apply for anything for a month or so, which is driving me crazy. I want the future laid out now; I hate not knowing where I will be in the foreseeable future. I will write at least two major scholarships' essays this weekend so there will be less to do later.

I am still undecided about a major. Psychology is appetizing because of the insight into behavior, but at the same time I feel like true mechanics behind human perception, thought, choices, etc. will be discovered through another alley (like cognitive neuroscience). This logically led me to biology, particularly neurology. But I don't now if I have the analytical mind and mental capacity for that, especially if Calculus is kicking my ass. I initially considered a major in world literature, but, honestly, after reading a few English classics I started seeing the same themes over and over again. Love, identity, and morality/equality can only be prodded so many times before gleaming blood stops spurting out for examination. I know I am just a young student and cannot possible understand every literary nuance or idea; however, literature reflects human action in response to events. These events are based on environment, which only seems to change masks as time progresses ("history repeats itself; first time as tragedy, second as farce").

(I'll probably post more in a few days)

Oooo....cognitive neuroscience. I start salivating when I hear those words.

This is fantastic news Radiant! Congratulations!

I highly urge you to sit back and enjoy the sensations of actually getting accepted.
INFJ's all too often get swept up into the future and forget to enjoy the moment.

Feel the butterflies in your stomach! Revel in the smile on your face! Sit and write the words "I'm going to one of Florida's best universities WITH HONORS" about 50 times and breathe in your success! You deserve this from yourself.
Most people don't know what their major is until they are sophomores. I think it is a mistake to try and decide.

My advice is to take classes in very different areas when you enter. So like, take a natural science, a humanities, and a social science. You mentioned grad school, and many grad programs will want strong quantitative, so you might as well take calc and get it out of the way. I never took calc, and I'm really kicking myself for it now.