8w9 vs 9w8

I was reading about this the other night and saw a funny quote from some guy-- "9w8 is like a super chill bad-ass, and a 8w9 is like a bad-ass who happens to be chill."
Being a 9w8 myself I feel there are definitely some major differences.

Firstly, make no mistake, being an 8 and being a 9 are completely different. While they share a mutual wing possibility they aren't remotely similar at their core. 8's struggle with ambivalence to the nurturing figure in their life while 9's struggle with the negative affects of identifying with both their nurturing and protective figures.

Obviously there are greater specifications and distinctions to make between the two. To "tell them apart" as you asked I would point out that 9's are a withdrawn type and 8's are an assertive, or aggressive, type. So their main style is really quite different. An 8w9 will be a "Bear" or something of a family man, protector. They 8w7 is the Saddam Hussein type (of course he has gone bad, not all do) while the 8w9 is more like Indira Ghandi. A 9w8 is someone like Dr. Drew Pinski (at their best) emotionally and psychologically available to others. Of course the key feature of the nine, their identification with both parents, means that they have to work at asserting themselves because their tendency is to be so available to others that they fail to live their own lives psychologically speaking.

I recommend the compendium by Riso and Hudson entitled "Personality Types". It's available on kindle for about $8
Couple of descriptions I found
Nine With an 8 Wing
Awakened Nines with an 8 wing have a modest, steady, receptive core. They are charged by the dynamism of 8 - when focused on goals they often have great force of will. Get things done, make good leaders. May have an animal magnetism of which they are only partly aware. Can seem highly centered, take what they do seriously but remain unimpressed with themselves. 8 wing can bring a strong internal sense of direction. Relatively fearless and highly intuitive. Generally not intellectual unless they have it in their background. When more entranced, they manifest the contradictions of the two styles expressing them in sequence. Could be passively amiable like a Nine and then turn horribly blunt like an 8. One moment they are opinionated or nasty, next moment kindly and supportive. Often don't hear their voices when angry. Can have a sharp, grating edge. May be slow to anger and then explode. Or angry but don't know it; may confuse being assertive with being rude. Placidly callous - both styles support numbness. Tactless and indiscriminate and indiscreet. May be unwittingly disloyal, spilling everyone's secrets. Sexual confusion, sometimes they are driven by lust.

Real-Life Nines With an 8 Wing: Clint Eastwood, Peter Falk, Gerald Ford, James Garner, John Goodman, Elliott Gould, Woody Harrelson, Helmut Kohl, Carl Rogers, Gena Rowlands, Gloria Steinem.

Movie Nines With an 8 Wing: Richard Burton, Beckett; Sean Connery, The Russia House; Clint Eastwood, Tightrope, Unforgiven; Sam Elliott, Lifeguard; Elliott Gould, The Long Goodbye; Woody Harrelson, White Men Can't Jump; Bob Hoskins, Mona Lisa; Ann-Margret, A New Life; Al Pacino, Sea Of Love.
9w8 said:
Eight Wing: Nines with an Eight wing have a more take-charge orientation, exhibiting a solidity and forcefulness while still maintaining a desire to hear others' opinions. With a very strong Eight wing, Nines assert their own points of view more readily and make fast and clear decisions, even in the face of strong opposition.
8w9 said:
8s with 9 wings are an interesting subtype. The 9 wing considerably softens the traits of the 8, making the 8w9 much harder to recognize and understand than a pure 8. Don Riso notes that the 8w9 often holds their power "in reserve". 8w9s are often underestimated, because they can look like mild-mannered 9s one day, only to unleash their aggressive 8 side the next.
8w9 said:
Eight With a 9 Wing
Healthy Eights with a 9 wing often have an aura of preternatural calm, like they haven't had a self-doubt in decades. Take their authority for granted - queen or king of all they survey. May be gentle, kind-hearted, quieter. Often nurturing, protective parents; steady, supportive friends. Informal and unpretentious, patient, laconic, generally somewhat introverted. Sometimes a dry or ironic sense of humor. May have an aura of implicit, simmering anger rather like a sleeping volcano. Slow to erupt but when they do it's sudden and explosive. When entranced, the 9 wing brings an Eight a kind of callous numbness. They can be oblivious to the force of their anger until after they've hurt someone. Calmly dominating, colder; may have an indifference to softer emotions. If very unhealthy, they can be mean without remorse or aggressive in the service of stupid ends. Paranoid plotting, muddled thinking, moral laziness. Can be vengeful in ill-conceived ways, abuse those they love, don't know when to quit.

Real-Life Eights With a 9 Wing: Edward Asner, Johnny Cash, Fidel Castro, Ty Cobb, Michael Douglas, Milton Erickson, Linda Fiorentino, Geronimo, John Huston, Evel Knievel, Lee Marvin, Golda Meir, Robert Mitchum, Dixy Lee Ray, Mickey Rourke, Marge Schott.

Movie Eights With a 9 Wing: Robert De Niro, The Mission; Clint Eastwood, White Hunter, Black Heart; Rutger Hauer, Ladyhawke; Judd Hirsch, Ordinary People; William Hurt, The Doctor; Shirley MacLaine, Used People; Lee Marvin, Gorky Park; Jack Palance, City Slickers; Gena Rowlands, Gloria; John Wayne, The Shootist.
8w9 said:
Nine Wing: Eights with a Nine wing are interpersonally warmer, more calm, and less reactive, and they solicit and listen to others' opinions because they are more consensually oriented.
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Thanks, those posts were helpful. I have a few remaining questions. My impression is that both 8w9s and 9w8s oscillate between states of "peacefulness" and "combativeness." And the trigger causing 8s to become combative is a threat to control while the trigger for 9s is being imposed on. Would you agree with that?

I suspect I am 8w9 because though I prefer "peaceful" environments, I am unwilling to be subordinated to an authority that doesn't represent my interests fairly. But I don't think I fit into the stereotype of the ever-combative 8. My MO is to quietly strategize about how to maintain control. I avoid making moves that would expose me to face-to-face conflict on a daily basis; it's too draining. I need to be "peaceful" or "chill" or whatever you want to call it.

But if this is how 8w9s function, how do 9w8s function? What do they become combative over?
I prefer "peaceful" environments, I am unwilling to be subordinated to an authority that doesn't represent my interests fairly. But I don't think I fit into the stereotype of the ever-combative 8. My MO is to quietly strategize about how to maintain control. I avoid making moves that would expose me to face-to-face conflict on a daily basis; it's too draining. I need to be "peaceful" or "chill" or whatever you want to call it.

You are a 9w8 according to this statement.
You are a 9w8 according to this statement.
I disagree. You're probably misinterpreting what I said. What I meant is that I seek environments where I can assert my interests without facing a level of opposition that I find inefficient. What I did not mean is that in order to satiate my preference for "peace," I will blend my interests with those most represented in my environment. No way, no how.
Also, an INFJ type 9 and a hypthetical ENTJ type 9 would be very different in very key ways, and very similar still in others. Knowing who you are is something you find by careful, concerted work and self-observation. Don't give up, and don't expect anyone here to tell you what you are because you'll know it when you know it.
Have you considered 6 on the way to integrating to 9?
I haven't, but I don't look for security from "the group" or rebel against "the group" because it's untrustworthy. I mean, nine would be a better fit than six. But I don't think I'm a nine. ;)
I haven't, but I don't look for security from "the group" or rebel against "the group" because it's untrustworthy. I mean, nine would be a better fit than six. But I don't think I'm a nine. ;)

"The group could also refer to perceived authority.

I am unwilling to be subordinated to an authority that doesn't represent my interests fairly. But I don't think I fit into the stereotype of the ever-combative 8. My MO is to quietly strategize about how to maintain control. I avoid making moves that would expose me to face-to-face conflict on a daily basis; it's too draining. I need to be "peaceful" or "chill" or whatever you want to call it.

This falls in line with counterphobic 6. is why I asked.

This falls in line with counterphobic 6. is why I asked.

That's also the part that I noticed. 8s wouldn't want to be "represented fairly". I can only speak for myself and that means I either want the position myself or have at least great influence upon the leader.
Counterphobic 6 (especially sexual subtype) has a great deal in common with 8w9.

CP6 wants to be stronger than any threats it perceives. It has an inherent fear of being vulnerable that causes it to take action to not be weak. Additionally, CP6 becomes more and more like 9, the healthier it becomes. But, CP6 becomes more like 3 (demanding, pushy, focused, willful, driven), as it becomes less healthy and stressed. This can seem a lot like 8, but the core motivations are quite different.

The motivations of CP6 and 8w9, on the surface and in practice, are very similar. The main difference is that CP6 does these things as a reaction, while 8s do these things as actions. CP6 reacts to its surroundings, looking for the most advantageous path. "What is the best choice? Which way is the most advantageous? Which will make me happiest?" ...and as a Counterphobic 6 "What must I do (overcome) to achieve this?" 8s simply take charge and attempt to force it until it submits, then get angry when it doesn't.

CP6s step up to taking authority when they feel they have to - usually because no one else is doing it right. 8s are already there whether or not those in authority were doing it right. CP6s tend to avoid obligation. 8s obligate themselves reflexively. CP6s take charge. 8s are already in charge.

When an 8 doubts they are an 8, it is when they read the description and think "I can't really be that much of a pushy bastard..." This is because 8s become more like 2s when they become healthy, and therefore focus more as much on 2 as part of their self image as 9 is part of the self image of 6. 8s often see themselves as benevolent protectors, and not the lustful domineering self-focused unyielding tyrannical angry bitches we actually are. And when we stop and think about it, the truth sucks... but we'd rather have the truth. If you don't tend to look at everything and everyone as a resource to command for your own power base or gratification, then you're not an 8. "Do you benefit me in some way? Can I fuck it, eat it, drink it, or use it to make money? Is this an opportunity to assert myself to show everyone who is in charge? No? Next."
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If you don't tend to look at everything and everyone as a resource to command for your own power base or gratification, then you're not an 8. "Do you benefit me in some way? Can I fuck it, eat it, drink it, or use it to make money? Is this an opportunity to assert myself to show everyone who is in charge? No? Next."

HAHAHA! I Love it!

Good work with the whole paragraph there VH.

...reminds me of this Chef I used to work for... There are a lot of 8's in the upper echelons of culinary. The modern kitchen is pretty medieval; there's fire, knives, and egomaniacal heads-of-state.
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Hmm, I could be a counter phobic six.

If it's any consolation, [MENTION=4487]Liesl[/MENTION] I see you more as a CP6. They are very close to 8s, but as VH said above the motivations are different. Your motivations are different enough that I'd see you more as a CP6 (probably w5).
You know what, I think you're likely right. All of you were rather insightful; thank you for that.

Why do you say I probably have a five wing, [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION]?
You know what, I think you're likely right. All of you were rather insightful; thank you for that.

Why do you say I probably have a five wing, [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION]?

Mostly, the 6w5s tend to be more introverted and more interested in "deep thoughts" and mechanical things (the whys and wherefores, and so forth). 6w7s tend to be more extroverted, and they're less concerned with why and they tend to have more impulsive behaviors. The 7-wing is more extroverted for the most part than the 5-wing. The core E6 will balance them. E6 tends to balance the introspection and the w7 tends to make the E6 more extroverted.

In people terms, a 6w7 is more like Sally Field and 6w5 is more like Michelle Pfeiffer. The ultimate Cp6w7 was Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman (when she was Catwoman). Woody Allen is a phobic six (probably 6w7) and Spike Lee is a counterphobic six (probably 6w5). Marilyn Monroe was a phobic 6, not sure what her wing may have been, though. She was a lot more intelligent in real life than her movies portray.

Mel Gibson is a counterphobic 6w5 as well. On the downside, but...yep. When a Cp6w5 has a meltdown it is nuclear and it can take out everyone near them. Cp6w7 meltdowns usually takes out themselves.